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39 char Perl:
Edit: Forgot to use the default for print... duh.
Last edited by Trent (2010-02-17 05:53:29)
And I'm stuck at 41 in perl...
printf"%.78s\n",'ArchLinux'x79 for(0..9)
41 char Perl:
Love that approach.
Python. Same length as raf_kig's entry (which is 54, not 55, unless you're supposed to count trailing newlines), but I used a different approach with the slicing.
for i in range(9):print(('ArchLinux'*10)[i*6%9:])[:78]
Edit: Nevermind
Last edited by Gigamo (2010-02-17 18:41:03)
Edit: Nevermind
Epic Fail?
Last edited by n0dix (2010-02-17 19:32:00)
I wrote a program in Haskell that's 62 characters. I won't post it due to the language restriction and all. 62 seems to be about the limit but I'm always finding new ways to shave off a char or two.
Down to 59! The amount of characters stays the same regardless of my use of newlines.
54! I seem to be not far away from the "real" entries now.
Last edited by urist (2010-02-18 03:17:39)