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#1 2010-02-07 02:10:28

From: Oz
Registered: 2008-03-26
Posts: 719

[SOLVED] Is it possible to view this forum in non-"Classic" mode?

The reason I ask, is that I have a 24" screen & not the best eyesight, so I run 24 point fonts as default in Firefox. 

I have learned to scroll across code boxes using the arrow keys, which I have to do very often, though this is not really a big problem.

If there was an option to put all poster details across the top of their posts, then we could have the full width of the page to read, as it is now, there is a LOT of empty space down the left hand side of the post content.

I had a look in my Profile page for this forum, but could not find a way to make this choice, as I can on some other forums. (Hopefully I missed something?)

I understand that perhaps this is beyond the capability of this forum software, which if so, is unfortunate.

Last edited by handy (2010-02-09 01:28:54)

I used to be surprised that I was still surprised by my own stupidity, finding it strangely refreshing.
Well, now I don't find it refreshing.
I'm over it!


#2 2010-02-07 02:27:32

From: Brisbane, AU
Registered: 2007-06-09
Posts: 11,485

Re: [SOLVED] Is it possible to view this forum in non-"Classic" mode?

Not that I have ever seen...


#3 2010-02-07 02:30:30

From: Oz
Registered: 2008-03-26
Posts: 719

Re: [SOLVED] Is it possible to view this forum in non-"Classic" mode?

Is it possible to change the format of the user details, so that they use more of the space down the column, than across?

I used to be surprised that I was still surprised by my own stupidity, finding it strangely refreshing.
Well, now I don't find it refreshing.
I'm over it!


#4 2010-02-07 02:36:35

From: .nz
Registered: 2009-05-09
Posts: 30,424

Re: [SOLVED] Is it possible to view this forum in non-"Classic" mode?

You could always write your own .css file for this domain, which would allow you to control exactly how all the elements on the page appear...

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#5 2010-02-07 02:59:01

From: Oz
Registered: 2008-03-26
Posts: 719

Re: [SOLVED] Is it possible to view this forum in non-"Classic" mode?

I would if I could. But I don't have the know how, & I'm not going to learn it for this one job. smile

I'm perfectly happy with the wiki & the forum in every other detail (I think?) it is just this waste of space down the left hand side of the text that I would change if I easily could.

I may ask in another forum I use, (which by the way uses MyBB, which I understand is also a free software for forums & allows the choice of Classic or non-Classic display modes) whether anyone there would like to write such a .css file for me/us. 

If so, it could be made freely available in for all users here who would prefer to view the forum pages with more text & less wasted space.

Is it a time consuming process to produce such a .css file (if you know what you are doing)?

Does this FluxBB have a plugin system?

Perhaps someone has written a plugin that does offers non-Classic view?

I might have a quick look at that now.

Last edited by handy (2010-02-07 03:00:43)

I used to be surprised that I was still surprised by my own stupidity, finding it strangely refreshing.
Well, now I don't find it refreshing.
I'm over it!


#6 2010-02-07 03:05:01

From: .nz
Registered: 2009-05-09
Posts: 30,424

Re: [SOLVED] Is it possible to view this forum in non-"Classic" mode?

handy wrote:

Is it a time consuming process to produce such a .css file (if you know what you are doing)?

Not really: it would just be a case of applying different positioning to the left hand column (<div class="postleft">) - if you wanted it to look good, though, that might take a little more tweaking...

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#7 2010-02-07 03:14:43

From: Oz
Registered: 2008-03-26
Posts: 719

Re: [SOLVED] Is it possible to view this forum in non-"Classic" mode?

I just had a look here: … b-vs-punbb

& down the bottom of the comparison page it says the following:

Stylesheets (CSS) No.

Does that mean that FluxBB can't have its display manipulated in such a way, or does it mean something different, like their aren't .css style templates available to make the job easier for the installer/administrator when setting up the forum?

Last edited by handy (2010-02-07 03:16:11)

I used to be surprised that I was still surprised by my own stupidity, finding it strangely refreshing.
Well, now I don't find it refreshing.
I'm over it!


#8 2010-02-07 03:17:44

From: .nz
Registered: 2009-05-09
Posts: 30,424

Re: [SOLVED] Is it possible to view this forum in non-"Classic" mode?

No - that just identifies whether the stylesheets comply with w3c standards. You would still need some way (depending on the browser you use) to override the default style and render your own...

Arch + dwm   •   Mercurial repos  •   Surfraw

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#9 2010-02-07 04:04:13

From: Oz
Registered: 2008-03-26
Posts: 719

Re: [SOLVED] Is it possible to view this forum in non-"Classic" mode?

I joined the FluxBB forum & posted the following:

I have a pretty good chance of learning something there, as the dev's are involved in the thread.

There is a new version of FluxBB coming out before long, with many improvements, I discovered.

I used to be surprised that I was still surprised by my own stupidity, finding it strangely refreshing.
Well, now I don't find it refreshing.
I'm over it!


#10 2010-02-07 04:14:29

From: .nz
Registered: 2009-05-09
Posts: 30,424

Re: [SOLVED] Is it possible to view this forum in non-"Classic" mode?

It also occurs to me that there are a few people here who customize their forum stylesheet - you mostly see the results in the screenshot threads: you could always ask one of them to share their customized .css

Arch + dwm   •   Mercurial repos  •   Surfraw

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#11 2010-02-07 04:57:21

From: Oz
Registered: 2008-03-26
Posts: 719

Re: [SOLVED] Is it possible to view this forum in non-"Classic" mode?

Yes, thanks for pointing to the best place to try jasonwryan. smile

As I was thinking that I really should see if I could get someone to do it, or piggy back on someone else's work here, with regard to this problem.

I used to be surprised that I was still surprised by my own stupidity, finding it strangely refreshing.
Well, now I don't find it refreshing.
I'm over it!


#12 2010-02-07 06:11:33

Registered: 2008-08-20
Posts: 1,011

Re: [SOLVED] Is it possible to view this forum in non-"Classic" mode?

You would still need some way (depending on the browser you use) to override the default style and render your own...

There's Stylish, if you're using Firefox.


#13 2010-02-07 06:18:08

From: Oz
Registered: 2008-03-26
Posts: 719

Re: [SOLVED] Is it possible to view this forum in non-"Classic" mode?

Wintervenom wrote:

You would still need some way (depending on the browser you use) to override the default style and render your own...

There's Stylish, if you're using Firefox.

Will Stylish allow me to change the layout of the page?

I'll go & read about it anyway, thanks Wintervenom.

I used to be surprised that I was still surprised by my own stupidity, finding it strangely refreshing.
Well, now I don't find it refreshing.
I'm over it!


#14 2010-02-07 06:41:30

From: Oz
Registered: 2008-03-26
Posts: 719

Re: [SOLVED] Is it possible to view this forum in non-"Classic" mode?

I like the Dark Grey stylish style, I'm using it now. smile

I couldn't find anything for FluxBB beyond colour schemes unfortunately.

I used to be surprised that I was still surprised by my own stupidity, finding it strangely refreshing.
Well, now I don't find it refreshing.
I'm over it!


#15 2010-02-07 10:24:40

From: Oz
Registered: 2008-03-26
Posts: 719

Re: [SOLVED] Is it possible to view this forum in non-"Classic" mode?

Over at the forum, I put my questions, & tjwoosta posted some code to use with Stylish, it made the left column much narrower but at the expense of the details.

So I asked him if it was hard to place the details under the field headings (From: Registered: Posts:) & he gave me the following:

@namespace url(;

@-moz-document domain("") {

.postleft, .postfootleft {
width: 80px !important;

.postright, .postfootright {
border-left: 80px solid !important;
border-color: #f9f9f9 !important;


Which I've modified by changing the two 80px numbers to 200px, & it is starting to look like their may be a solution here not far off, using Stylish. smile

Users are just going to have to set the size of these two 80px numbers to suit their font size & screen resolution.  It is so easy to do.

Also I've just learned that there may not be any need to incorporate TJ's code into Dark Grey, as you can run them both via Stylish simultaneously anyway.

Just have to get rid of these white rectangles that can turn up below the email line & above that of the Online/Offline?

Last edited by handy (2010-02-07 12:45:13)

I used to be surprised that I was still surprised by my own stupidity, finding it strangely refreshing.
Well, now I don't find it refreshing.
I'm over it!


#16 2010-02-07 12:30:04

From: Oz
Registered: 2008-03-26
Posts: 719

Re: [SOLVED] Is it possible to view this forum in non-"Classic" mode?

I received the following reply from Paul, a Site Admin' at FluxBB:

handy: Everything you are describing is set by the stylesheet which was intended to be modified by the end user. Getting the display you want should just be a matter of the admin adding a styesheet which is more to your liking and then you selecting it in your profile.  Having said that, if such a stylesheet doesn't exist then it does depend on your admins creating one which assumes a certain level of knowledge of css.

I used to be surprised that I was still surprised by my own stupidity, finding it strangely refreshing.
Well, now I don't find it refreshing.
I'm over it!


#17 2010-02-07 23:32:02

From: Oz
Registered: 2008-03-26
Posts: 719

Re: [SOLVED] Is it possible to view this forum in non-"Classic" mode?

tjwoosta, told me:

To make the background color match the dark forums just change

border-color: #f9f9f9 !important;

to look like

border-color: #303030 !important;

Which I have done, & it has solved all problems regarding the occasional white rectangles when using the Dark Grey background. smile

So now there is much less wasted space on the left hand side of the text in a post, & as a bonus I am using the Dark Grey style in the Firefox Stylist add-on, which is easier on my eyes.

It's all good! Thanks to all who helped get me there; I should have done it when I first started using the Arch forum... big_smile

Last edited by handy (2010-02-07 23:50:05)

I used to be surprised that I was still surprised by my own stupidity, finding it strangely refreshing.
Well, now I don't find it refreshing.
I'm over it!


#18 2010-02-08 00:20:50

From: .nz
Registered: 2009-05-09
Posts: 30,424

Re: [SOLVED] Is it possible to view this forum in non-"Classic" mode?

Good stuff! All that is required now is a screenshot...

Arch + dwm   •   Mercurial repos  •   Surfraw

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#19 2010-02-08 00:40:39

From: Oz
Registered: 2008-03-26
Posts: 719

Re: [SOLVED] Is it possible to view this forum in non-"Classic" mode?

jasonwryan wrote:

Good stuff! All that is required now is a screenshot...

How do you do that here, I've never needed to before?

(how embarrassing roll)

I used to be surprised that I was still surprised by my own stupidity, finding it strangely refreshing.
Well, now I don't find it refreshing.
I'm over it!


#20 2010-02-08 00:44:41

From: .nz
Registered: 2009-05-09
Posts: 30,424

Re: [SOLVED] Is it possible to view this forum in non-"Classic" mode?

First time for everything...

You need to upload the image somewhere (I use Flickr, but others here use omploader and similar services), then link to it like so:


Arch + dwm   •   Mercurial repos  •   Surfraw

Registered Linux User #482438


#21 2010-02-08 01:51:02

From: Oz
Registered: 2008-03-26
Posts: 719

Re: [SOLVED] Is it possible to view this forum in non-"Classic" mode?

Thanks jasonwryan. cool

I gave omploader a try, but it didn't give an accurate display of the image.  I'd prefer not to set up an account with a hosting service, as I'm very concerned about the corporatisation of the internet.  (these are the good old days imho, as far as that is concerned)

So I'll post a link to a page on the forum which has a link to the picture. lol

A bit round about, but it will get the job done smile : … 6#pid12906

I used to be surprised that I was still surprised by my own stupidity, finding it strangely refreshing.
Well, now I don't find it refreshing.
I'm over it!


#22 2010-02-08 01:55:12

From: .nz
Registered: 2009-05-09
Posts: 30,424

Re: [SOLVED] Is it possible to view this forum in non-"Classic" mode?

Can't view it without registering... Oh well, glad you got it sorted.

Arch + dwm   •   Mercurial repos  •   Surfraw

Registered Linux User #482438


#23 2010-02-08 02:12:13

From: Oz
Registered: 2008-03-26
Posts: 719

Re: [SOLVED] Is it possible to view this forum in non-"Classic" mode?

jasonwryan wrote:

Can't view it without registering... Oh well, glad you got it sorted.

Bugger!  Not that it's a bad place to register. wink

I'll find another way, check back later, I'll stick the image on my site.  Then at least the site will be useful. tongue

[Edit:] I've put a large thumbnail of the picture on my site, so now it is easily accessible:

Last edited by handy (2010-02-08 02:38:59)

I used to be surprised that I was still surprised by my own stupidity, finding it strangely refreshing.
Well, now I don't find it refreshing.
I'm over it!


#24 2010-02-08 03:01:02

From: .nz
Registered: 2009-05-09
Posts: 30,424

Re: [SOLVED] Is it possible to view this forum in non-"Classic" mode?

Looks great. Might even convince me to knock one up myself...


Arch + dwm   •   Mercurial repos  •   Surfraw

Registered Linux User #482438


#25 2010-02-08 09:35:38

From: Oz
Registered: 2008-03-26
Posts: 719

Re: [SOLVED] Is it possible to view this forum in non-"Classic" mode?

Here's a very valuable update, again courtesy of tjwooster, it completely supersedes his previous patch that you can choose to run with another style in Stylist; I'm using DarkGrey.

It saves anyone from having to change any numbers to have the column width suit their font/screen sizes. If this works for all the various font & screen sizes out there, then perhaps we can get this modification incorporated into the default Arch forum style?

Let's hope it works for everyone, I'll do some screen res' & font testing tomorrow.

I'd really appreciate some other people running this code in the Firefox add-on Stylist, & feeding back if it works or not & what their screen size/resolution & the font size they are using.

Anyway, here it is:

@namespace url(;

@-moz-document domain("") {

.postleft, .postfootleft {
width: 11em !important;

.postright, .postfootright {
border-left-width: 11em !important;


Last edited by handy (2010-02-08 09:39:03)

I used to be surprised that I was still surprised by my own stupidity, finding it strangely refreshing.
Well, now I don't find it refreshing.
I'm over it!


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