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Better FPS and heaps more stability
I find this disturbing
You honestly get more FPS from running 3D games in VMware/Virtualbox than playing them in Wine?
Games are playable now in VirtualBox?
It's commercial software with 3d-accel
You honestly get more FPS from running 3D games in VMware/Virtualbox than playing them in Wine?
As you're probably well aware, Wine isn't always the best solution. I've tweaked my guest OS (all the way down to IRQs) to the point where 3D output gets highest priority. That, coupled with the fact that my Windows 7 is essentially an empty shell (save for those apps you see) provides for a near-native experience. The underlying OS and active apps don't take up much resources at all. I plan on doing a writeup for the guest OS tweaks, but I've got a few bugs to iron out (I'd need to restart X session after using the guest.. but that's no biggy as most of my apps re-attach via screen anyway.
Wow, I'd like to see how you set that up! I'd love to use virtualization instead of wine. And yes, I have 3GB of RAM, so I should be good there
17:23 < ConSiGno> yeah baby I release the source code with your mom every night
17:24 < ConSiGno> you could call them nightly builds if you know what I mean
kdar wrote:Games are playable now in VirtualBox?
It's commercial software with 3d-accel
not sure if by that you mean virtualbox, but both the binary and open source edition are free, so i'm not sure i'd call it commercial
btw, how did you optimize the interrupt requests priority?
kdar wrote:Games are playable now in VirtualBox?
It's commercial software with 3d-accel
karabaja4 wrote:You honestly get more FPS from running 3D games in VMware/Virtualbox than playing them in Wine?
As you're probably well aware, Wine isn't always the best solution. I've tweaked my guest OS (all the way down to IRQs) to the point where 3D output gets highest priority. That, coupled with the fact that my Windows 7 is essentially an empty shell (save for those apps you see) provides for a near-native experience. The underlying OS and active apps don't take up much resources at all. I plan on doing a writeup for the guest OS tweaks, but I've got a few bugs to iron out (I'd need to restart X session after using the guest.. but that's no biggy as most of my apps re-attach via screen anyway.
It would be totally sweet if you could write a tutorial on how to do that. Keep me posted if you do. This could potentially switch my brother (who is an avid gamer) to linux!
How's my programming? Call 1-800-DEV-NULL
Current Screen
Color scheme is nothing more than tango, which should be available all over the place. I am posting it here again anyway.
! Black
*color0: #000000
*color8: #555753
! Red
*color1: #ff6565
*color9: #ff8d8d
! Green
*color2: #93d44f
*color10: #c8e7a8
! Yellow
*color3: #eab93d
*color11: #ffc123
! Blue
*color4: #204a87
*color12: #3465a4
! Mangenta
*color5: #ce5c00
*color13: #f57900
! Cyan
*color6: #89b6e2
*color14: #46a4ff
! White
*color7: #cccccc
*color15: #ffffff
Last edited by Daisuke_Aramaki (2009-12-20 18:26:16)
"You know what I found? Right in the kernel, in the heart of the operating system, I found a developer's comment that said, `Does this belong here?`" -- Simon Lok about Linux kernel in 2005
Reflections on the Strange and the not so Strange
Current Screen
Always love your shots. Does this particular screenshot reflect the config files currently in your GitHub?
Last edited by noclue (2009-12-20 18:03:40)
Daisuke_Aramaki wrote:Current Screen
Always love your shots. Does this particular screenshot reflect the config files currently in your GitHub?
Thanks. My github hasn't been updated for quite a while. Will do it over the Xmas holidays. in the meantime if you need anything just let me know, I can post them right here.
"You know what I found? Right in the kernel, in the heart of the operating system, I found a developer's comment that said, `Does this belong here?`" -- Simon Lok about Linux kernel in 2005
Reflections on the Strange and the not so Strange
noclue wrote:Daisuke_Aramaki wrote:Current Screen
Always love your shots. Does this particular screenshot reflect the config files currently in your GitHub?
Thanks. My github hasn't been updated for quite a while. Will do it over the Xmas holidays. in the meantime if you need anything just let me know, I can post them right here.
Sure, I'd love to see your .Xdefaults. Thanks!
Current Screen
Can you also share that Its so crazy its awesome.
How's my programming? Call 1-800-DEV-NULL
Sure, I'd love to see your .Xdefaults. Thanks!
Done. Check my submission again. cheers.
"You know what I found? Right in the kernel, in the heart of the operating system, I found a developer's comment that said, `Does this belong here?`" -- Simon Lok about Linux kernel in 2005
Reflections on the Strange and the not so Strange
MreDD wrote:ClickMe: same ole shit - WMii-hg and some apps
been a couple months since ive dropped a screenshot.
WMii-hg, urxvt, screen, vim, moc, conkeror, weechat.3
Very nice. And great to see another Conkeror fan. Care to share the theme?
eeehh theme.. it's just the dark forums css. i cant seem to find the thread it was from.
@namespace url(;
@-moz-document domain("") {
#brdheader .box, #punredirect.pun{
background-image: url( !important;
background: url( top left #111111 !important;}
td.tcl, td.tcr, #idx1>.box, #idx2>.box, #idx3>.box, #idx4>.box,
#brdstats.block>.box, #brdfooter.block>.box, #vf.blocktable>.box, .box>form,
.rowodd>.box>.inbox, .roweven>.box>.inbox, .roweven>.box, .rowodd>.box, h2,
.fakeform, #searchform.blockform>.box, .pun>.blockform>.box,
#users1.blocktable>.box,.block2col >.blockmenu >.box, .rowodd, .roweven,
#postpreview.blockpost>.box, #punredirect.pun>.block>.box>.inbox,
#punredirect.pun>.block>.box, #helpfile>.box{
background-color: #0a0a0a !important;
border-color: #686868 !important}
th.tcl, th.tcr, .tc2, .tc3, blockquote, .codebox, .infldset>dl>dd{
background-color: #191717 !important;
border-color: #686868 !important}
.tcl, .tc3, .tc2, .tcr, dd, dd>a:hover, .tcr>a:hover, h3>a:hover,
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.subscribelink>a:hover, .postmsg>p, .postsignature, .incqbox, dt>strong>a:hover,
.postmsg>p>a:hover, .postsignature>strong>a:hover, .postsignature>a:hover,
.postquote>a:hover, .bblinks>li>a:hover, .incqbox>p>a:hover, .infldset>dl>dt,
.clearb, .conl, .infldset, #profile1>p, .isactive>a, .postleft>dl>dt>strong,
.linkst>.inbox>ul>li, .pun select, .postlinksb>.inbox>ul>li, .postfootleft>p,
#punredirect.pun>.block>.box>.inbox>p>a:hover, .newtext>a:hover, .tc2>a:hover,
.postlinksb>.inbox>ul>li>a:hover, #helpfile>.box, .postedit>a:hover{
color: #999999 !important}
.postleft, .postfootleft, .blockpost label, .pun select{
background-color: #303030 !important}
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background-color: #222222 !important;
border-color: #303030 !important}
.icon{border-color: #999999 !important;}
.inew{border-color: #0771a6 !important;}
i made minor color edit to match a wallpaper. other than that it's default from a thread i copied off of.
<3 to original person for sharing. maybe someone else has orginal link to thread.
and if its the gtk theme then its.
GSM w/artwiz's snap - font
:Go Away & Give My Pillow Back!!:
aur pkgbuilds - mostly fortune-mod's & fonts
Sweet! Thank you - that is what I was after...
eeehh theme.. it's just the dark forums css. i cant seem to find the thread it was from.
Im not sure where that thread went either, but the dark arch themes (both forums and wiki) were made by hrwa and can be found on
ootput wrote:kdar wrote:Games are playable now in VirtualBox?
It's commercial software with 3d-accel
karabaja4 wrote:You honestly get more FPS from running 3D games in VMware/Virtualbox than playing them in Wine?
As you're probably well aware, Wine isn't always the best solution. I've tweaked my guest OS (all the way down to IRQs) to the point where 3D output gets highest priority. That, coupled with the fact that my Windows 7 is essentially an empty shell (save for those apps you see) provides for a near-native experience. The underlying OS and active apps don't take up much resources at all. I plan on doing a writeup for the guest OS tweaks, but I've got a few bugs to iron out (I'd need to restart X session after using the guest.. but that's no biggy as most of my apps re-attach via screen anyway.
It would be totally sweet if you could write a tutorial on how to do that. Keep me posted if you do. This could potentially switch my brother (who is an avid gamer) to linux!
Here's my current christmas openbox desktop
Glad to see another Christmas desktop, loving the wallpaper
Installed arch like a week ago and since then I'm loving it.
Not much, just conky, gnome, ncmpcpp and some stuff over here and there.
Been trying many desktop managers but should try openbox as i've seen some pretty hot pictures on this thread. I come from ubuntu so I'm not really an expert when it comes to customization haha.
MreDD wrote:eeehh theme.. it's just the dark forums css. i cant seem to find the thread it was from.
Im not sure where that thread went either, but the dark arch themes (both forums and wiki) were made by hrwa and can be found on
thanx, for the wiki link.
:Go Away & Give My Pillow Back!!:
aur pkgbuilds - mostly fortune-mod's & fonts
kdar wrote:Games are playable now in VirtualBox?
It's commercial software with 3d-accel
Which program is it VMware or something else?
Here's mine and a happy new year 10 days before it should come
I had to check your username again just to make sure if i was reading it right.
"You know what I found? Right in the kernel, in the heart of the operating system, I found a developer's comment that said, `Does this belong here?`" -- Simon Lok about Linux kernel in 2005
Reflections on the Strange and the not so Strange