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Looking for a way to stop floppy module loading, seems my blacklist-custom.conf in /etc/modprobe.d is not working .... module is ! in modules [rc.conf]
Will I need to rebuild kernel without the module?
Or can I ask for a feature request to remove it from kernel completely ?
Does anyone even use floppy drive anymore????
Mr Green I like Landuke!
Both rc.conf and /etc/modprobe.d blacklisting work fine for me. Paste your modprobe.d file so someone can have a look.
ok.... blacklist-custom.conf
looks like this
blacklist floppy
Mr Green I like Landuke!
When does it get loaded? automatically at boot time? Or later when you do something?
Not sure when but its blacklisted in rc.conf and modrpobe.d but still loads thinking maybe I need to stop it early in boot
got it disabled floppy controller in virtualbox no more floppy module
Mr Green I like Landuke!