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It sounds weird but on Linux I can't find a browser that allows to set a download speed limit.
I found an extension for Firefox but it works only on Windows.
I know the existence of download managers like d4x, wget, jdownloader, etc... but some downloads can only be done by browser.
I know trickle too but if I want to change the speed limit I have to 'restart' the command (interrupting the current download).
Then I didn't find an extension for Chromium.
Doesn't 'Down them All' come with a feature like this?
I was able to implement [global] throttling with wondershaper. You will need to modprobe sch_cbq if you use the CBQ script (not sure about the HTB one). I use the CBQ version.
you could use uzbl-browser. it uses wget for downloading. wget has --limit-rate=
< Daenyth> and he works prolifically
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