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While making the freeCAD package, I encounter an error indicating that cvconfig.h is missing. It indeed is, as there is no such file in /usr/include/opencv. All of the dependencies are met, so it looks like cvconfig.h is not included from the opencv2 package. Any ideas on what to do, or where to get this file?
Weaseling out of things is important to learn. It's what separates us from the animals... except the weasel.
Have you tried Qcad that's in the repositories? The community version of Qcad downloads & installs very easily with pacman.
I ended up buying the Linux Professional version for just under $40 USD and got more bells and whistles.
Qcad is a 2D cad program which is unfortunately of no use to me. I need a solid modeler.
Weaseling out of things is important to learn. It's what separates us from the animals... except the weasel.
Opps. Sorry, I didn't take to time to check into freeCAD and realize it's a solid modeler.
This page at SourceForge discusses the problem with cvconfig.h. In the Original Post, the author tells how he got it working. Be sure to open the comments if they are not visible. The second comment says "Thanks! The problem should be fixed in SVN 2242". … tid=376677
You may also want to look into BRL-CAD. It is a 3d modeler that the US Army uses for it's weapons systems. It's open source and available for Linux.
Yeah I've tried BRL-CAD and have it installed, but it's not as intuitive compared to freeCAD. Thanks for the link, I'll check it out.
Weaseling out of things is important to learn. It's what separates us from the animals... except the weasel.
This is exactly what I wanted... trying to install it now (FreeCAD that is)
Just finished installing free cad from AUR and it works...
You will want to install all the dependencies separately as yaourt gets stuck in a loop installing a couple of them and I had to remove the JAVA_ENVIRONMENT dependency from opencascade as well as setting the JAVA_HOME environment variable for it to install.
I did install all of the dependencies separately, but for me, cvconfig.h is missing from the opencv2 package. I checked through the src directory and the file isn't there either. Grazz256, can you check to see if you cvconfig.h was included with your opencv2 package.
Weaseling out of things is important to learn. It's what separates us from the animals... except the weasel.
Just checked, I have no cvconfig.h either, but I never got any errors about it missing either...
are you using the svn or the release version?
I should mention that although I have it installed after trying it it doesn't seem to work all that well..
for instance any sketch I make stays, for ever, if you delete it and make a new one its filled with the old sketch.. even if you make multiple sketches they all have the original sketch in them...
Also the release version didn't work, it was missing icons, and the buttons for sketching lines etc didn't work (failed with a python error)
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