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Is there a program out there that lets you synthesize key and mouse input in x windows (maybe with xtest extension?). The reason I ask is because I'm used to this capability in windows, and I used it and a program called Autohotkey to write a Vim-mode for windows - ie, you can use basic movement, mode, and a few ex commands in all windows programs, use :bn instead of alt-tab, etc. I think this would be ace on linux, especially since I use ion. Really all I need is the ability to synthesis the input, ion has a great keygrabber (if a bit cryptic, I still haven't figured out all this lua stuff). If there isn't one, maybe pointers to helpful programming resources would be useful too, in case I get motivated.
I don't think I understand - WM keygrabbers can replicate this functionality - why do you need to simulate inputs?
for instance, in WMI, you can set up an input for :,b,n to do "client-next" (similar for bp)... or even just alias client-next to ":bn" ...
i'm pretty sure you can do the same thing in fluxbox, and most likely ion too (never messed with it much)
I think you're interperating it as "if I hit X-Y-Z, I want it to actually do ALT+TAB", but that's not the way normal window managers work... they usually have a lookup type thing where it says "Ok, he hit ALT+TAB, let me lookup what I need to do" - most WMs have the ability to replace entries in that lookup...
ion config looks kinda like this
submap("ESC", {
submap(":", {
submap("b", {
kpress("n", WScreen.switch_next),
kpress("p", WScreen.switch_prev),
yes it's complicated, but that defines the key-chain "ESC, :, b, n" to cycle window next and previous
I know I can do that, that's not the point. The point is to be able to "wrap" the hotkeys for other applications. When I hit :e in my windows vimmode, it sends Ctrl-O to the application. This is usually the open hotkey. If a application has a different key for that, I can simply add a IfWinActive and a different Send string.
I think you focused on the wrong example.
See what I mean now?
I know I can do that, that's not the point. The point is to be able to "wrap" the hotkeys for other applications. When I hit :e in my windows vimmode, it sends Ctrl-O to the application. This is usually the open hotkey. If a application has a different key for that, I can simply add a IfWinActive and a different Send string.
I think you focused on the wrong example.
See what I mean now?
ah, ok, I understand a bit better...
but isnt it easier just to learn new hotkeys... there's like hundreds of apps out there...
Yeah I know I'm being lazy, maybe the vim thing was a bad example. It's really a mindset thing. In windows I know I can automate gui actions, and have done so to great effect. I've got some powerful scripts running the improve the power of my interface (litestep) and other programs that I use constantly. The linux side of it is that I don't really need to. 99% of gui stuff can be done from the cli (which I'm perfectly comfortable with, it's rare to see something other than aterms and such open on my linux box). I'll admit I just need to change my mindset a bit . I was really just curious if there was such a program out there to play with.
BTW, anyone who needs to use windows, for work or whatever, should really check out Autohotkey. It can really make your life easier. It's gpled and the author and the crew on the forums (including me on occasion) are helpful people.
Hmmm, now let me think - this should be possible to replicate under X windows... xev knows how to trap events *yoink*, I believe there's an XLib "Send Input" function *yoink*... *throws code in a pot and stirs* - it might not actually be that difficult... maybe you should bring it up to the AutoHotKey guys?
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