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#1 2010-01-17 03:33:34

Registered: 2009-11-09
Posts: 640

Why so many closed topics on this forum?

I have to say I'm disappointed to see the number of innocuous threads that are closed on this forum by moderators.  It seems if the moderator is bored with the topic or has seen the question or topic too many times this is acceptable grounds for closure.  One moderator even closed a thread because a similar discussion was taking place on another board, so he felt it should be closed here!

IMO, unless there is abuse going on or something of that nature, topics should be left to develop or not on their own.  Obviously if people keep posting to a thread then they have more to say on the topic.  If others lose interest in the topic, they can simply opt not to read the thread.  That applies to moderators too.  What exactly is the big fear here?  That someone might choose to contribute another thought to the discussion?

Perhaps it is because moderators feel obliged to read all the threads that this occurs.  But isn't that what the system where users can report abuse is for?  When it comes to moderation, less is more.  If you're that bored, instead of closing innocuous threads which others are enjoying and choosing to participate in, do something else!  If there's abuse, you'll hear about it.

Particularly in Newbie Corner, newbies are going to want to discuss things which will bore experienced users and moderators to tears.  Isn't that why Newbie Corner is there?  Let them have their discussion.  You don't have to participate, and you don't have to preempt their discussion.  It is part of the learning process, and you are not helping them by making them feel it's inappropriate to discuss their issues at their own level of understanding.  Obviously you've heard these discussions before and it simply sounds like a repeat to you.  But it's not just the information that is valuable, it's the process and the opportunity to 'meet your neighbor'.

All of this creates a very stifled feel on the board like its being censored for content, as opposed to a board where discussions roam more freely.  I have seen seemingly dead or off-topic threads suddenly come back to life and bring up interesting issues - you never know.  When you close everything that doesn't fit YOUR definition of a valuable discussion, you stifle that kind of creative wandering.  That level of heavy-handed moderation is simply not beneficial or necessary.

"Governing a large country
is like frying a small fish.
You spoil it with too much poking."
-- Lao Tzu

For your consideration.
(Topic Closed?)


#2 2010-01-17 03:40:41

From: Brisbane, AU
Registered: 2007-06-09
Posts: 11,510

Re: Why so many closed topics on this forum? … _The_Staff

If you feel that an egregious oversight has been made, use the forum report function or pm the moderator group. Please do not post complaints on the forum.

Closing  tongue


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