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I have a quick question about the top panel on your screenshot. Is that conky-cli piped into a dzen2 statusbar? Or is it just a dzen2 statusbar? Either way, any chance you could post the configs for it?
It's plain, simple conky
Haha, I feel silly now. I forgot you could set the background color of conky I always go for transparent. Thanks for the config I can never get my conky to stick to one line, maybe your config will help me fix that issue.
Lswest <- the first letter of my username is a lowercase "L".
"...the Linux philosophy is "laugh in the face of danger". Oops. Wrong one. "Do it yourself". That's it." - Linus Torvalds
Gnome Gone Grey
Full Size:
Full Size:
Gnome, Conky, WBar with icons I greyed in gimp
What is that wallpaper you have. its awesome!!
Now reborn as Tjh_ (to keep it similar to my username in other places)
What is this cool script with fishes in your terminal ? Is it animated? Where can I find it?
My iBook 300MHz that had been sitting around too long (still had Gnome 2.22 and Firefox 3). It was pretty good (with a very tweaked Gentoo on it). Decided to install a lighter desktop with Arch. Really liking this LXDE thing and Arch thing.
Looks good, what terminal?
Got Leenucks? :: Arch: Power in simplicity :: Get Counted! Registered Linux User #392717 :: Blog thingy
My iBook 300MHz that had been sitting around too long (still had Gnome 2.22 and Firefox 3). It was pretty good (with a very tweaked Gentoo on it). Decided to install a lighter desktop with Arch. Really liking this LXDE thing and Arch thing.
Nice shot. What icon and gtk themes are you using ? Also, can you share your panel configuration?
KDE in the big computer:
Everything related to appearance comes with default installation except smooth-tasks.
Stop the world, I get off...
Same Arch fluxbox setup that Ive had for about a year and a half, different wallpaper.
Verrry nice! I'd be very interested in your wallpaper and in your conkyrc
Last edited by robrene (2009-11-27 13:43:08)
capnmoney wrote:What is this cool script with fishes in your terminal ? Is it animated? Where can I find it?
Asciiquarium, I think it was on the screenshot thread a couple months ago.
This silver ladybug at line 28...
Same Arch fluxbox setup that Ive had for about a year and a half, different wallpaper.
Can I have this wallpaper?
It looks awesome.
"Arch Linux - One update away from learning chroot" - Griemak
tjwoosta wrote:Same Arch fluxbox setup that Ive had for about a year and a half, different wallpaper.
Verrry nice! I'd be very interested in your wallpaper and in your conkyrc
Can I have this wallpaper?
It looks awesome.
wallpaper … moodonly=1
.conkyrc was originally from here (it uses the gmail and arch-updates scripts from here just follow the readme included) … tent=52896
weather script for conky came from here, because the weatherget script that comes with the above .conkyrc no longer works.
and finally here is my modified .conkyrc (if your trying to set it up on your machine note that I also changed ~/scripts to ~/.scripts in the gmail and updates scripts because I wanted that folder hidden)
#avoid flicker
double_buffer yes
#own window to run simultanious 2 or more conkys
own_window yes
own_window_transparent no
own_window_type normal
own_window_hints undecorate,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager
draw_borders no
border_margin 1
draw_shades no
gap_x 0
gap_y 2
alignment top_center
update_interval 1
default_color 8f8f8f
#default_shade_color 000000
own_window_colour 262626
use_xft yes
xftfont BauhausMedium:pixelsize=10
#to prevent window from moving
use_spacer none
minimum_size 1280 0
mpd_host localhost
mpd_port 6600
${voffset -1}${alignc}Kernel: ${color e0e0e0}${font}$kernel${color} I Up: ${color e0e0e0}${font}${uptime_short}${color} I Processes: ${color e0e0e0}${font}$processes${color} I Running: ${color e0e0e0}${font}$running_processes${color} I Cpu: ${color e0e0e0}${font}${cpu}% @ ${freq}MHz${color} ${cpugraph 11,75} I Mem: ${color e0e0e0}${font}${mem} / $memmax - $memperc%${color} ${membar 7,75} I Net: ${color e0e0e0}${font}${downspeed wlan0}${color} ${downspeedgraph wlan0 11,75} ${totaldown wlan0} down${color} I ${color e0e0e0}${upspeed wlan0}${color} ${upspeedgraph wlan0 11,75} ${totalup wlan0} up${color}
${alignc}${color}Batt: ${color e0e0e0}${font}${battery_percent BAT1}%${color} I ${color}Temp: ${color e0e0e0}${font}${hwmon 1 temp 1} °C${color} I ${color}Filesystem /: ${color e0e0e0}${font}${fs_free /}${color} I Filesystem /home: ${color e0e0e0}${font}${fs_free /home}${color} I Arch Package Management: ${color e0e0e0}${font}${execi 300 perl /home/tj/.scripts/arch-updates/}${color} I Email: ${color e0e0e0}${execi 300 python /home/tj/.scripts/}${color} I ${color}Weather: ${color e0e0e0} ${execi 300 /home/tj/.scripts/ 03901}${color} I ${color}Now Playing: ${color e0e0e0}${font}${mpd_smart}
Last edited by tjwoosta (2009-11-27 19:33:58)
Looks good, what terminal?
Nice shot. What icon and gtk themes are you using ? Also, can you share your panel configuration?
That's the original lxpanel, actually. The theme is waydark, I put it on the AUR.
Setting Up a Scripting Environment | Proud donor to wikipedia - link
Rumor wrote:Gnome Gone Grey
Gnome, Conky, WBar with icons I greyed in gimp
What is that wallpaper you have. its awesome!!
The wallpaper is called "Time" and is from this site: … wallpapers
Smarter than a speeding bullet
My Goodreads profile
GraveyardPC, what's the calendar and what's the file manager on your screenshot?
GraveyardPC, what's the calendar and what's the file manager on your screenshot?
calendar app is calcurse, and the file manager is mc.
"You know what I found? Right in the kernel, in the heart of the operating system, I found a developer's comment that said, `Does this belong here?`" -- Simon Lok about Linux kernel in 2005
Reflections on the Strange and the not so Strange
"You know what I found? Right in the kernel, in the heart of the operating system, I found a developer's comment that said, `Does this belong here?`" -- Simon Lok about Linux kernel in 2005
Reflections on the Strange and the not so Strange
i like how you have an input box at the top. nice!