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Has anyone been able to successfully install Ximian connector on Arch? I saw there had been some effort made to get an Evolution 1.5.7 package to run on Arch (not finished yet as I understand).
I have tried, but havent got anything working.
Got a whole bunch of errors i didnt have time or know-how to do much about
I would really like to get connector working, but it looks like it may be a while
Yeah, that's the tough thing about not using a 'mainstream' distro...not always getting packages you want in an easy to install way. I haven't built any Arch packages in the past, so maybe this would be a good one to try it on when I get some time.
Just checking to see if anybody's made any progress installing Ximian Connector exchange, anybody?
Arch Linux (Duke)
IRC: Aletheuo
Registered Linux User #354975
no luck what-so-ever with getting ximian and evolution to allow use of exhange servers.
Hey, all!
I have this combination working perfectly right here at my workplace. Well, had.. until this morning. I got a sudden urge to try the bleeding edge evo 2.2 from testing. After upgrading, I've also upgraded ximian-connector to 2.1.6 version from testing. As a result I am not able to connect to exchange server anymore. Does anybody knows about a problem with these two? Thanks!
However, evolution 2.0.x and ximian-connector from extra worked perfectly for me. I guess, I can help you with the settings, if anyone interested.
evolution and connector from testing are working for me as of yesterday. I had to work through some little nuances. Let me know what your problem is and maybe I could help.
Hobbes : Shouldn't we read the instructions?
Calvin : Do I look like a sissy?
Thanks for the reply first of all
Well, the problem is that after setting up an account, I get the following error message:
Error when scanning folders in "Exchange Server Blabla ".
Could not connect to Evolution Exchange backend process: No such file or directory.
The server name is not 'blabla', of course
The OWA url I've entered when defining an account matches the one I use to access Exchange through web browser:
P.S. Are you sure that your evolution version is 2.2.0 and not 2.1.6? 2.2.0 was only added today I think.
I'm sure that its 2.2, I update every day , I had similar problems because I was putting my username as username@domain, but switching it to domainusername solved it. Maybe try that?
Hobbes : Shouldn't we read the instructions?
Calvin : Do I look like a sissy?
I'm sure that its 2.2, I update every day
, I had similar problems because I was putting my username as username@domain, but switching it to domainusername solved it. Maybe try that?
Actually, I just put in the username, without the domain part. When I press "autheniticate" button and enter the password, I don't recieve any errors.
Things are even worse for me now. I tried to uninstall and reinstall both evolution and connector and now I don't see the exchange option at all, when creating a new account. :?
I'll try the domain part, when/if I get evolution to recognize the connector properly. :x
i've updated to the new Evolution 2.2 today but i can't access my Exchange mailbox anymore... I've tried what was said above but i get always the same message that there is no mail box for this user.
Everything worked perfectly with 2.0, excepted when i tried to access a shared mail box...
Any idea ?
thank you
I just wondered if there had been any progress on this. I have the same issue in that I get a "no mailbox" error. I can access my mailbox through the URL.
The files I have are
evolution-data-server 1.2.1-1
ximian-connector 2.2.1-1
Any help would be great