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I wanted to try FF 3.6 with libpng from testing (since I'm testing it in order to report any issues), but it won't be built (errors on nsPNGencoder building). Have anyone located any patch or will we encounter issues with firefox (or/and xulrunner) ?
The current patch for xulrunner in [testing] would be a good place to start...
or just remove --with-system-png from your .mozconfig
edit: ahem, well, reading your post again, if you want to test it, disabling it may not be the smartest move
Last edited by bangkok_manouel (2010-01-21 11:01:19)
Yeah, that's right.
It can be built with the patch Allan said, but the fonts weird, I guess cairo related problem. They are antialiased, but they seem weird.
Compare this to the current fonts
It is more obvious if you watch them on the screen, not on the screenshot.
Last edited by flamelab (2010-01-21 11:15:08)
pyther can you post the PKGBUILD you've used?
pyther can you post the PKGBUILD you've used?
get both of them from trunk.
Give what you have. To someone, it may be better than you dare to think.
Yep, i've just installed firefox with it's deps from [testing] and it's working fine and fonts are lookin good, same as before. The only thing i gotta do was to copy older libpng and libjpeg libs to /usr/lib/ (but without making any symlinks) just to solve kde 4.3.4 and smplayer demands.
Last edited by Vi0L0 (2010-01-23 12:49:14)
Yep, i've just installed firefox with it's deps from [testing] and it's working fine and fonts are lookin good, same as before. The only thing i gotta do was to copy older libpng and libjpeg libs to /usr/lib/ (but without making any symlinks) just to solve kde 4.3.4 and smplayer demands.
so you prefer stupid hacks rather than doing a fully pacman -Syu ?
Give what you have. To someone, it may be better than you dare to think.
Vi0L0 wrote:Yep, i've just installed firefox with it's deps from [testing] and it's working fine and fonts are lookin good, same as before. The only thing i gotta do was to copy older libpng and libjpeg libs to /usr/lib/ (but without making any symlinks) just to solve kde 4.3.4 and smplayer demands.
so you prefer stupid hacks rather than doing a fully pacman -Syu ?
Yes, i don't have time for downloading so many packages and testing now, i must to have stable enviroment untill i finish some important project.
Last edited by Vi0L0 (2010-01-23 13:05:08)
So then... maybe arch isn't meant for you.
Your "hackish" solution might have worked this time, but it is just a matter of time before it bits you in the ass hard.
LOL? Ok, so im the evil one, punish me and bring me to the cell... Now!
Look, i don't know why you are writing that in this way, you are making me angry and you want to warn me in one time. I've just thought that this "stupid" solution can help somebody like me, who dont want to install all unstable packages. I don't see anything wrong in this solution since i know what i am doing, and its just copying few libs, which shouldnt affect system but if so - im always making notes on whatever change im doing on my system. I know its dirty but im not doing this every month. Also i have seen more dirtier solutions on this arch forum, but people were happy with it, cuz sometimes it's helpfull. BTW that was my first dirty solution i have posted...
OK, from now on i won't post dirty solution even if it could help anybody .
And for god's sake - don't be mad at me. If only i know before that my post could be sooo evil - i wouldn't post it.
Last edited by Vi0L0 (2010-01-23 14:55:47)
Keeping old copies of a library on your system is not a hack (apart from not being managed by the package manager). Symlinking libraries to have difference sonames is a hack and a bad one.
I still have in my /usr/lib until openoffice is rebuilt...
Keeping old copies of a library on your system is not a hack (apart from not being managed by the package manager). Symlinking libraries to have difference sonames is a hack and a bad one.
I still have in my /usr/lib until openoffice is rebuilt...
Thanks Allan . So my solution is clean.
Allan wrote:Keeping old copies of a library on your system is not a hack (apart from not being managed by the package manager). Symlinking libraries to have difference sonames is a hack and a bad one.
I still have in my /usr/lib until openoffice is rebuilt...
Thanks Allan
. So my solution is clean.
but is useless. how do you want to found bugs if you still have the old library? that's the whole point of using testing .
Give what you have. To someone, it may be better than you dare to think.
Its not useless. I can continue to do actual work (I need openoffice). I can use readelf to find packages that need rebuilt or just look at the internal TODO list...
Its not useless. I can continue to do actual work (I need openoffice). I can use readelf to find packages that need rebuilt or just look at the internal TODO list...
not for you. but i was talking in general and why i don't recommend it for our users that use testing.
Give what you have. To someone, it may be better than you dare to think.
Pages: 1