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Pages: 1
Thanks arch. From a nice Kde4 setup, non-laggy flash, to rolling release, to speed; I can finally add fonts to the list. I haven't been able to acheive this on any other distro (not that it's impossible).
Configuration: (from arch wiki)
- Cleartype configuration
- FreeType Auto-hinting
- Verdana 8 (system) Verdana 16 (firefox)
- dpi 96
- Sub-pixel Enabled, Full, RGB
What do you think?
hehe, typo.
Last edited by xoey7 (2009-12-22 05:04:15)
Very nice!
What do you think?
They are too bold and fuzzy for my tastes, but what really counts is that you've gotten them the way you like them!
What does dpi 96 mean?
Personally, I'd rather be back in Hobbiton.
- Sup-pixel Enabled, Full, RGB
What do you think?
Those sup-pixels are really tricky. I still can't get mine to do anything but say "sup?" every time I move my mouse over them. Totally useless. Glad to hear they're working out for you, anyway.
@Arisna: Was there an upgrade to sup-pixels? For some reason, mine say "Yo!" when I mouse over them. Could you post your sup-pixel.conf for me, please?
Never interrupt your enemy when he's making a mistake. ~Napoleon Bonaparte
Thanks arch. From a nice Kde4 setup, non-laggy flash, to rolling release, to speed; I can finally add fonts to the list. I haven't been able to acheive this on any other distro (not that it's impossible).
Configuration: (from arch wiki)
- Cleartype configuration
- FreeType Auto-hinting
- Verdana 8 (system) Verdana 16 (firefox)
- dpi 96
- Sub-pixel Enabled, Full, RGBWhat do you think?, typo.
hehe nice, I have the exact same setup with my fonts.
The software required Windows XP or better, so I installed archlinux.
How about sharing with everyone else, how you achieved it?
How about sharing with everyone else, how you achieved it?
He did.
Configuration: (from arch wiki)
Allan-Volunteer on the (topic being discussed) mailn lists. You never get the people who matters attention on the forums.
jasonwryan-Installing Arch is a measure of your literacy. Maintaining Arch is a measure of your diligence. Contributing to Arch is a measure of your competence.
Griemak-Bleeding edge, not bleeding flat. Edge denotes falls will occur from time to time. Bring your own parachute.
Whoooops. Sorry guys
Pages: 1