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#1 2010-01-11 20:38:03

Registered: 2007-08-26
Posts: 71

kde-trunk packages

Awhile back, Mark Constable created some packages for running latest trunk of KDE.  When he decided he could no longer maintain, them, we moved them to gitorious and I (and LastOfTheWolves) took over maintenance.  I don't know if Stephan is stil maintaining the "split" PKGBUILDs, but I am keeping the "svn" (monolithic) branch up-to-date. 

Despite the fact that they are bleeding edge, I have found them to be unusually stable.  In fact, I've had better luck with these on my production system than I did with 4.3-stable packages (especially in kdepim applications).

Now that kde-4.4-unstable is available, the need for these packages is less, but I will continue to maintain the PKGBUILD files.  Feel free to send me bug reports.  I hope, soon, to upload my "build script" which automates the process of building and installing these.

Here are instructions for downloading, building, and installing kde-trunk using the PKGBUILDs:

1.  Make sure git is installed:

pacman -S git

2.  Use git to obtain a clone of the repostitory:

git clone git://

3.  Edit /etc/makepkg.conf

Add the following lines:


Warning: This will mean that ANY package you build with makepkg will be placed in /var/abs/local/eth-os/packages from now on!

4.  cd to kde-git-pkgbuilds/svn/PKGNAME (where PKGNAME might be "kde-qt", for instance) and type:


If this step fails the first time, don't fret.  Occasionally, the initial creation of the git repository hits a weird timeout or something.  Just run it again and it should complete.

5.  Become root and install using pacman:

pacman -U /var/abs/local/eth-os/packages/PKGNAME.tar.gz

Repeat steps 4 and 5 for any packages you want to install.  Every time you run the makepkg command, the script will grab the latest sources from kde svn (or, for kde-qt and amarok, git) and install them on your computer.


#2 2010-01-11 22:04:00

From: Bologna, Italy
Registered: 2007-04-07
Posts: 289

Re: kde-trunk packages

thank you! this will be very useful :-)


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