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Hey Everyone,
I just installed OpenBox stand-alone, got the wallpaper, menu, and taskbar going, but for some reason I don't have any sound. My sound works perfectly fine in KDE I have ALSA, OSS, and Gstreamer installed... Is there some sort of sound daemon I must run, or is there a file I must configure first?
You should make sure the volume levels in alsamixer (or whatever mixer you use) are set properly. You don't need a sound daemon in openbox. Just make sure your soundcard module is loaded and your volume is set up properly and everything should work just fine.
try "alsamixer" to set your sound volumes
arch + gentoo + initng + python = enlisy
hmmm that worked That's strange how openbox seemed to reset the mixer settings...they were all stores previously using alsactl store. Thanks
Openbox seems to do that the first time you start it, until you run alsamixer and fix it. Alsactl restore should still work, just not the first time you use Openbox.
·¬»· i am shadowhand, powered by webfaction
This problem can be solve by reading the wiki.
This is in NO way an 'openbox' problem.
Afterall it's just a window manager. Nothing more.
yes, you're right miqorz, it's just that in KDE, kmix automatically unmuted the soundcard each time. So after including alsamixer as a daemon as directed from the wiki, everything works