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Updated my icon-theme. I might add it to the AUR soon, although everyone can just install it by downloading it from the deviantArt page and extracting the .tar.gz file in ~/.icons/ now.
Last edited by robrene (2010-01-30 17:59:51)
Looks cool especially the folder emblems
Using it now, even if i rarely see them.
Thanks and greetings.
Using it now! Thanks
Haha, I realise most people on here are not likely to be fanatic gnome users, but I thought I'd let you all know nonetheless. I remember that somebody asked me about my icon theme at least once in a screenshot thread a few months ago
Nice detail without being too detailed. Good borders, very distinct (hope this doesn't get to your head ), very nice.
Setting Up a Scripting Environment | Proud donor to wikipedia - link
Originally, I was going to keep it icon-theme-spec conformant. I found out there is really not many applications that follow the icon theme spec though, so I added a few gnome-fs-* icons (they are there, check in the theme). The only thing I really didn't want to add is those horrible stock_* named icons, they just look totally out of place. I really don't see how application developers got the idea to start using these names, I guess this icon theme is my way of adding pressure to get applications to be more spec-compliant.
Another thing I didn't do is add icons for applications that look for crazy icon names. If the application is called easytag, that the icon is called easytag, not EasyTAG_Icon or something. I have modified my desktop files to use the proper icon, and I am not planning to ever get all the weird names that application developers thought up for their application icon in my theme. However, seeing this is all open and all, I wouldn't mind if someone else would do it someday, I'm just saying it's something I don't want to spend time on. Whatever application I come accross that doesn't use my icon in the launcher, I change the desktop file.
cd ./16x16/places/
ln -s folder.png gnome-fs-directory.png
cd ../../
cd ./16x16/actions/
ln -s gtk-execute.png gnome-fs-executable.png
cd ../../
cd ./16x16/mimetypes/
ln -s text-x-generic.png gnome-mime-text.png
ln -s image-x-generic.png gnome-mime-image.png
ln -s text-x-preview.png gnome-fs-regular.png
cd ../../
cd ./22x22/places/
ln -s folder.png gnome-fs-directory.png
cd ../../
cd ./22x22/actions/
ln -s gtk-execute.png gnome-fs-executable.png
cd ../../
cd ./22x22/mimetypes/
ln -s text-x-generic.png gnome-mime-text.png
ln -s image-x-generic.png gnome-mime-image.png
ln -s text-x-preview.png gnome-fs-regular.png
cd ../../
cd ./24x24/places/
ln -s folder.png gnome-fs-directory.png
cd ../../
cd ./24x24/actions/
ln -s gtk-execute.png gnome-fs-executable.png
cd ../../
cd ./24x24/mimetypes/
ln -s text-x-generic.png gnome-mime-text.png
ln -s image-x-generic.png gnome-mime-image.png
ln -s text-x-preview.png gnome-fs-regular.png
cd ../../
cd ./32x32/places/
ln -s folder.png gnome-fs-directory.png
cd ../../
cd ./32x32/actions/
ln -s gtk-execute.png gnome-fs-executable.png
cd ../../
cd ./32x32/mimetypes/
ln -s text-x-generic.png gnome-mime-text.png
ln -s image-x-generic.png gnome-mime-image.png
ln -s text-x-preview.png gnome-fs-regular.png
cd ../../
cd ./scalable/places/
ln -s folder.svg gnome-fs-directory.svg
cd ../../
cd ./scalable/actions/
ln -s gtk-execute.svg gnome-fs-executable.svg
cd ../../
cd ./scalable/mimetypes/
ln -s text-x-generic.svg gnome-mime-text.svg
ln -s image-x-generic.svg gnome-mime-image.svg
ln -s text-x-preview.svg gnome-fs-regular.svg
cd ../../
These symlinks will cause the theme to work with thunar
EDIT: Fixed links
Last edited by pyther (2009-12-05 21:04:05)
Icon theme looks really nice; out of curiosity, what window decorations/WM is that?
Like the thought of using a global icon layout scheme. It would be nice to see a layout scheme built for all desktops. Having a different layout for Gnome and KDE is one of those things 'grrr' things.
Setting Up a Scripting Environment | Proud donor to wikipedia - link
Icon theme looks really nice; out of curiosity, what window decorations/WM is that?
looks like Gnome. with some Emerald theme.
robrene, have you thought about putting this icon theme on the AUR?
Setting Up a Scripting Environment | Proud donor to wikipedia - link
robrene, created a PKGBUILD for you, if you want to put it in the AUR.
# Maintainer: Gen2ly <>
pkgdesc="Various Gnome icon themes collection and rework, 'Tango-styled'"
build() {
# Download (download requires user-agent check unable to use source=)
if [[ ! -f "${_pkgname}" ]]; then
msg "Downloading..."
wget "${_pkgname}" -o /dev/null --user-agent="Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/2009061317 GranParadiso/3.0.11" || return 1
md5chk="$(md5sum ${_pkgname} | cut -d " " -f 1)"
if [ ${md5chk} != 14cdd733804367278271456de52c3a7e ]; then
msg "md5sum check failed" && return 1
msg "$_pkgname md5sum check passes"
# Extract
msg "Extracting..."
bsdtar -xf $_pkgname
bsdtar -xf Baku.tar.gz
# Create destination directories
install -d $pkgdir/usr/share/icons
# Install files
cp -r Baku $pkgdir/usr/share/icons/
I didn't know license, but everything else should be good.
Setting Up a Scripting Environment | Proud donor to wikipedia - link
I'm not too familiar with licenses, I'm not even usre I'm complying in case some icons I used are released under different licenses. Picon is released under the GPL though.
I was thinking of opening up a google code account or something to do some more work on picon and then I could just release the icon-theme there instead of having some weird deviantart url. I think that the few people that want to use my icon-theme now can just download it themselves, I'll think about putting it in AUR aswell though. I noticed there are more icon-themes there. But I'll probably do that after I do a few more updates.
Looks great, fresh. Thanks robrene!
box1: Arch (linux-3.17-rc5)
box2: Gentoo (linux-3.17-rc5)
wm: subtle
Nice theme.
Here's the PKGBUILD from Gen2ly with the Thunar fix from pyther.
# Maintainer: Gen2ly <>
pkgdesc="Various Gnome icon themes collection and rework, 'Tango-styled'"
build() {
# Download (download requires user-agent check unable to use source=)
if [[ ! -f "${_pkgname}" ]]; then
msg "Downloading..."
wget "${_pkgname}" -o /dev/null --user-agent="Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/2009061317 GranParadiso/3.0.11" || return 1
md5chk="$(md5sum ${_pkgname} | cut -d " " -f 1)"
if [ ${md5chk} != 14cdd733804367278271456de52c3a7e ]; then
msg "md5sum check failed" && return 1
msg "$_pkgname md5sum check passes"
# Extract
msg "Extracting..."
bsdtar -xf $_pkgname
bsdtar -xf Baku.tar.gz
# Make everything work in Thunar
cd ./Baku
cd ./16x16/places/
ln -s folder.png gnome-fs-directory.png
cd ../../
cd ./16x16/actions/
ln -s gtk-execute.png gnome-fs-executable.png
cd ../../
cd ./16x16/mimetypes/
ln -s text-x-generic.png gnome-mime-text.png
ln -s image-x-generic.png gnome-mime-image.png
ln -s text-x-preview.png gnome-fs-regular.png
cd ../../
cd ./22x22/places/
ln -s folder.png gnome-fs-directory.png
cd ../../
cd ./22x22/actions/
ln -s gtk-execute.png gnome-fs-executable.png
cd ../../
cd ./22x22/mimetypes/
ln -s text-x-generic.png gnome-mime-text.png
ln -s image-x-generic.png gnome-mime-image.png
ln -s text-x-preview.png gnome-fs-regular.png
cd ../../
cd ./24x24/places/
ln -s folder.png gnome-fs-directory.png
cd ../../
cd ./24x24/actions/
ln -s gtk-execute.png gnome-fs-executable.png
cd ../../
cd ./24x24/mimetypes/
ln -s text-x-generic.png gnome-mime-text.png
ln -s image-x-generic.png gnome-mime-image.png
ln -s text-x-preview.png gnome-fs-regular.png
cd ../../
cd ./32x32/places/
ln -s folder.png gnome-fs-directory.png
cd ../../
cd ./32x32/actions/
ln -s gtk-execute.png gnome-fs-executable.png
cd ../../
cd ./32x32/mimetypes/
ln -s text-x-generic.png gnome-mime-text.png
ln -s image-x-generic.png gnome-mime-image.png
ln -s text-x-preview.png gnome-fs-regular.png
cd ../../
cd ./scalable/places/
ln -s folder.svg gnome-fs-directory.svg
cd ../../
cd ./scalable/actions/
ln -s gtk-execute.svg gnome-fs-executable.svg
cd ../../
cd ./scalable/mimetypes/
ln -s text-x-generic.svg gnome-mime-text.svg
ln -s image-x-generic.svg gnome-mime-image.svg
ln -s text-x-preview.svg gnome-fs-regular.svg
cd ../../
cd ../
# Create destination directories
install -d $pkgdir/usr/share/icons
# Install files
cp -r Baku $pkgdir/usr/share/icons/
Actually, I've already incorporated the changes in my local copy of the icon theme. I've also added a mimetype for emerald files. Once I decide to put it on AUR I'll make sure it's the latest version
*updated to v0.2*
Check the first post
Also made a new preview, figured more people would download it if they saw what it was they were downloading.
Last edited by robrene (2010-01-30 18:01:52)
Downloading now.