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Pages: 1
I need to give a webinar in a few hours. I need to demo a website for a new
client and he asked for a webinar. To be honest I have never been
involved in a webinar--neither as host nor participant. He suggested
GoToMeeting but that requires Mac or Windows apparently.
Anybody know what tool I could use for this? Not sure what he has but
it ain't Linux, that's for sure. Actually I am pretty sure he has Windows.
Offline crashed Firefox twice.
But is working.
My online school uses Elluminate for their webinars, and it works quite well with Linux as long as you have Sun's version of Java installed. Very few issues with it overall.
OK will try that next time. dimdim half worked but I couldn't login to the site I was demo-ing. Seems it didn't take the cookie.
Pages: 1