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I did a :
pacman -Syu
pacman -S staging/supertux
Then it complains about missing
I rebooted and retried. No success.
The I did a
pacman -S libmikmod
and it worked !
Have other people experienced that issue ?
When I do a
ldd /usr/bin/supertux
, the libmikmod is mentioned.
However, pacman did not install it with the package...
Did I find a missing dependency for that package or am I doing something wrong ?
email the maintainer, or PM dp about it (unless he sees this)
It's a bug in sdl_mixer, I noticed this with another SDL game when I wanted to package it, it complained about no sound because of a non-working SDL_Mixer. Installing libmikmod resolved the problem.
This bug has been reported two days ago.