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Shouldn't it be in unstable, rather than testing?
And where were all the sportsmen who always pulled you though?
They're all resting down in Cornwall
writing up their memoirs for a paper-back edition
of the Boy Scout Manual.
i've been using it since it was put there, seems stable, just not widely tested :-)
Latest time I tried gnome 2.9, it crashed and trashed my KDE
To err is human... to really foul up requires the root password.
Latest time I tried gnome 2.9, it crashed and trashed my KDE
Wooohoooo! World domination is beginning!
I hail our new GNOME overlords.
the crash is bad, but yeah, it's supposed to go in and kick kde's ass, that one's first on the feature list
I don't think GNOME 2.9 was really meant to be in the repos in any official way. Rather, the developers put GNOME 2.9 in TESTING so they could deal with any packaging changes for 2.10. So when 2.10 comes out, all they'll have to do is up the version number. All the changes will have been made/tested.
"Contrary to popular belief, penguins are not the salvation of modern technology. Neither do they throw parties for the urban proletariat."
I've installed 2.9 on a friends machine and he hasn't complained to me about anything so I'm assuming all is good.
no problems with 2.9 here either.....running it on 2 machines
Well, the stable C++ bindings have been released, now waiting for the stable desktop release. The gnome team starts rolling tarballs tomorrow, which will get packaged into testing. When everything is in place and everything works, we hope to have gnome 2.10 in current/extra near the end of the week.