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#1 2009-12-22 00:24:24

Registered: 2009-11-16
Posts: 45

Questions about KDEmod

Ok, I installed arch and installed KDE4. I have been having multiple issues with KDE4 and have been thinking about switching to KDEmod. My question is - Has KDEmod worked out some of the kinks of KDE4 or will I run into the same problems with KDEmod as I do now. Also, I read that all of my KDE apps will stay intact and I do not need to back up that info but what about my user profiles and things such as ALSA. Will I have to set up ALSA again? I know some of these might be Newbie questions but I have put alot of time into setting up KDE and feel like I am abandoning it if I switch to KDEmod......

I understand it completely, grappled hopelessly with comprehension, balanced on the edge of insanity for an eternity.....a moment.


#2 2009-12-22 00:44:32

From: Serbia
Registered: 2009-03-19
Posts: 755

Re: Questions about KDEmod

Has KDEmod worked out some of the kinks of KDE4 or will I run into the same problems with KDEmod as I do now.

Well, I don't think that anyone can answer that, unless you specify your problems.
KDEmod is different compared to KDE in [extra], and, imo, works better, might solve few of your problems, but you shouldn't expect miracles.

Will I have to set up ALSA again?

In one word: no. Were talking here about two somewhat different KDE repos. ALSA configs are completely unrelated to that. So you do not need to worry about that, or any other subsystem of that kind.
Probably the best thing to do is to stop by Chakra Wiki. There you will find few articles made for those who switch from KDE to KDEmod, which will explain the differences between those two and how to switch easily. wink

Last edited by Xabre (2009-12-22 00:45:24)


#3 2009-12-22 20:55:27

From: MS Gulf Coast
Registered: 2008-05-15
Posts: 509

Re: Questions about KDEmod


Somethings may work better for you with KDEMod, while some things may work better for you with KDE vanilla. It is really all dependent upon the end-user and their situation.

For example, do  you use kopete? In my experiences, kopete for kdemod seems more stable than kopete for kde vanilla. Also Kdemod has the newer knetworkmanager applet, last I looked it wasn't in kde vanilla yet.

As far as I can tell, both are pretty modular and stable. It just depends on how you set them up. For example, there are some packages in kdemod-playground that are more likely to crash than what you might get using kde vanilla, such as the newer amarok. However if you use the main repos everything should be fairly stable for you. I can tell you though that the one thing that I liked about kdemod over the other is that some of their apps are already patched with what I would want to patch them with and there are some apps in their repositories that I like to use right off, such as different plasmoids. But other than that, both are very good IMO. It is all just a matter of tastes and what you want to use out of them.

Switching out to KDEMod won't harm your /home partition. It will just change the kde you are using to kdemod's version.

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