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#1 2007-11-21 12:08:20

From: Berlin, DE
Registered: 2006-03-19
Posts: 848

slow grub startup

It takes a long time on my machine when grub starts up...

In fact, it needs about 4 seconds prior to every of these messages it spits out. It looks like this:

(waiting some seconds)
GRUB Loading stage1.5.
(waiting some seconds)
GRUB loading, please wait...
(waiting some seconds)
Menu pops up

Grub loaded fast some time ago, but it changed surprisingly...

Here is my menu.lst

# general configuration:
timeout   5
default   0
color light-blue/black light-cyan/blue

# (0) Arch
title  Arch
root   (hd0,4)
kernel /boot/vmlinuz26kamikaze root=/dev/sda5 ro vga=775
initrd /boot/kernel26kamikaze.img

# (1) Arch Failsave
title  Arch Linux Fallback 2.6.xx
root   (hd0,4)
kernel /boot/vmlinuz26 root=/dev/sda5 ro
initrd /boot/kernel26-fallback.img

# (2) Windows
title Windows XP
rootnoverify (hd0,0)
chainloader +1

So, is there any solution? How can i make Grub load fast again?

want a modular and tweaked KDE for arch? try kdemod


#2 2007-11-21 13:26:57

From: Krakow, Poland
Registered: 2007-11-16
Posts: 39

Re: slow grub startup

I had similar problem but only when GRUB was showing up when I hibernated computer. It was due to NOT unloading psmouse module (if I rememer correctly) before hibernation. It has something to do with buggy bioses. In my case, I had to also move /boot to separate partition becouse when hibernating GRUB thought my filesystem was unmounted incorrectly and it took him a while to check it/read from it.


#3 2007-11-21 17:31:12

From: Berlin, DE
Registered: 2006-03-19
Posts: 848

Re: slow grub startup

Thanks for your answer, i have he slight assumption that this is connected to a bios update i did some time ago...
Already tried some suggests from googling, but no go... I will post again here if i find a solution...

Last edited by funkyou (2007-11-21 17:31:42)

want a modular and tweaked KDE for arch? try kdemod


#4 2008-10-28 08:42:49

Registered: 2007-03-17
Posts: 2

Re: slow grub startup

I also have the issue, it takes my grub also about 4 seconds to load, although I have a brand new pc and I don't use hibernation. I suspect that there might be a bad bios setting, but I can't find it, if I had to take a shot into the blue, I'd assume it had something to do with Sata-2 (no raid).
If I find a solution I will let you know, I hope anybody else will do so as well!


#5 2008-10-28 09:00:51

Registered: 2007-03-17
Posts: 2

Re: slow grub startup

Ok, that was a quick one...
Since I have no floppy drive, the BIOS floppy option was disabled.
After turning floppy disk A: *ON*, grub now boots as expected!
Seems like grub has some issue/bug when floppy is disabled.


#6 2009-12-31 12:56:33

Registered: 2009-11-25
Posts: 2

Re: slow grub startup

I had same problem. Turning floppy *OFF* helps me 0_o

Last edited by nixtrian (2009-12-31 12:57:00)


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