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I've also been using LFS as a main distro 2-3 years ago, on an old computer, with paco package manager for some time. But as it's been said a big part of the build is no more than a ./configure, make, sudo "paco -lD make install", a bit repetitive. Though it's an interesting reading. I found it hard to maintain LFS updated and switched to archlinux, that was as responsive on this old system and more up to date. Still, I learned quite some things from building and building and rebuilding LFS (and BLFS) systems. On an old pentium3 bootsraping and building gcc took something like 2-3 hours and the whole LFS around 10 hours I think... It should be a breeze on a fast and modern cpu.
Oh, yes, the "paco" package manager. I discovered it when building my (B)LFS system the second time. It turned out to be an invaluable tool to maintain the system.
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... the questions remain forever.