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I have a 500gig hd, and ive read the manual, wiki, etc.. but i can't seem to figure out how to KEEP the partition..
I tried manual partitioning during install.. when i go to add the partition /mystuff for (whats left over, which is the 100gigs i want to keep) during install.. it formats it.. how can i add it, yet NOT format it.. i know it's a stupid question.. but I cant find what switch, code, or what to do to keep it intact..any help would be most appreciated..
"Sometimes you comfort the afflicted, other times you AFFLICT the COMFORTABLE"
Prior to installation, boot a CD or USB memory stick with partition management software (parted, for example - included in sysrescuecd I believe) and resize the partition. Then boot the Arch CD and create partitions for Arch in the free space on the disk.