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found this by accident: it should get you started on the keyboard.
aur/mouseemu 0.16-1 (6)
Emulate mouse events
sounds promising for the right-click.
to get some of my problems (significant part: keyboard) solved I've decided to get an Image of the working MacOSX Partition from the old harddisk. So I plugged the harddisk into my second notebook (intel based) and started with knoppix. Knoppix wasn't able to read the partition table so it was not able to determine what partitions neither what data is on it. (cfdisk doesn't work with a mac-fdisk parted harddisk). So I made a backup with the help of dd
dd if=/dev/hda | gzip | dd of=/media/disk/macOSX.img.gz
after that I recognized, that knoppix was able to determine some partions anyway! Within /mnt are some directories (by default every partition knoppix has recognized during bootup on every plugged hard disk). So there where directories from hda1 to hda8. hda1 to hda7 are very small partitions (about 30 KB) ... just hda8 is is about 3 GB. So I made a backup from every partition too with the same command.
Now I'm trying to mount the partition within archlinuxppc to search for the keymap within macOSX, 'cause I think OSX is using a keymap too. Maybe it's the right thing. Furthermore I want to try a dualboot system and getting back OSX on a new partition. The question now is: does that work like I think? If I create a Partition with the same size like the original hda8 on the macDisk and copy the data back with the help of dd. Would OSX start (if I add some lines within yaboot? I assume theres a little problem with the number of the partition, if its not the same as it was on the original harddisk.
Martin Schuchardt
P.S.: thanks konni, I'll try your hint too! :-)
Last edited by kruemeltee (2009-02-24 08:32:54)
Hi kruemeltee,
Did you manage to get a working system as you'd like?
I'll tell you a quick story I've a G4 PowerBook and want to pervert it to Arch ;D Firstly, I've got a PPC Mac Mini and have a bare Arch install on there, but I'm running into problems with packages:-
# pacman -Syy
:: Synchronising package databases...
core 34.4K 272.6K/s 00:00:00 [#################################################################################################################################################################################] 100%
extra 304.4K 908.8K/s 00:00:00 [#################################################################################################################################################################################] 100%
error: failed retrieving file 'community-testing.db.tar.gz' from : Not Found
downloading community-testing.db.tar.gz...
error: failed retrieving file 'community.db.tar.gz' from : Not Found
downloading community.db.tar.gz...
Here's my mirrorlist
Server =$repo/os/ppc
Server =$repo/os/ppc
I've installed abs, and then yaourt, and I've got a fairly basic but usable system (server only --so no desktop, which is fine for me).
My question; I want to have a nice slick desktop experience with Arch on my PowerBook, what's the chances of that happening? And how can I fix the mirrorlist problem I've got on the Mac Mini?
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