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Fellow Archers! Come one, come all!
As promised, here is the first release of Arch Linux Magazine for the new year! Unfortunately, issues with a lack of contributions (blame the holidays) delayed the release a little, and issues with permissions on the server post-Kensai have delayed it even more. However, I finally decided that you have waited long enough and I am releasing this issue of ALM from my website (at least until we get the permissions issue straightened out).
It's been entirely too long since an issue of ALM has been published, but I can't thank you all enough for your continued support and inquiries. Without the backing of the entire community we never could have come this far.
My sincerest thanks to those of you who somehow managed to find the time to submit work for this issue despite the holidays, and my thanks to those of you who have contributed in the past and will continue to do so.
Without further ado... The long-awaited link to the first issue of ALM for 2010!
Very nice work! It looks extremely polished and has a lot of information that is news to me. I especially ilke the graphic at the heading of the teeworld page
Where do I report bugs? On that same page, in the second paragraph, it says "Som use the most remarkable feature..." In the PDF version, at least
bugs can be sent on his email address listed on the beginning.
to be fair i missed the newsletter a lot and now i'm happy that a new one has been launch. good job.
Give what you have. To someone, it may be better than you dare to think.
Another misspelling, in the dmenu part it says "dmenu has since found its way to virtually ever other tiling window manager"
I love this zine.
A small bug report tough: The pdf-version has no numbering on pages.
Keep up the good work!
another video editor: kdenlive (ok most popular), openshot and videolan movie creator. Last two in AUR.
I have never bought on ebay, the macbook I do not like, I do not need facebook or myspace or secondlife
I am not a nerd or lamer or troll or geek or hacker or cracker
and I have never voted to elect berlusconi
Excellent work guys.
/me wants you to detele this account... please delete it.
I have to ask, Ghost1227, what tool do you use to create the pdf-layout with?
Very nice work, informed me of some great stuff (bauerbill, teeworlds, zer0prompt).
Keep it up, I'd love to read these on a regular basis.
Last edited by MkFly (2010-01-13 17:12:51)
Another misspelling, in the dmenu part it says "dmenu has since found its way to virtually ever other tiling window manager"
What's misspelled?
The pdf-version has no numbering on pages.
another video editor: kdenlive (ok most popular), openshot and videolan movie creator. Last two in AUR.
That would be the previous issue....
Excellent work guys.
I have to ask, Ghost1227, what tool do you use to create the pdf-layout with?
As kensai pointed out last month, the PDF layout is done completely in Scribus. Although there are rumors that I might start using latex....
Keep it up, I'd love to read these on a regular basis.
And so you shall! CONTRIBUTE!!!
It looks wonderful Dan, and I didn't know you got yourself a full time job, congratulations! I'd like to help out with contributions, but I'm pretty busy these days. Please do pester me each month until I give you SOME sort of a schwag report though. If I can't write something up, I can at least give you an overview of my activities. I've lost touch with the community lately, due to a bad network and overwhelming amount of outside work, but I've always been a supporter of the newsletter/magazine efforts, and I must say, you've taken it to new levels here! So I'll try to do my little part each month.
Excellent work!
You guys ahve done an excellent job! The magazine has become really attractive and the content is, of course, excellent as well.
I am always looking forward to the next one, now more than ever.
MkFly wrote:Keep it up, I'd love to read these on a regular basis.
And so you shall! CONTRIBUTE!!!
I'd certainly love to, as soon as I think of something worthwhile ...
hatten wrote:Another misspelling, in the dmenu part it says "dmenu has since found its way to virtually ever other tiling window manager"
What's misspelled?
"Ever" marked in bold should be "every" Besides that, I'm quite happy with the way the magazine turned out
Nice job on the PDF Dan! I'll be sure to write articles until my fingers bleed for the next few months until we get more contributors though
Any due-date for the articles for Feb?
*Edit* Also, if you'd like, I'd be happy to proof-read the magazine before you release it (until it exceeds 50 pages, I'm quite capable of fitting it into my schedule ).
Last edited by lswest (2010-01-13 21:06:39)
Lswest <- the first letter of my username is a lowercase "L".
"...the Linux philosophy is "laugh in the face of danger". Oops. Wrong one. "Do it yourself". That's it." - Linus Torvalds
Nice work as always. Did you create the cover image? I thought that looked really good. I'm also honored that you've mentioned two of my contributions this month.
I noticed two typos: the app is "Quickserve", not "Quickserv", and you've misspelt "ridiculously" ("rediculously") in the the section about a minimalistic display manager.
I think I'll go and take a quick peek at Teeworlds now.
My Arch Linux Stuff • Forum Etiquette • Community Ethos - Arch is not for everyone
I'll fix the pdf typos as soon as I get home.
@Xyne: The cover image was created by Keith Policano (GraveyardPC) as is stated in the staff section
TO ALL POTENTIAL CONTRIBUTERS: Submissions for Feb are due ASAP We're getting a late start. If you have ideas of your own, send them to me. If you want to contribute but don't know what to do, email me and I'll give you a few ideas. Also, I'm looking for graphic designers. Email me if you think you're up for the job.
Last edited by Ghost1227 (2010-01-13 21:24:47)
The section about uzbl is quite inaccurate. Your explanation applies only to uzbl-core. We also have uzbl-browser (works out of the box) and uzbl-tabbed. See
Tip: ask for people (devs etc) to review the newsletter before you publish it, it doesn't take much time and the quality will improve a lot. Kensai did this IIRC and he always got a bunch of fixes back.
Last edited by Dieter@be (2010-01-13 21:24:41)
< Daenyth> and he works prolifically
4 8 15 16 23 42
The section about uzbl is quite inaccurate. Your explanation applies only to uzbl-core. We also have uzbl-browser (works out of the box) and uzbl-tabbed. See
Tip: ask for people (devs etc) to review the newsletter before you publish it, it doesn't take much time and the quality will improve a lot. Kensai did this IIRC and he always got a bunch of fixes back.
Apparently i'm a bit out of date... Haven't been following uzbl as of late. I will make sure to include an update in the Feb issue. Thanks for the tip!
Last edited by Ghost1227 (2010-01-13 21:26:10)
Again, thanks for the great work. Really... I'm in love with arch and with the community...
Ghost, you've got mail!
:: ::
Of course, Dan, you should use latex. I really liked how this magazine feels, in a professional kind of way.
Oh, one suggestion, in every front cover, put a quote saying something bad about ATI and its trash support. Just Kidding.
really enjoyed reading the newsletter.. kept me updated on some things i missed out over the past month. great job!
Great magazine, nice jobs. You said u want collaboration, the point is: where and about what? i think u could defines guidelines or sth !!!!
Anyway, always a pleasure to read it.
Carpe diem, quam minimum credula postero