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I use kernel with PAE support with self-built nvidia drivers. After upgrading to kernel 2.6.32 I wanted to rebuild nvidia package. I modified PKGBUILD and nvidia.install accordingly with Arch wiki but I was unable to build nvidia package. Here's console output:
Creating directory NVIDIA-Linux-x86-190.53-pkg0
Verifying archive integrity... OK
Uncompressing NVIDIA Accelerated Graphics Driver for Linux-x86 190.53...................................................................................................................................................
If you are using a Linux 2.4 kernel, please make sure
you either have configured kernel sources matching your
kernel or the correct set of kernel headers installed
on your system.
If you are using a Linux 2.6 kernel, please make sure
you have configured kernel sources matching your kernel
installed on your system. If you specified a separate
output directory using either the "KBUILD_OUTPUT" or
the "O" KBUILD parameter, make sure to specify this
directory with the SYSOUT environment variable or with
the equivalent nvidia-installer command line option.
Depending on where and how the kernel sources (or the
kernel headers) were installed, you may need to specify
their location with the SYSSRC environment variable or
the equivalent nvidia-installer command line option.
*** Unable to determine the target kernel version. ***
make: *** [select_makefile] Ошибка 1
==> ОШИБКА: Сборка завершилась неудачно.
Преждевременный выход...
Here's my PKGBUILD:
# $Id: PKGBUILD 62047 2009-12-31 10:29:48Z tpowa $
# Maintainer : Thomas Baechler <>
pkgdesc="NVIDIA drivers for kernel26."
arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
[ "$CARCH" = "i686" ] && ARCH=x86
[ "$CARCH" = "x86_64" ] && ARCH=x86_64
depends=('kernel26>=2.6.32' 'kernel26<2.6.33' "nvidia-utils=${pkgver}")
makedepends=('kernel26-headers>=2.6.32' 'kernel26-headers<2.6.33')
conflicts=('nvidia-96xx' 'nvidia-173xx')
[ "$CARCH" = "x86_64" ] && md5sums=('3d3e956366f9df0e4c64d2e0299d1029')
build() {
cd $srcdir
sh NVIDIA-Linux-$ARCH-${pkgver} --extract-only
cd NVIDIA-Linux-$ARCH-${pkgver}-pkg0
cd usr/src/nv/
ln -s Makefile.kbuild Makefile
make SYSSRC=/lib/modules/${_kernver}/build module || return 1
mkdir -p $pkgdir/lib/modules/${_kernver}/kernel/drivers/video/
install -m644 nvidia.ko $pkgdir/lib/modules/${_kernver}/kernel/drivers/video/
sed -i -e "s/KERNEL_VERSION='.*'/KERNEL_VERSION='${_kernver}'/" $startdir/nvidia.install
Here's my nvidia.install:
post_install() {
post_upgrade() {
rmmod nvidia || echo 'In order to use the new nvidia module, exit Xserver and unload it manually.'
post_remove() {
What did I wrong?
Sorry for my bad English.
it's a problem with the kernel build.
the maintainer has: rm -f ${pkgdir}/lib/modules/${_kernver}/{source,build}
i think he's doing like is it in kernel26 but the thing is we have kernel26-headers and with -pae you don't have it. ask to include them in the same package as before or do kernel26-pae-headers
Last edited by wonder (2009-12-31 17:47:46)
Give what you have. To someone, it may be better than you dare to think.
wonder your answer explains but does not solve anything for me.
Please explain in other words what "do kernel26-pae-headers" shall mean.
Custom header package for custom kernel , if yes how ?
Modify custom kernel PKGBUILD so that sources stay alive , if yes how ?
Noone seems to find it important to update the wiki pages after that headers package split that rendered them useless !
Strange ...
i see the maintainer fix the problem in kernel26-pae
Give what you have. To someone, it may be better than you dare to think.
This leads no where. i will open another thread. i'm building my own custom kernel from abs ... !
I built my custom kernel by modifying the kernel26 PKGBUILD to create custom kernel and headers packages - I use the default firmware package.
Works as expected. I've built some drivers against it, but not nvidia.
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