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ok so this is probably no brainer, but i just wanna get your opinion on it cause i've never experienced this but some of you may see that kind of stuff everyday.
basically, the other day, when i tried to turn on my laptop, it wouldnt come on. the on light it up and all, but it wouldnt boot - not even to the bios. stranger still, after forcefully shutting it down by holding down the power button, it would come on again, after a few seconds. on a hunch, i took out the removal ram stick and it started normally (only, with only the 1gb onboard ram now, leaving me with half the memory).
i hadnt used the laptop in two days and last i had was in some hotel room on the road, and it worked normally, and i *think* i had suspended it to ram when i shut it down. when i first had problems with it i thought maybe the suspend to ram had gone wrong and my laptop was stuck in some weird suspend void.
other than travelling about 500 miles in the trunk of a car, in it's bag, in between the last time i used it and the time it wouldnt work - i can't think of *anything* that might've made my ram stick go bad. ive yet to try it with a new stick - im hoping it's not the slot and that i will be able to get my 2gb of ram back (or maybe, 3?) ..
is it kind of thing common or what ? i have pc's with incredibly dusty chips that are over a decade old and they still "work" ... so what gives ?.. has the suspend-to-ram theory got any ground ? .. i would figure the data on the chip wouldve been erased anyway after a while ....
chupocabra ... psupsuspsu psu psu
Perhaps a cleaning of the stick contacts and the interface contacts will restore your unit. Many exhaust gases are corrosive an could indeed affect the stick or the interface connector.
Many TV remotes are affected by corrosion films on the batteries and the batteries often need to be rotated to restore correct function.
I have encountered that more than once recently as well as a neighbor.
Worth a try!!
EDIT: had the same problem with a microwave oven contact strip.
Last edited by lilsirecho (2010-02-03 02:29:37)
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Hard work does not kill people but why risk it: Charlie Mccarthy
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When ALL is lost, what can be found? Even bytes get lonely for a little bit! X-ray confirms Iam spineless!
what should i use to try that ? i don't wanna risk damaging this further, esp. the slot!
my wifi card is right next to my ram slot - and it seems unaffected ... yes, i have access to it and yes it seems i can change it if i want - !
chupocabra ... psupsuspsu psu psu
Would isoprophyl alcohol be safe for that?
Registered User number: 496613. Show your Tux Pride!
would it ?..........
chupocabra ... psupsuspsu psu psu
Yes, but use anhydrous isopropanol (99+% pure). This is available at electronics retailers and some hardware stores.
Regular "Rubbing" alcohol contains 70% water and additives to make it unpalatable.
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