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There was a topic a while ago asking if you use a regular mail client or webmail. Now, personally I use both Gmail and a little bit of Thunderbird, but I'd like to find a nicer way of getting notified of new mails, both when it comes to IMAP and POP3 accounts.
So the question is; how you check for new mails? Do you just leave Thunderbird running, or Gmail constantly open in a tab in your browser? Or maybe some nifty notifier, some sublime script or some glorius gadget? Please tell us all about it .
I use kdemod3, using kmail, which has built-in new mail notification (as far as I know it doesnt tell you what accounts have what, just a number of new messages, which is all I need). I believe kmail in kde 4 is similar.
"I know what you're thinking, 'cause right now I'm thinking the same thing. Actually, I've been thinking it ever since I got here:
Why oh why didn't I take the BLUE pill?"
My thunderbird keeps running all the time on my second workspace. And i have the xfce4 mailwatch plugin running in my panel.
I use claws-mail which have a nice system tray and notifies me when I get new mail, but looking to replace it with thunderbird 3. Just waiting for the 64 bits build.
masterLoki - Trying to understand the universe
i always have gmail open in a browser. usually when i turn on my computer i'll load up gmail in elinks, and just refresh every now and then. i don't get a lot of mail (important or unimportant), so this works fine for me
I've seen young people waste their time reading books about sensitive vampires. It's kinda sad. But you say it's not the end of the world... Well, maybe it is!
I used to check gmail/google reader/social websites every five minutes, that really wasted me a lot of time. So I wrote my own program to track new mails in gmail and other stuff. If I see a new mail arrives, I click on the link. It's not a notifier but more like a reader of updates. Here is a screenshot of it:
i use mutt/offlineimap/msmtp as my mail setup. offlineimap syncs every 1hr & i use conky to show new msgs in dzen.
"First learn computer science and all the theory. Next develop a programming style. Then forget all that and just hack." ~ George Carrette
Similar to vik_k, I use offlineimap and conky to show new messages.
Allan-Volunteer on the (topic being discussed) mailn lists. You never get the people who matters attention on the forums.
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Griemak-Bleeding edge, not bleeding flat. Edge denotes falls will occur from time to time. Bring your own parachute.
I use evolution and I have it placed in tray with evolution-tray:
If someone is eager to try x86_64 build for mozilla thunderbird 3 I have it here (for gtk2 and lightning plugin included - static build) … d3.tar.bz2
Just unpack it to /opt
I am another who uses kmail.
The software required Windows XP or better, so I installed archlinux.
thunderbird open with notifications turned on and firetray displaying number of unread messages.
If you use KDE there are two programs that I know of that provide system tray notifications: kcheckgmail and kgmailnotifier.
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I dont use any mail client, I just manually use my web browser to check for mail every 20 minutes or so.
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i use kmail(through kontact) in order to send/receive mails for four email accounts. I always have it in system tray open, auto checking for new emails.
Mikes on AUR
I use my personal tracking device for notification of new emails.
I have a small python script that I wrote that returns the # of unread messages. I tied that in with conky and have it refresh every 5 minutes. Then on top of that I usually of the thunderbird notifications.
Gmail checker extension on Chromium.
For personal mail: gmail always open, with the "Title tweaks" lab feature on so I can see the unread count.
For work mail: alpine always open, with urxvt set to "urgentOnBell" and a WM (awesome) that produces prominent WM_URGENT indication. (This may sound like overkill, but it's basically my job to answer email immediately.)
I use checkgmail to check my main gmail account. Most of my other email accounts forward emails from contacts to that account, so it's the only one I really need to check. I also have a gmail-check script run in conky which displays unread messages too. Besides that, I used to use Mutt for a mail client, but I no longer do (simply found myself using the web interface on gmail more than mutt).
Lswest <- the first letter of my username is a lowercase "L".
"...the Linux philosophy is "laugh in the face of danger". Oops. Wrong one. "Do it yourself". That's it." - Linus Torvalds
gnubiff-gtk from [community]
I'm currently using a litte shellscript, which I have to manually run:
#This script only supports maildirs.
local _MAIL="${HOME}/.mail"
local md
local cnt
local total
for md in $_MAIL/*; do
cnt="$(ls $md/new/ | wc -l)"
[[ $cnt > 0 ]] && echo "$(basename $md): $cnt"
(( total = total + cnt ))
if [[ $total > 0 ]]; then
echo "Total: $total"
echo "No new mail"
Last edited by rscholer (2009-12-11 05:48:36)
I have been looking for a decent notifier as well.
See "pacman -Ss gmail".
I tried them, I tried Specto as well and finally ended up using Checkgmail. Mostly because of security reasons, it was the only one using gnome keyrings, I do not want my passwd stored in clear text somewhere. I also have pidgin buddy list open on the side of my desktop all the time, and it is able to notify you of gmail emails as well.
Another Claws Mail user here.
Emacs + Gnus is my MUA. For notifications I use fetchmail running as a cron-job, gnus-demon, and some elisp to format everything for xmobar.
A cron-ed python script checks my 2 gmail accounts every 20 minutes. The number of unread emails (if any) is shown with a notification and a number overlayed oved the thunderbird icon (like in OS X' dock).
It looks like this:
Otherwise I use Thunderbird 3 to read/write emails.
There are two types of people in this world - those who can count to 10 by using their fingers, and those who can count to 1023.