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Hello. I have been using Ubuntu for a couple of years, but I decided to try something different. I like the idea of a rolling release, so I installed arch yesterday. I ran into a few issues, but the wiki was very helpful in resolving them. Now I have everything I use on my Ubuntu system without the stuff I don't need, and it seems like it runs a lot faster on this ancient hardware. Looking forward to participating in this community.
Hello everyone, I'm Luca
i'm 19 and in my first year of univeristy studies, but NOT my first year using Linux: i began early with a Mandrake 9 but one year ago i got stuffed with reinstalling every new distro version (without mentioning me trying other distros like *buntu, DSL, Puppy Linux, SUSE for various reason) and while searching for a distro with extreme configurability but simple and not bloated (Gentoo and Debian, i'm watching YOU) i found Arch!
It must have been love at first sight: since then i have used Arch continously and even converted some parents/friends pcs from Win/OtherLinux to Arch and they all have been satisfied!
It's only a shame that i'm constricted to having to dual boot Win Vista on my new notebook just to use DevC++ (the WORST IDE ever) for my Informatics course...
Love you all and the Arch KISS way!
The Linux philosophy is 'laugh in the face of danger'. Oops. Wrong one. 'Do it yourself'. That's it. - Linus Torvalds
Hi there !
I am Nicolas, a french guy living near Nantes and working in IT. By the way the -fr in my nick is not because I am that proud of being french but just because NSB was already existing.
And sorry for my english that is not always as good as I wish.
Here is my little Linux story and why I am finally an Archer today :
A long time ago I tried a distro I can't even remember the name of. Very disappointed by the poor material support at this time (that was the sound-config-is-a-nightmare era) I moved back to Windows. Years after I heard of a Linux distro that was easy to install and configure: Ubuntu. It made me discover that I was not that happy with Windows (even if I still have a computer that run it). From this point I started "configuring" my Ubuntu System. You know, that kind of configuration that can make your system up-down but learn you tons of thing on your system. sudo power was mine
After multiple update (or reinstall because of "configurations"...) I was frustrated by a few things:
- I like cutting edge softwares. A six month time period for having latest features was too much for me.
- Everything was working out of the box. You don't know why because you didn't work hard by yourself to get it works but it works. And I love to know why (and how).
- After each major version update I was feeling Ubuntu was getting "heavier". Slower boot, more process at startup, heavy memory consumption...
That said I would thanks Canonical and the Ubuntu community because they took me back in the Linux world.
After a few years using Ubuntu, I was feeling confident enough with Linux and ready to switch to a less user-friendly and more cutting edge distro. A few test in VMs later I finally selected Arch.It addresses all the frustrations I had with Ubuntu without being too much deep in the system like Gentoo is. And KISS did its magic I suppose. The community looks active and friendly also.
Now it's been a few month I use Arch and I am still very happy with my choice.
PS: thanks if you read me so far
Carpe Diem
Hello there
My name is Freyja, I'm french (nobody's perfect, that's my only flaw ), not so old, and still a student.
I used to play games a lot, and I used to think that because most of my games did not work on unWindows OS, I couldn't switch. But I did try several Linux distributions, out of curiosity. I tried Ubuntu (which was fine for the noob I was), OpenSUSE, and Mandriva. I wanted to try Fedora, but the three different install cds I have had have only caused kernel panic at installation (never got to understand how and why). Then, people on the IRC channels I tend to live in (or almost), were talking about a nice, stable and Do It Yourself distribution, that was a little though to get in, but so good.
I installed it with their help on my EEEpc, it worked fine, but I remained with my desktop on Xp, because of the games I played.
And I decided to switch to an all open-source, free (especially free, i'm not paying anymore for crashing OS) OS, I took some time, read the wiki, printed myself the beginner's guide and installed Arch on my desktop.
It has been working without any flaws for the week end ( first one), and I do believe I will not change anymore, for I am happy with it.
While still being a complete newbie , I hope to someday be able to help others as I have been helped
Greetings to all
Hello everyone!
My name is Brandon, I am 20 and used window$ before doing a dual boot window$/Ubuntu
. Recently decided to try something a little more intermediate so I did some research and Arch looks like a major +. Wish me luck!
Hi there !
I've been using Linux since 1997, starting with a Slackware and later changing for Debian, when I completely messed up my system trying to upgrade to Slack 7. Two weeks ago, I switched to Arch Linux, when I completely messed up my system, trying to upgrade my already clunky system (bits of stable, testing and unstable everywhere...). I've also been using OpenBSD for a few years on my laptop.
Arch seems to stand just between a Slack (or BSD) and Debian, in that I finally got a system easy to upgrade, with a ports-like system and a very clean environment (rc-style init, clean config files, etc.).
Oh, and I live in France.
Hi everyone,
I am Michael, ~21 years old and still a student. (For the next couple of years )
My first Linux-like experience was a dual-booted SuSe 8.2 'til the hard drive died. The first serious attempts to work with Linux were made with Ubuntu 5.04, dual-booted with Windows XP. Bringing my soundcard to life was kinda hard, but after 5.1 came out everything worked fine.
Nevertheless I never really used it, because I was more in playing games and stuff, though i upgraded every six month.
Two years ago, I bought my notebook and didn't even activate the preinstalled copy of Windows Vista, Ubuntu was the man.
I stumbled over Arch Linux some time ago and tried it in a VM and after my JBoss stopped working last week I whiped my hd and replaced Ubuntu with Arch. (I have to admit that the broken JBoss was merely a disguise for installing Arch )
And here I am, having Arch running for about two days and still not regretted it yet. Feels very nice and simple and maybe I'll try using something else than GNOME soon. (Recommendations appreciated)
Did I mention I am from Germany?
Came from Ubuntu to Arch and I like the way it goes.
Last edited by Deckard (2010-02-01 00:21:54)
If the only tool you have is a hammer, you tend to see every problem as a nail
Since seems it's already a kind of tradition: hello everyone from Slovenia.
I switched to Linux in 2004 (completely and exclusively since MS XP at the time made me really mad). I played around with several distros (started with Ubuntu and its derivates, switched to debian, switched to sid, tried sabayon, suse, mandriva, fedora, puppy, dsl....) and finally found what I was looking for in Arch Linux (Few years ago I played also with LFS, so it was kind of meant to be ).
What was I searching for:
- knowledge (and archwiki is one of the best linux documentation sources I came accross)
- control (a logic knowledge derivate and I just love pacman)
- felxibility, customatization and performance (again knowledge-control derivates).
Did I find them?
I use Linux exclusively, business and hobby, desktop and server, and can't accept arguments like "it can't be done". If an application needs another OS: change the application.
Greetings to all Archlinux community and thank you for letting me in.
I'm Ben, I'm a high school senior in the US. I started using Linux four and a half years ago with Suse 10.0 (borrowed the DVD from a friend's dad). Nothing worked out of the box, and that deterred me a little, but I decided to give it another go with Ubuntu 7.04, which I had heard good things about on Lifehacker. When I actually had more than a monitor and keyboard functioning I was able to learn much faster, and now I'm back to a distro where nothing works out of the box (but by design this time). In between I ran Ubuntu for about a year, Opensuse 11.0 and 11.1 for half a year, Debian Lenny for about a month, and FreeBSD 7.0, 7.2, and 8.0.
I hadn't been able to make up my mind after deciding I wanted a slightly more technical Linux distribution, but after my first Arch install I'm hooked. It's got the features I loved in FreeBSD (BSD-style init, easy source install, uniform placement of files) and it's fun to configure.
Arch's wiki is incredible. It's well-written and extremely informative. It's a million times more helpful than any of the online resources I've used for other unices.
A little more about myself:
In the DE wars I fall into the GNOME camp, though I really prefer a tiling window manager (currently I'm using i3).
In the editor wars I lean strongly toward vim.
In what's left of the browser wars, I run Firefox with Vimperator in Linux and Chrome on my Macbook 5,1 (I bought it because of the aluminum unibody case, expecting to install linux, but I've actually really liked OS X's GUI and the fact that I can still use a lot of my X11 and unix programs).
Ben Weinstein-Raun
Student, Blacksburg High School
Hey, i have been using arch for about a week. Give or take. I have been using Linux overall for just one year but i am looking into getting better at Linux as a hobby. I am in 12th grade, in Canada. What I am planing on doing the rest of my life has nothing to do w/ computers but what the heck, i like my computers. I want to become a History teacher.
I do not consider myself a Linux noob, but I cant even think about being an expert yet. I came here because i wanted a better challenge then Ubuntu. On Ubuntu i used the alpha one because i wanted to give myself a challenge.
As soon as i started, i got a problem. THAT WAS THE BEST. I immediately googled and found my answer (forgot wireless-tools and assumed (because of Ubuntu) that my drivers where in there already). I had a bunch of fun w/ that so i stuck.
Not to long after i finished installing i got the computer to where i wanted (gnome + everything installed). I immediately got bored because there was nothing to do. While looking online i found the [testing] repo. Got that and now i'm good. My ms-applet already got busted and it took a while to fix it (almost gave in in asking).
This is where i am now, having fun and fixing stuff. Now i want to start and help people on the forum but before i had to post here just to say hello.
Hello. I am a Registered Architect, AIA ... currently living and working in Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA.
I have been using GNU/Linux officially for about a year now. Previously, I had used Windows since 1984.
First, went with a newbie-friendly vanilla Ubuntu. A week or so later, switched to LinuxMint-7 Xfce.
A couple of weeks after that deleted all MS Windows OS and programs from all my computers.
As an Architect, the professional world uses AutoCAD for drawing and rendering ... I have found suitable alternate applications in Linux for, both Architectural drawing and rendering.
I have built a Debian Squeeze (testing) -Xfce from a net.install
Currently, I have, already downloaded burned the LiveCD for ArchLinux.
I'm about ready to install and build/customize Arch to my liking.
With permission, I'm going to be checking out a lot of the Forum threads here on ArchLinux Forums?
If I have questions before installing, I won't hesitate to ask.
Last edited by vrkalak (2010-02-04 05:02:04)
Fluxbox Junkie!! | <Debian> <ArchLinux> | my DeviantART
Hi, all!
I'm not exactly a guru with GNU/Linux, but I do know enough to not need Windows anymore (I do keep a copy of Windows XP on a separate hard disk, but I haven't booted to it for a good while now)
I've recently installed Arch on a somewhat old machine (P4 2.8GHz, 256MB RAM, Intel integrated graphics), but so far all I have is CLI.
I have another machine (my main computer) that has Ubuntu on it, and that's what I'm posting from now, as I don't have Internet access on Arch just yet (getting there, though ).
I'm reasonably comfortable with the (bash) command line, so CLI-only really isn't that bad, but I suppose I've been spoiled by GUIs (:P), so I would like to get X installed, up and running ASAP.
Anyway, I'm looking forward to participating in this community, and (hopefully) learn a little something more about GNU/Linux along the way!
hello world,
i dropped ubuntu about 6 months ago for arch due to becoming more and more difficult to customize to my needs.
Arch is just a better way to build a system from the ground up I think, and the AUR + pacman/yaourt is the best possible library of software I could imagine.
I'm a Technical Information Science student and I use a arch xmonad combo to control my laptop
Works perfect for me.
I'm new to Arch linux. I think it's very good. I used Debian and Ubuntu, but I think Arch is what I need. Oh... and it would be great if my cdrom worked. :-)
Hello Everyone,
I am new to this forum.
I from IT field. I am using internet and forums from last 3 years.
I love to play chess and watch movies.
I want to thank administrator for giving us the space for sharing our knowledge.
Hello everyone, I'm new to the forum.
I'll give a brief history of my OS experience, since I'm feeling sociable.
Like many, I started-out with DOS. Don't ask me which version. It had a proprietary 'gui' which consisted of two text panes that allowed a user to launch programs by pressing a number on their keyboard, or go into the DOS prompt. After that I made the big leap to Windows 95, 98SE, ME (ugh), and then I started fooling around with BeOS. Unfortunately, I was on dial-up those years and Linux wasn't in my grasp.
Around 2002 I installed my first Linux OS: Mandrake 8.2 It was fun to tinker with, but it was the dark age of RPMs. I could hardly get a thing to install, so I ditched it, tried Fedora 4 or so when it came around, ditched it... and then that miraculous Ubuntu distribution came about. Since 2004 I was hooked on Linux as my desktop OS. Sure, I kept XP for gaming, and there was a spurt where I used OS X on my laptops, but Linux was the main stay on my desktop.
To get to the point, about a year ago I started hearing about two distributions in particular and their glory: Arch and Gentoo. I gave them both a shot at installation one night when I was really tired, gave-up, and went to Debian for a while. Things got moved-around, back to Ubuntu, but now I am starting to feel its sluggishness. I'm starting to realize I don't know a whole lot about my system. I happen to have a free computer lying around, and Arch managed to install itself with a little bit of help from me. And so far, I love it--despite the fact that some things aren't quite working just yet.
I plan to migrate my own desktop to Arch once I get another HDD large enough to back-up all of my files. The rolling-release concept is brilliant, pacman is brilliant, the community isn't at all degrading. I seldom here from anyone "RTFM," but perhaps that's because this distro lends itself to the sort of people who do RTFM.
tl;dr follows:
Used Linux for years, finally starting to learn Linux from Arch, and I love it.
Join the WCD Arch Linux Users team today. Support the World Community Grid to donate spare computing power to make the world a better place, giving scientists information to develop life-saving treatment for illnesses, and more.
Greetings and salutations!
Hello i'm Dryfit using Chakra and love the arch way. Hope i can learn a bit here in the forums.
Hai thar
Currently a semi-experienced linux user. Well i originally used to be a ubuntu user (yes i know), got sick of the non updated packages and well went off searching for a new distro. I tried out opensuse, but lord i couldn't get that working. While at a friend's house, i noticed that the distro he was using was nice. Told me it was arch, and well here i am.
I think the thing i love the most about arch, is the user control. I can get rid off the crap which normally plagues linux distros. The install was a bit of a pain in the ass, but i took a look at the wiki and it is fairly excellent.
Last edited by dozerismydogsname (2010-02-14 02:33:44)
Just wanted to pop my post cherry.
Names Nate. I've been using computers since I was young and started back in the good ol' days of Windows 3.1. Slowly progressed to breaking and fixing every version of Windows I could. I eventually found linux several years back. Had some major difficulties with it (wireless support back in openSUSE 7 and mandrake were terrible) and that sent me back to Windows again. Couple years later, found Ubuntu 7.04 I believe. Used Ubuntu for a while (let go of my training wheels) and started distro hopping. Eventually decided to try Arch. Broke my first version of it and a couple versions after that as well (tried to use gnome and xfce). Gave up, went distro hopping again. Found some good stuff, but nothing was really what I wanted.
Decided to try Arch again and wanted to use KDE this time. Been using it since and love it. Pacman is freaking awesome and the control I get over the system is amazing. Couldn't imagine going back to another distro again. The thing I love most is the rolling updates. No need to get a new version every 6+ months. Plus I've learned a hell of a lot trying to get everything working perfectly. Love a good challenge.
hello everyone ...
I am a newbie .. I guess.
Hi everybody o/
I am Goran, serbian student, im using linux (Ubuntu/Linux Mint) for about 1 year.
Hello Everyone!
Few words: kind-of new to Linux (less than 2 years), just a plain desktop user.
Arch x86_64 is running smoothly on my box for almost one month now - this doesn't mean that I don't have lots of questions.
Learned already so much from you all and I wish to thank you for that, for the great distro, forum, wiki... and for what I will learn from now on. Regards,
less is a lot more!