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Hello Guys,
Could you suggest me how can I install and update from time to time only several packages from testing but not all of that repository?
Have a nice day,
Don't. You risk breaking your system. The [testing] repo is all or nothing.
Additionally, at the moment there is a huge rebuild going on around libpng, so you may want to steer clear from testing altogether .
Got Leenucks? :: Arch: Power in simplicity :: Get Counted! Registered Linux User #392717 :: Blog thingy
if you >>!*REALLY*!<< know what you are doing:
- enable testing and community-testing in /etc/pacman.conf and put them _at_the_bottom_ of the file (after core, extra and community).
- sync than install testing packages with pacman -S testing/<package>
or you can simply download the binaries from a mirror (beware of deps)
I recall Allan specifically discouraging selective updates from [Testing] less than an hour ago. What happened to good practice and common sense?
Got Leenucks? :: Arch: Power in simplicity :: Get Counted! Registered Linux User #392717 :: Blog thingy
it can be harmless if you know what you are doing. kernel updates come to mind.
Okey, thank you mans. J have tried to install firefox 3.6 and I got problems with some libraries cause they are updated (for example libjpeg, libpng, etc).
I think better way is building from abs/testing, isn't it?
Uncomment the repo from pacman.conf, pacman -Sy <the package you want>, comment the repo, pacman -Syy.
/me wants you to detele this account... please delete it.
Uncomment the repo from pacman.conf, pacman -Sy <the package you want>, comment the repo, pacman -Syy.
I khow this way but it isn't useful because I can't update packages from testing this way. I just have to change pacman.conf every time I'd like to update packages.
Uncomment the repo from pacman.conf, pacman -Sy <the package you want>, comment the repo, pacman -Syy.
That is so full of stupid... I suggest you try that with firefox now so that you learn not to recommend it to anyone else.
it can be harmless if you know what you are doing.
If you know what you are doing. But anyone asking on the forums obviously does not know enough so recommending it is a bad idea.
But anyone asking on the forums obviously does not know enough so recommending it is a bad idea.
well, OP may not have known how to handle that with pacman but however may have had enough knowledge to handle mixing repos.
You can upgrade your libjpeg and libpng when you install the old versions from AUR instead.
They do not conflict.
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Uncomment the repo from pacman.conf, pacman -Sy <the package you want>, comment the repo, pacman -Syy.
Simply --> NO.
(after uncommenting testing)
pacman -Syyu
and then pacman -S <something-from-testing>
Last edited by flamelab (2010-01-23 23:32:55)
Additionally, at the moment there is a huge rebuild going on around libpng, so you may want to steer clear from testing altogether .
Yeah, I was bitten by installing testing/firefox. Ended up using firefox-branded-bin from AUR instead.
You can upgrade your libjpeg and libpng when you install the old versions from AUR instead.
They do not conflict.
they don't conflict but how do you supposed to help detecting bugs in testing if you have them?
Give what you have. To someone, it may be better than you dare to think.
I find it mindboggling to see how people willfully recommend known bad practices.
Truly fascinating.
Also, give me your cell so we can point users to you when they follow your advice and break their setups. That's the only way I'll appreciate that kind of advice. Also, what wonder says is yet another reason why we do recommend against such behaviour.
Got Leenucks? :: Arch: Power in simplicity :: Get Counted! Registered Linux User #392717 :: Blog thingy
when libjpeg,libpng and firefox 3.6 will be moved to [extra] ???
when it is ready
This is a hilarious read. Seriously. All the stupid things that come up repeatedly, neatly assorted in one rather short thread.
There are completely valid scenarii where you can use only few packages from testing (see above, the linux kernel for example). Also, using different libs versions is not a heresy (simlinking is) so there are very few comments in this thread that would have been much more constructive without the condescending tone. Or should we, from now on, consider our fellow users as all dumb in opposition to competent linux users [1] as it has always been ?
There are completely valid scenarii where you can use only few packages from testing (see above, the linux kernel for example). Also, using different libs versions is not a heresy (simlinking is) so there are very few comments in this thread that would have been much more constructive without the condescending tone. Or should we, from now on, consider our fellow users as all dumb in opposition to competent linux users [1] as it has always been ?
It is NOT safe to assume that ALL readers are competent. Just browse through the forums every once in a while. Hence care should be taken in giving advise.
This is not a private club, things posted here are read by many competent Arch users and some incompetent as well. Results show up in a Google search. Even though its perfectly valid for me to wash my motherboard in water to get rid of dust, I wouldn't post that advise here without big WARNING tags. This isn't an indication that I assume all users are idiots, but simply that I know there are some who will not understand the 'ifs' associated with such a thing.
Allan-Volunteer on the (topic being discussed) mailn lists. You never get the people who matters attention on the forums.
jasonwryan-Installing Arch is a measure of your literacy. Maintaining Arch is a measure of your diligence. Contributing to Arch is a measure of your competence.
Griemak-Bleeding edge, not bleeding flat. Edge denotes falls will occur from time to time. Bring your own parachute.
well, in fact, I totally agree with you. notice my big fat warning when posting a way for OP to do what he wanted to. I guess I shouldn't have posted my last sentence in my former post. Anyway, what I find regrettable is sarcasm, mockery and calling bad practice some perfectly valid solutions. anyway, i'll now stop making this an internet drama
OT: if you happen to be in BKK and like beer, feel free to PM me because that's my case too.
well, in fact, I totally agree with you. notice my big fat warning when posting a way for OP to do what he wanted to. I guess I shouldn't have posted my last sentence in my former post. Anyway, what I find regrettable is sarcasm, mockery and calling bad practice some perfectly valid solutions. anyway, i'll now stop making this an internet drama
But its the internet! Sarcasm must be over the top to be recognized as such.
OT: if you happen to be in BKK and like beer, feel free to PM me because that's my case too.
Lol, I'll keep that in mind, non-alcoholic myself though. Cheers!
Allan-Volunteer on the (topic being discussed) mailn lists. You never get the people who matters attention on the forums.
jasonwryan-Installing Arch is a measure of your literacy. Maintaining Arch is a measure of your diligence. Contributing to Arch is a measure of your competence.
Griemak-Bleeding edge, not bleeding flat. Edge denotes falls will occur from time to time. Bring your own parachute.