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currently I'm setting up my workstation and don't know if I should make separate partitions or files for /tmp and /var. I would prefer to make files and mount them, because it will give me more flexibility if I have to resize them, but I have no experience with that. So my questions are:
Is there any big performance or other issue by making a tmp- and varfile?
How big should they be?
Which filesystem should be used?
btw, with file I mean:
dd if=/dev/null of=/dev/tmp_part (bs=... count=...)
mkfs.ext4 /dev/tmp_part
in fstab:
/dev/tmp_part /tmp ext4 defaults,noexec,nosuid,noatime(,loop?) 0 0
I have heard of people using a file for swap but not for var or tmp. If I was you I would look into lvm. It will give you the flexibility you want.
For filesystems I have been using ext4 since it was included in Arch Linux. Before that I used ext3. They are solid choices. If you go with lvm and leave a little space spare you can always switch from extX to jfs, xfs, etc if you find a need.
Size? Best way is to look at an existing install that *you* use and go by that. There have been a couple of threads about this in the past. Here is one.
thanks for the help.
lvm ... already forgot about that
For the filesystem I will stick with ext4. Only thought that journaling on tmp maybe unneeded, and therefor use ext2.
currently I'm setting up my workstation and don't know if I should make separate partitions or files for /tmp and /var. I would prefer to make files and mount them, because it will give me more flexibility if I have to resize them, but I have no experience with that. So my questions are:
Is there any big performance or other issue by making a tmp- and varfile?
How big should they be?
Which filesystem should be used?btw, with file I mean:
dd if=/dev/null of=/dev/tmp_part (bs=... count=...) mkfs.ext4 /dev/tmp_part
in fstab:
/dev/tmp_part /tmp ext4 defaults,noexec,nosuid,noatime(,loop?) 0 0
I would recommend ext3, just because it's stable and does have journaling.
To make it, use
dd if=/dev/zero of=/virtpartitions/tmp bs=1M count=NUMBER_OF_MEGABYTES # There is a difference between /dev/null and /dev/zero :)
mkfs.ext3 /virtpartitions/tmp
In fstab
/virtpartitions/tmp /tmp ext3 defaults,noatime,loop 0 0
/.loop/var.reiserfs /var reiserfs noatime,nodiratime,loop 0 0
They say that if you play a Win cd backward you hear satanic messages. That's nothing! 'cause if you play it forwards, it installs windows.