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Pages: 1
hi everyone.
i'm trying to get the "HoN-ModManger" to run on my linux machine, but i'm having some troubles. i know, that i could probably get some libs anywhere and copy them to /usr/local/lib or something, but i'd rather have some "package" for those libs, like debian does.
i've been following the instructions in the forums and i seem to be missing the following files:
are there even 64bit versions of those files and if so, is there a way to include them in a package, short from creating a package myself and adding it to aur? if there are no 64bit versions, could i probably build my own? i guess, i'll need monodevelop for that?
13:21]═[issue @ kiwi] bin : pacman -Qs mono
local/gettext-mono 0.17-3
mono assemblies for GNU internationalization library
local/mono 2.6.1-1
Free implementation of the .NET platform including runtime and compiler
local/mono-addins 0.4-3
a generic framework for creating extensible applications and for creating libraries which extend those applications
local/mono-basic 2.6-1
Mono Visual Basic.NET compiler
thats what i got installed and HoN_Modman works
ah i think i'm missing gettext-mono, thx for the hint.
I'm still waiting for a Hon arch clan...
Pages: 1