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I was trying to install arch using wireless connection
so I ran Arch live CD
lsusb and I can see my wireless usb adapter
iwlist wlan0 scan fail for some reasons.
iwconfig wlan0 essid ... key ... done
but somehow iwconfig wlan0 doesn't show connection strength yet
I cannot ping
when I ran /arch/setup I can ping, but I don't receive any data.
when I iwconfig, essid is "".
(and I don't know how to get out of ping. Luckily, there are many terminals.)
obviously I need to do something to make connection available... but how
do I need to add more info to iwconfig wlan0 or something? or probably driver?
I read on arch wiki, but I couldn't find a way to deal with this yet.
I have a bit of experience on ubuntu, openSUSE, but I've never setup wlan0 on the CLI.
and I have done iwconfig on ubuntu and openSUSE, but it doesn't help me.
i think you have do get an ip adress as well just iwconfig isn't enough, depending on your setup(i assume you use dhcp) run "dhcpd" from terminal, this will give you an ip adress. for getting out of ping press ctrl+c, this will cancle it!
Does your wireless connection have a WPA 1/2 security? If so, you need to connect using wpa-supplicant.
-deleted for mistaking thread
Last edited by ichbinesderelch (2010-03-28 18:15:51)
i think you have do get an ip adress as well
just iwconfig isn't enough, depending on your setup(i assume you use dhcp) run "dhcpd" from terminal, this will give you an ip adress. for getting out of ping press ctrl+c, this will cancle it!
now somehow I can connect on arch live CD, but I can't on the real deal now (and I've forgotten what I did during that install.)
about the command, it's "dhcpcd", right. I tried to run it (without the help from /arch/setup), but I always end up in timeout (wlan0).
No matter whether during install or real deal, I needed to use iwconfig wlan0 essid "" key "". but it doesn't work for me this time. Do I need more steps to use DHCP in the terminal?
and furthermore, I think I need a guide to autoconnect.
Last edited by patarapolw (2010-03-31 10:00:53)
You should read this carefully, and work through the various steps, particularly any that are specific to your wireless device.
I am missing an rt73 driver (from dmesg | firmware) and I tried installing rt2x00-rt71w-fw, rt2x00-rt61-fw using /arch/setup on live CD.
# dhcpcd
# iwconfig wlan0 essid "" key ""
/arch/setup if selected a mirrot and the mountpoint for sda8 and sda9
then I chose the package.
I still cannot connect.
How can I work this out?, probably without /arch/setup?
I also tried
# mkdir /mount
# mount /dev/sda9 /mount
# pacman -S ... on live CD
but it doesn't work either (but I can ping)
I wonder if the wiki contains the guide to use live CD after the installation?