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anrxc wrote: …
awesome 3.4.1 with the On Screen Keyboard module.
Really awesome, could you share your rc.lua?
Everybody knows
This silver ladybug at line 28...
Awesome screenshots everybody! I'll play along and post mine.
The openbox theme is awesome with very few modifications, gtk theme: Nova-pink, terminal font: dina-medium, the wallpaper got it from the forums and changed the colors a little, icon theme: Nuovo, gtk font: ProFont 8, conky font: nu, and the greatest irssi theme i've ever seen I got from deviantart.
BTW, I was wondering... is it possible to pipe conky into tint2? like conky-cli into xmobar?
wayne wrote:anrxc wrote: …
awesome 3.4.1 with the On Screen Keyboard module.
Really awesome, could you share your rc.lua?
Everybody knows
Yes, his Awesome theme is quite famous now.
I just installed arch again over the weekend. I thieved the wall from someone a few pages back.
Last edited by pharcyde (2009-11-25 05:48:03)
dr0p wrote:I tried using the Lime font as you do in your configs, but urxvt simply won't load it. I dunno what to do ):
Make sure you have bitmap fonts enabled. For whatever reason, they are disabled by default.
I enabled them, but I'm still getting an error from urxvt saying the base fontset can't be loaded
Arch i686 User
xmonad :: xmobar :: urxvt :: vim
anrxc wrote:awesome 3.4.1 with the On Screen Keyboard module.
I wish one could customize the text font. Maybe it's just one line of code?
It uses the theme font by default. If you want a different one you can use the standard pango markup. For example changing line 55:
-- Old
--w.text = util.escape(tostring(i))
-- New, with pango markup
w.text = '<span font="sans 8">'..util.escape(tostring(i))..'</span>'
Everybody knows
Well, the module is hosted there and the title of the page spells in huge letters awesome-configs... I thought it will be obvious. I guess even that's not enough for some people, thanks for holding his hand.
Last edited by anrxc (2009-11-25 16:33:35)
You need to install an RTFM interface.
For the first time I'm fairly happy with my config considering the crappy resolution.
same here man. same res but looking at your pic i might shrink my font for openbox's titlebar to save space
WinterBook '08 - 10.6
Dell Dimension 5150 - Arch linux
There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so. ~ Shakespeare [Hamlet]
"You know what I found? Right in the kernel, in the heart of the operating system, I found a developer's comment that said, `Does this belong here?`" -- Simon Lok about Linux kernel in 2005
Reflections on the Strange and the not so Strange
Setting Up a Scripting Environment | Proud donor to wikipedia - link
Switched to wmii
Damn! I loved that scrollbar for gtk, would be awesome to port it to the firefox theme i'm using. Which gtk theme is it? thanks ;D
Using the old fvwm, with a very simple config. OpenBSD as usual.
great desktop... you always have that cool tiling style and doesn't help that i am a FAN of GITS also
Registered Linux user :#500622
"être fort pour être utile" (be strong to be useful) —Georges Hébert
"There is only Good people and Bad people, we should not be judged by Race, religion or sex but we should be judged by our deeds or actions." - Lindsey Irving
Xenokite aka Lycan
wayne wrote:anrxc wrote: …
awesome 3.4.1 with the On Screen Keyboard module.
Really awesome, could you share your rc.lua?
Everybody knows
Thanks very much! Now I am one of everybody.
I didn't realize that was my sepia colors until like 10 seconds of typing to ask for it
Yeah nice, your setup looks cute, and cool.
This silver ladybug at line 28...
capnmoney wrote:I didn't realize that was my sepia colors until like 10 seconds of typing to ask for it
Yeah nice, your setup looks cute, and cool.
Those are indeed your colors, thanks!
Hi guys! As my first post on this forum, here is a clean screenshot
very nice
Sorry for my bad english :-)
tjwoosta, what font is it?
Bauhaus Medium
Same Arch fluxbox setup that Ive had for about a year and a half, different wallpaper.
+1 for sleek fluxbox look
+1 for rare fluxbox screenshot
My iBook 300MHz that had been sitting around too long (still had Gnome 2.22 and Firefox 3). It was pretty good (with a very tweaked Gentoo on it). Decided to install a lighter desktop with Arch. Really liking this LXDE thing and Arch thing.
Last edited by Gen2ly (2009-11-27 08:51:31)
Setting Up a Scripting Environment | Proud donor to wikipedia - link
For the first time I'm fairly happy with my config considering the crappy resolution.
I have a quick question about the top panel on your screenshot. Is that conky-cli piped into a dzen2 statusbar? Or is it just a dzen2 statusbar? Either way, any chance you could post the configs for it?
Lswest <- the first letter of my username is a lowercase "L".
"...the Linux philosophy is "laugh in the face of danger". Oops. Wrong one. "Do it yourself". That's it." - Linus Torvalds