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#1 2009-12-15 18:43:26

From: Montréal, Canada
Registered: 2009-09-13
Posts: 52

[SOLVED]wacom tablet pc screen rotate without xorg.conf


I have been using a Ibm X41 tablet pc since a couple of days.
I installed Xorg without the xorg.conf file. To get the wacom tablet to work, i just installed the package linuxwacom, rebooted and the stylus was working perfectly.

now im trying to have screen rotation feature to work correctly. i can rotate the display using xrandr -o without a problem, except the coordinates of the mouse/stylus pointer dont get rotated accordingly.

In the wiki article concerning tablet pc ,

There is a script provided that uses commands like :

xsetwacom set "stylus" Rotate 1
xsetwacom set "cursor" Rotate 1

to rotate the coordinate of the pointers. when i run those commands on my pc, i get errors like this :

Error (2): WacomConfigOpenDevice: No such device
Set: Failed to open device 'stylus'

this make sens since i did not define a "stylus" device in my xorg.conf file because i dont have a xorg.conf file.

Is it possible to rotate my pointer coordinate without a xorg.conf file ?

Last edited by lio (2009-12-20 21:05:26)


#2 2009-12-19 16:20:13

Registered: 2008-05-05
Posts: 67

Re: [SOLVED]wacom tablet pc screen rotate without xorg.conf

you need to substitute yout devices "stylus" and "cursor" with the devices you get with:

for udi in `hal-find-by-property --key input.x11_driver --string wacom`; do
echo "`hal-get-property --udi $udi --key info.product`"

possible you'll get only one device.

Last edited by lynucs (2009-12-19 16:20:49)

Pinky, are you pondering what I'm pondering?


#3 2009-12-20 20:53:38

From: Montréal, Canada
Registered: 2009-09-13
Posts: 52

Re: [SOLVED]wacom tablet pc screen rotate without xorg.conf

Thank you very much, that works smile

Last edited by lio (2009-12-20 21:04:45)


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