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Hello guys,
I'd like to spend a deeper look on Vim as it should be a great editor for nearly everything.
The most of the time I'm working with CSS/HTML/JS/Django(Python). Does anyone of you have a well proved vimrc for this task area?
I just want to see what's possible concerning syntax completion, highlighting etc.
Thank you in advance.
Really, customizing Vim is very subjective, if you want to "spend a deeper look" i advise you to experiment yourself (you're not lazy are you?). A good tip though would be the supertab plugin, that does a bunch of intelligent code completion. First hit in google.
ᶘ ᵒᴥᵒᶅ
My suggestions:
HTML plugin:
Remap Esc to CapLock, here is my .Xmodmap:
remove Lock = Caps_Lock
keysym Caps_Lock = Escape
(Works only in X)
some useful .vimrc configurations:
"tab navigation like firefox
map <C-Tab> :tabnext <CR>
imap <C-Tab> <ESC> :tabnext <CR>
map <C-S-Tab> :tabprevious <CR>
imap <C-S-Tab> <ESC> :tabprevious <CR>
"useful abbreviations
ab xmlver <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
ab xmlnsp xmlns:mx=""
ab xmlcmt <!-- --><ESC>3hi
ab cdata <![CDATA[ ]]><ESC>3hi
" xhtml plugin tweaks
let g:do_xhtml_mappings=1
let g:no_html_tab_mapping=1
let g:no_html_toolbar=1
I don't know for python but for php I use xdebug + debugger.vim. Check here it seems that there are plug-ins for python and django framework: … nvironment
Last edited by ArchArael (2009-12-27 13:54:39)
Another way to swap Caps Lock and Esc is to add this to ~/.xinitrc:
setxkbmap -option caps:swapescape &
This way if for some bizarre reason one actually uses Caps Lock, it will still exist as Esc.
I actually stared at my Caps Lock key for 2 seconds thinking, but then how will they type Control? :-)
These are mine. This effectively switches ESC and Caps Lock keys.
I put the xmodmap line into a script because I use this setup on demand only.
bp:~/bin$ cat SWAP_EC
# Swap Esc and Caps Lock keys.
xmodmap ~/.config/swapEscCL
bp:~/bin$ cat ~/.config/swapEscCL
! Swap caps lock and escape
remove Lock = Caps_Lock
keysym Escape = Caps_Lock
keysym Caps_Lock = Escape
add Lock = Caps_Lock
There is a thread here from which this was stolen mainly.
But I forgot which one (too lazy to search).
Edit: And, yes, +1 for HTML.vim!
Last edited by bernarcher (2010-02-07 16:13:00)
To know or not to know ...
... the questions remain forever.
You can always refer to Some people put their dotfiles on github too.
You can always refer to
That's been dead for a while, hasn't it?*/
Or is it making sporadic reappearances?
EDIT: attempts just now to get through failed, as previous attempts have. And wayback doesn't have anything since 2008. But just now, trying a second time, I do get through to a 2010-dated page. So maybe it's coming back.
Last edited by Profjim (2010-02-07 19:13:25)
EDIT: attempts just now to get through failed, as previous attempts have. And wayback doesn't have anything since 2008. But just now, trying a second time, I do get through to a 2010-dated page. So maybe it's coming back.
It's been working for me since mid-January or so. I mean I can look through dotfiles (the important part), but I can't login or create an account. It seems they're using a pretty old database since my username doesn't seem to exist.
Sparkup is pretty cool, basically "Zen Coding" for VIM, which lets you write HTML with CSS selector-like syntax. Also has convenient shortcuts for doctype declarations etc, see
Other than that, if you aren't already aware of all the text objects vim has, get used to using 'cit' and 'ci>' to change text between <tag></tag> or inside <tag> respectively, or 'dit' and 'di>' etc. Very useful and makes for quick editing
Vim will validate your HTML and PHP syntax after saving if you add this to your vimrc file
au BufWritePost *.html !tidy -eq %
au BufWritePost *.htm !tidy -eq %
au BufWritePost *.php !php -l %
Pages: 1