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I was doing all the same things as described in wiki page.
It is:
-install lirc and lirc-utils
# setserial /dev/ttyS0 uart none
# modprobe lirc_serial
Then I tested it with '# mode2 -d /dev/lirc0' but there is no output. Then i typed 'sudo irrecord -d /dev/lirc0 my_remote' but output said:
irrecord: no data for 10 secs, aborting
irrecord: gap not found, can't continue
I can notice that my irda receiver is working under Ubuntu and Windows (with girder and IgorPlug) and also my harware is standard homemade serial connection irda receiver build by few years ago.
Last edited by robert_ugo (2010-01-12 14:59:29)
I solved my problem by building new receiver (according to
The problem is with my old receiver. LIRC don't support Igor Cesko's receiver longer (since 0.8.5)