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Codeblock, your setup is gorgeous! Any chance I could take a peek at your Irssi config?
Switched to DWM over the weekend... my WIP:
Mind sharing that incredible wallpaper, in the best resolution you have, and where you got it?
Codeblock, your setup is gorgeous! Any chance I could take a peek at your Irssi config?
Switched to DWM over the weekend... my WIP:
Looks like it's going along well enough. Any chance you'd share that wallpaper of yours?
And um... What are Destruction, Gluttony, and Entropy?
Last edited by alexandrite (2009-12-01 21:56:54)
What script is that?
its a custom setup, ill post the config
firstly, you need inxi
secondly, I made an alias
alias info=" perl /home/ender/scripts/;inxi -v5 - if multicore detected, create new frequency line, per cpu"
and thirdly, I have the perl script
use Switch;
use strict;
use File::Basename;
## Config options ##
## What distro logo to use to use, Available "Archlinux Debian Ubuntu None" ##
my $distro = "Archlinux";
my $myArchVersion = "ArchLinux (2009.08)";
## what values to display. Use "OS Kernel DE WM win_theme Theme Font Icons" ##
my $display = "OS Kernel DE WM Win_theme Theme Icons Font Background";
## Takes a screen shot if set to 0 ##
my $shot = 1;
## Command to run to take screen shot ##
#my $command = "scrot -d 10";
## What colors to use for the variables. ##
my $textcolor = "\e[0m";
## Prints little debugging messages if set to 0 ##
my $quite = 1;
## Script starts here ##
## Define some thing to work with strict ##
my @line = ();
my $found = 0;
my $DE = "NONE";
my $WM = "Beryl";
## Hash of WMs and the process they run ##
my %WMlist = ("Beryl", "beryl",
"Fluxbox", "fluxbox",
"Openbox", "openbox",
"Blackbox", "blackbox",
"Xfwm4", "xfwm4",
"Metacity", "metacity",
"Kwin", "kwin",
"FVWM", "fvwm",
"Enlightenment", "enlightenment",
"IceWM", "icewm",
"Window Maker", "wmaker",
"PekWM","pekwm" );
## Hash of DEs and the process they run ##
my %DElist = ("Gnome", "gnome-session",
"Xfce4", "xfce-mcs-manage",
"KDE", "ksmserver");
## Get Kernel version ##
if ( $display =~ "Kernel"){
print "\::$textcolor Finding Kernel version\n" unless $quite == 1;
my $kernel = `uname -r`;
$kernel =~ s/\s+/ /g;
$kernel = " Kernel:$textcolor $kernel";
push(@line, "$kernel");
## Find running processes ##
print "\::$textcolor Getting processes \n" unless $quite == 1;
my $processes = `ps -A | awk {'print \$4'}`;
## Find DE ##
while( (my $DEname, my $DEprocess) = each(%DElist) ) {
print "\::$textcolor Testing $DEname process: $DEprocess \n" unless $quite == 1;
if ( $processes =~ m/$DEprocess/ ) {
$DE = $DEname;
print "\::$textcolor DE found as $DE\n" unless $quite == 1;
if( $display =~ m/DE/ ) {
push(@line, " DE:$textcolor $DE");
## Find WM ##
while( (my $WMname, my $WMprocess) = each(%WMlist) ) {
print "\::$textcolor Testing $WMname process: $WMprocess \n" unless $quite == 1;
if ( $processes =~ m/$WMprocess/ ) {
$WM = $WMname;
print "\::$textcolor WM found as $WM\n" unless $quite == 1;
if( $display =~ m/WM/ ) {
push(@line, " WM:$textcolor $WM");
## Find WM theme ##
if ( $display =~ m/Win_theme/ ){
switch($WM) {
case "Openbox" {
print "\::$textcolor Finding $WM theme\n" unless $quite == 1;
open(FILE, "$ENV{HOME}/.config/openbox/rc.xml")
|| die "\e[0;31m<Failed>\n";
while( <FILE> ) {
if( /<name>(.+)<\/name>/ ) {
while ( $found == 0 ) {
print "\::$textcolor $WM theme found as $1\n" unless $quite == 1;
push(@line, " WM Theme:$textcolor $1");
$found = 1;
case "Metacity" {
print "\::$textcolor Finding $WM theme\n" unless $quite == 1;
my $gconf = `gconftool-2 -g /apps/metacity/general/theme`;
print "\::$textcolor $WM theme found as $gconf\n" unless $quite == 1;
chomp ($gconf);
push(@line, " WM Theme:$textcolor $gconf");
case "Fluxbox" {
print "\::$textcolor Finding $WM theme\n" unless $quite == 1;
open(FILE, "$ENV{HOME}/.fluxbox/init")
|| die "\e[0;31m<Failed>\n";
while( <FILE> ) {
if( /session.styleFile:.*\/(.+)/ ) {
print "\::$textcolor $WM theme found as $1\n" unless $quite == 1;
push(@line, " WM Theme:$textcolor $1");
case "Blackbox" {
print "\::$textcolor Finding $WM theme\n" unless $quite == 1;
open(FILE, "$ENV{HOME}/.blackboxrc")
|| die "\e[0;31m<Failed>\n";
while( <FILE> ) {
if( /session.styleFile:.*\/(.+)/ ) {
print "\::$textcolor $WM theme found as $1\n" unless $quite == 1;
push(@line, " WM Theme:$textcolor $1");
case "Xfwm4" {
print "\::$textcolor Finding $WM theme\n" unless $quite == 1;
open(FILE, "$ENV{HOME}/.config/xfce4/mcs_settings/xfwm4.xml")
|| die "\e[0;31m<Failed>\n";
while( <FILE> ) {
if( /<option name="Xfwm\/ThemeName" type="string" value="(.+)"\/>/ ) {
print "\::$textcolor $WM theme found as $1\n" unless $quite == 1;
push(@line, " WM Theme:$textcolor $1");
case "Kwin" {
print "\::$textcolor Finding $WM theme\n" unless $quite == 1;
open(FILE, "$ENV{HOME}/.kde/share/config/kwinrc")
|| die "\e[0;31m<Failed>\n";
while( <FILE> ) {
if( /PluginLib=kwin3_(.+)/ ) {
print "\::$textcolor $WM theme found as $1\n" unless $quite == 1;
push(@line, " WM Theme:$textcolor $1");
case "Enlightenment" {
print "\::$textcolor Finding $WM theme\n" unless $quite == 1;
my $remote = `enlightenment_remote -theme-get theme` ;
if( $remote =~ m/.*FILE="(.+).edj"/ ) {
print "\::$textcolor $WM theme found as $1\n" unless $quite == 1;
push(@line, " WM Theme:$textcolor $1");
case "IceWM" {
print "\::$textcolor Finding $WM theme\n" unless $quite == 1;
open(FILE, "$ENV{HOME}/.icewm/theme")
|| die "\e[0;31m<Failed>\n";
while( <FILE> ) {
if( /Theme="(.+)\/.*.theme/ ) {
while( $found == 0 ) {
print "\::$textcolor $WM theme found as $1\n" unless $quite == 1;
push(@line, " WM Theme:$textcolor $1");
$found = 1;
case "PekWM" {
print "\::$textcolor Finding $WM theme\n" unless $quite == 1;
open(FILE, "$ENV{HOME}/.pekwm/config")
|| die "\e[0;31m<Failed>\n";
while( <FILE> ) {
if( /Theme.*\/(.*)"/ ) {
print "\::$textcolor $WM theme found as $1\n" unless $quite == 1;
push(@line, " WM Theme:$textcolor $1");
## Find Theme Icon and Font ##
if ( $display =~ m/[Theme, Icons, Font, Background]/) {
switch($DE) {
case "Gnome" {
print "\::$textcolor Finding $DE variables\n" unless $quite == 1;
if ( $display =~ m/Theme/ ) {
my $gconf = `gconftool-2 -g /desktop/gnome/interface/gtk_theme`;
chomp ($gconf);
print "\::$textcolor GTK Theme found as $1\n" unless $quite == 1;
push(@line, " GTK Theme:$textcolor $gconf");
if ( $display =~ m/Icons/ ) {
my $gconf = `gconftool-2 -g /desktop/gnome/interface/icon_theme`;
chomp ($gconf);
push(@line, " Icons:$textcolor $gconf");
if ( $display =~ m/Font/ ) {
my $gconf = `gconftool-2 -g /desktop/gnome/interface/font_name`;
chomp ($gconf);
push(@line, " Font:$textcolor $gconf");
if ( $display =~ m/Background/ ) {
my $gconf = `gconftool-2 -g /desktop/gnome/background/picture_filename`;
chomp ($gconf);
my $bname = basename($gconf);
push(@line, " Background:$textcolor $bname");
case "Xfce4" {
my @sort = ();
print "\::$textcolor Finding $DE variables\n" unless $quite == 1;
open(FILE, "$ENV{HOME}/.config/xfce4/mcs_settings/gtk.xml")
|| die "\e[0;31m<Failed>\n";
while( <FILE> ) {
if ( $display =~ m/Theme/ ) {
if (/<option name="Net\/ThemeName" type="string" value="(.+)"\/>/ ) {
print "\::$textcolor GTK Theme found as $1\n" unless $quite == 1;
unshift(@sort, " GTK Theme:$textcolor $1");
if ( $display =~ m/Icons/ ) {
if (/<option name="Net\/IconThemeName" type="string" value="(.+)"\/>/ ) {
print "\::$textcolor Icons found as $1\n" unless $quite == 1;
unshift(@sort, " Icons:$textcolor $1");
if ( $display =~ m/Font/ ) {
if ( /<option name="Gtk\/FontName" type="string" value="(.+)"\/>/ ) {
print "\::$textcolor Font found as $1\n" unless $quite == 1;
unshift(@sort, " Font:$textcolor $1");
## Sort variables so they're ordered "Theme Icon Font" ##
foreach my $i (@sort) {
push(@line, "$i");
case "KDE" {
print "\::$textcolor Finding $DE variables\n" unless $quite == 1;
open(FILE, "$ENV{HOME}/.kde/share/config/kdeglobals")
|| die "\e[0;31m<Failed>\n";
while( <FILE> ) {
if ( $display =~ m/Theme/ ) {
if ( /widgetStyle=(.+)/ ) {
print "\::$textcolor Wiget Style found as $1\n" unless $quite == 1;
push(@line, " Wiget Style:$textcolor $1");
if (/colorScheme=(.+).kcsrc/ ) {
print "\::$textcolor Color Scheme found as $1\n" unless $quite == 1;
push(@line, " Color Scheme:$textcolor $1");
if ( $display =~ m/Icons/ ) {
if ( /Theme=(.+)/ ) {
print "\::$textcolor Icons found as $1\n" unless $quite == 1;
push(@line, " Icons:$textcolor $1");
if ( $display =~ m/Font/ ) {
if ( /font=(.+)/ ) {
my $font = (split/,/, $1)[0];
print "\::$textcolor Font found as $font\n" unless $quite == 1;
push(@line, " Font:$textcolor $font");
else {
my @files = ("$ENV{HOME}/.gtkrc-2.0", "$ENV{HOME}/.gtkrc.mine",);
foreach my $file (@files) {
if ( -e $file ) {
print "\::$textcolor Opening $file\n" unless $quite == 1;
open(FILE, $file)
|| die "\e[0;31m<Failed>\n";
while( <FILE> ) {
if ( $display =~ m/Theme/ ) {
if( /include ".*themes\/(.+)\/gtk-(1|2)\.0\/gtkrc"/ ){
print "\::$textcolor GTK theme found as $1\n" unless $quite == 1;
push(@line, " GTK Theme:$textcolor $1");
if ( $display =~ m/Icons/ ) {
if( /.*gtk-icon-theme-name.*"(.+)"/ ) {
print "\::$textcolor Icons found as $1\n" unless $quite == 1;
push(@line, " Icons:$textcolor $1");
if ( $display =~ m/Font/ ) {
if( /.*gtk-font-name.*"(.+)"/ ) {
print "\::$textcolor Font found as $1\n" unless $quite == 1;
push(@line, " Font:$textcolor $1");
## Display the system info ##
if ( $distro =~ m/Archlinux/ ) {
## Get Archlinux version ##
if ( $display =~ "OS"){
print "\::$textcolor Finding Archlinux version\n" unless $quite == 1;
my $version = $myArchVersion;
$version =~ s/\s+/ /g;
$version = " OS:$textcolor $version";
unshift(@line, "$version");
my $c1 = "\e[1;36m";
my $c2 = "\e[0;36m";
print "
${c1} -`
${c1} .o+`
${c1} `ooo/
${c1} `+oooo:
${c1} `+oooooo:
${c1} -+oooooo+:
${c1} `/:-:++oooo+: $c1@line[0]
${c1} `/++++/+++++++: $c1@line[1]
${c1} `/++++++++++++++: $c1@line[2]
${c1} `/+++${c2}ooooooooooooo/` $c1@line[3]
${c2} ./ooosssso++osssssso+` $c1@line[4]
${c2} .oossssso-````/ossssss+` $c1@line[5]
${c2} -osssssso. :ssssssso. $c1@line[6]
${c2} :osssssss/ osssso+++. $c1@line[7]
${c2} /ossssssss/ +ssssooo/- $c1@line[8]
${c2} `/ossssso+/:- -:/+osssso+-
${c2} `+sso+:-` `.-/+oso:
${c2} `++:. `-/+/
${c2} .` ``
#system("scrot -d 1");
You might want to change the alias around a bit, like point it to where you save your perl script etc..
Last edited by 3nd3r (2009-12-01 20:26:10)
Proud Arch i686 & x86_64 User
Share your knowledge!
Arch Linux Forum Etiquette
d'oh didnt read previous post. dig the colors
Last edited by toxygen (2009-12-01 19:28:02)
"I know what you're thinking, 'cause right now I'm thinking the same thing. Actually, I've been thinking it ever since I got here:
Why oh why didn't I take the BLUE pill?"
milomouse, what text browser is that?
I want to also get away from gui apps, just want Swiftfox(with Vimperator).
Thanks and greetings.
Smoov as silk
@skwid, thanks mate
OS: Arch Linux
Panel: BMPanel2
Skins: Updated version of Lakrits, I will post links when it will be uploaded (probably tomorrow).
Conky: Conky - Mira
I don't remember from where I have this wallpaper from
Last edited by weakhead (2009-12-01 20:48:48)
OS: Arch Linux
Panel: BMPanel2
Skins: Updated version of Lakrits, I will post links when it will be uploaded (probably tomorrow).
Conky: Conky - Mira
I don't remember from where I have this wallpaper from
rly nice!
Is that uzbl/surf? Just was wondering if there is any X web browser that behaves like lynx&co
milomouse, what text browser is that?
I want to also get away from gui apps, just want Swiftfox(with Vimperator).
It's w3m, I just built it from ABS. I compiled it without image support though, otherwise it comes with image display into your console/terminal using imlib2.
./configure --disable-image
The imaging is kind of neat but I wanted a strictly text browser hence I disabled it.. NOTE: It appears to load slightly longer than other text browsers like Links, Lynx, Netrik, etc.. but that's because it actually loads the page before displaying it whereas the others usually display it AS it's loading, which may cause unwanted display changes. I personally don't mind the extra few seconds of waiting. It's also very customizable. Just read the MANUAL from their website/from the source tarbell. I can add scripts just like in Uzbl but in .cgi format, having custom actions, commands, etc.
Last edited by milomouse (2009-12-02 00:08:10)
To those who requested: here's my wallpaper, clean and original:
Source is 4chan, of all places. Thanks to another member on the forums, I've been blindly scraping wg (and b, oh god help me) 2-3 times a day and weeding through metric buttloads of, well... you know. I get a few gems out of each pass.
Another by (presumably) the same author, but not nearly as cool:
edit: oops, almost forgot.
What are Destruction, Gluttony, and Entropy?
Names I've given to my hard drives. Back when I used Windows, I had Chaos, Destruction, Entropy and Fallacy, rather than C D E and F. Carried them over to Linux because it was familiar to me in the way I stored my data. Gluttony's my newest drive, and 1TB. Seemed like a fitting name.
Last edited by falconindy (2009-12-02 00:08:00)
@3nd3r: thanks
aur S & M :: forum rules :: Community Ethos
Resources for Women, POC, LGBT*, and allies
milomouse, oh i see.
Thanks and greetings.
gnu on google images on w3m on dwm 46MB ram
Was playing around with Photoshop and ended up with a wallpaper. Still working on my terminal color scheme.
Offline playing around with Photoshop and ended up with a wallpaper. Still working on my terminal color scheme.
Hmm. I've never used Imageshack before or posted a screenshot, but here's my try at it.
XMonad, xmobar, three screens (cropped it to just the main screen in one). Not really running anything interesting... Thunderbird, HuluDesktop, Firefox, couple of urxvtc's... GHCI, vim.
I would post a clean picture, but I don't really have anything setup as my background at the moment. I used to have all sorts of odd backgrounds I used before I switched to xinerama, but since I seldom see the desktop these days, I haven't bothered combining several together to make a pleasing backdrop. I keep meaning to use bacteria to set something up, but it doesn't matter since I see my background for about 2 secs during loading X-windows, and otherwise have various combinations of full-screen using apps tiled aboot.
To understand recursion, you must understand recursion.
trying to weed out gtk stuff and uzbl is the only app i have that needs gtk.
kind of annoying. maybe an fltk port.. *cough cough* nah.. hopefully just xlib.
that's odd, I've been thinking about this all day...
on topic, here's a dwm shot I took a day or two ago
check this out
Very nice! Could you tell something about your configuration?
The line at the top of your screen is the menu of the programs, isn't it?
How did you manage that in xfce? Which window-theme are you using
and which iconset at the bottom (the black and white one)?
Still using XMonad and struggling with Haskell. I am improving though.
Not much new wm wise.
* Another status bar on the bottom of the left screen showing installed package versions.
* New wallpapers.
Applications: htop, vifm, tig, pydf and vim with vim-outliner.
Finally have my configs online, well a couple to start with anyway.