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Pages: 1
*GOSH* Me is so dumb sometimes... My testing computer, is not PII. It is only pentium. No wonder it aint working. My mistake, sorry.
Hello all !
I have a problem with installing arch-0.7.
When i am booting from CD, it starts to load kernel and so on, but it always restarts.
I have tryed starting it up with arch -noscsi, but it doesnt change anything. It restarts anyway. I get no error messages what so ever, it just restarts.
If there is anyone, who could help me out, give me a hint or something, i would really appreciate it. I am new to linux, and while browsing different distros, i found this one. And, it seems really good, so i decided to try it out, to see if it "does my work".
Thanks in advance.
BTW, there is a i586 version of Arch Linux but it only contains the current repo. Search the forums for more info.
Tnx !
I've found the pre.07-i586.iso... So, now i could try this out. … e-i586.iso
If i understood, things right, i can still use sources? Even though, not every app is in the repository, i am able to use sources right?
Anyway, Tnx alot again, for giving me the gr8 tips.
Yes, you can use the PKGBUILD to make packages for the apps which are not in the current repo.
So srcpac can be used for this, right?
I've done a forum search to get more info on srcpac. Indeed, it seems that srcpac is the right tool to do that.
Pages: 1