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Welcome to the Linux Alternative Project (formerly the Linux Equivalent Project). The goal is to provide an informational and available website for all linux users. The website is currently in beta form. I will be periodically updating the database with Windows software and the Linux equivalents and alternatives.
Not to harbring on a good idea, but I want to put out a few ideas in case they haven't been thought of.
Have you heard of This site already does something similiar for Mac, Windows (and some Linux). Also, I think you're gonna need some type of rating system. Since there are a lot of different software programs for each type of program I'm not sure the viewer will return to the site unless he is given some type of informed feedback.
Setting Up a Scripting Environment | Proud donor to wikipedia - link
Also, I think you're gonna need some type of rating system. Since there are a lot of different software programs for each type of program I'm not sure the viewer will return to the site unless he is given some type of informed feedback.
Good point. I don't know if the author of the LAP thought about it. Would it be possible to do something in Wiki?
just visited your site, pretty good info you have there LOTS of apps I didnt know. With some collaboration that could end up being a pretty good reference.
In the meantime I think you could add a Star Rating system (sort of like Gen2ly said) so people know which apps are best to try best.
just a suggestion, keep up the good work
Linux user #498977
With microsoft you get windows and gates, with linux you get the whole house!
My Blog about ArchLinux and other stuff
Something that often bothers me on lists like that is that they don't point out when there is a de facto standard application in some category. For example; if I'm looking for an image editor I probably want to be told that The Gimp is the one that's actively developed and that there's lots of tutorials and plugins for before I start browsing through specialized pixel art applications from the last millenium using GTK+ 1 (not that the selection on this site seems to be quite that all-encompassing). Sure, choice is good, but sometimes that'd just be useful information.
Now, deciding on which apps are de facto standards could, of course, get very ugly, very quickly...
Gen2ly wrote:Also, I think you're gonna need some type of rating system. Since there are a lot of different software programs for each type of program I'm not sure the viewer will return to the site unless he is given some type of informed feedback.
Good point. I don't know if the author of the LAP thought about it. Would it be possible to do something in Wiki?
Possibly with the use of this:
Mediawiki has a hoard of plugins available, not sure it be the route to use, but certainly an idea.
Setting Up a Scripting Environment | Proud donor to wikipedia - link
thanks for the post...
Funny how I tend to read the list from right to left :-)
V=RI sweet V=RI
Not bad, especially since you seem to be working on collaboration already ...
A really cool feature would be some rough "Environment" category (e.g. Gnome, KDE, X, Console) to make the database usable for searching alternatives inside Linux, too
"A computer lets you make more mistakes faster than any invention in human history - with the possible exceptions of handguns and tequila."
(Mitch Ratcliffe)
This site is so much more awesome:
+1 to linuxappfinder. Used to use it.
However, the best thing I have found are these forums. A lot of programs that don't get heard about but are absolutely great! For example, had I stuck with only linuxappfinder, I would still be using epdfview instead of apvlv or zathura, both of which, IMO, are much better tha epdfview. Or even xxxterm or uzbl over firefox. Then again, these apps are supposed to correspond more with Windows users, I guess to make the transition more painless?
This site is so much more awesome:
Thanks , it's a nice site and thanks the op for his post
I've contacted the creator of, and if he approves, I'll be adding all the features that have been requested in this thread plus more. Fingers crossed! I totally want to contribute to this. - joe at true skater dot io.
No reply yet - joe at true skater dot io.
One I used pretty often for finding OS software when I was still on Windows helped me out sometimes since I'm on GNU/Linux too: Not sure if it's of any help here, but hey, as long as we're posting sites promoting open source, why not
Poetaytoe, poetahtoe, if you ask me.
Pages: 1