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Only one news from Fixed. Implemented a different patch that reads the active keyboard layout from X instead of reading from hal. Not everyone uses hal.
I tried gdm 2.28.1-2, it really reads active keybord. But problem still unsolved: if you don't use gnome, then you have only one keyboard layout defined in GDM, other you have to define by yourself, using setxkbmap.
So the 10-keymap.fdi is completly useless. For now I execute 'setxkbmap de' in the Gnome startup programs....
So the hal fdi policy is deprecated or how should I understand this stuff? Is evdev abandoned? Have we moved backwards to xorg.conf setup again? Or is it only Gnome that is uncapable of using evdev and fdi policies?
Luckily I don't use gdm, but my friend does. It was completely impossible to fix keyboard indicator during weekend on his install, so we installed gdm-old from AUR and fixed the keyboard indicator issues.
Further woes with gdm, it does not accept own background pics either, only themed and black works.