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I am a newby with Arch but I am very pleased with this clean distro.
One question regarding ACPI - not necessarily specific for Arch:
I use a P4-M in a laptop (HT support, self compiled SMP vanilla Kernel 2.6.10) and ACPI. I noticed that if I _turn on_ the computer, the fan works continueously without any change in speed. If I _reboot_ then ACPI seems to notice that the CPU is cool enough and slows down/speeds up the fan according to load/heat.
So I have the feeling I always have to reboot to get ACPI fan control to work. Is there a way out? BIOS settings? "Restart" ACPI?
Thanks for any comments!
Ok...I have googled around a lot concerning this issue. Maybe this helps others, too (at least the german people around):
NB: Take a look at the scripts. I find them VERY useful for my notebook. As to my very problem from above: it seems you have to turn the fans on (although they are roaring like hell) before ACPI really controls them. So you could use the script 'fan' or 'silence' (maybe you have to make some modifications) to do that after (re-)booting. Works well for me now.
wow, nice scripts... great find
I'll look through them and test them out when I get internet back...
Pages: 1