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Thanks a lot, it rocks
^ gohu I guess you made the font? Nice, I'm using it now.
Yes I did. There's a thread here for more info:
Thanks a lot, it rocks
You're welcome
normal2 wrote:@kittykatt
what is that on the bottom? some kind of control panel?
i would want one of thoseThat would be conky.
kittykatt wrote:normal2 wrote:@kittykatt
what is that on the bottom? some kind of control panel?
i would want one of thoseThat would be conky.
normal2, it is this conky here
I spent more time with this one especially to find a good matching icon theme and to modify firefox to look slicker.
Plasmatheme: Rhabarbermarmelade (Part of this suite: … -157685392 )
Qtcurve theme and KDE colors: Zink Suite with some modifications ( )
Icons: Leo like Icons with custom color to make them a bit darker ( … ent=120074 )
Firefoxtheme: Its qtcurve with some userchrome.css modifications.
Wallpaper: Flavoured original ( … -121784194 )
I think thats it. If i missed something i can provide more infos. If someone needs the customized files i can share this too.
Last edited by sxe (2010-04-04 13:42:15)
I spent more time with this one especially to find a good matching icon theme and to modify firefox to look slicker.
Can you share the details, please ?
Sure, added the details in my first post.
a fresh kde installation … 5/glowfoto
Hi Roline,
I know I've already asked for that but a long time has passed...:rolleyes:
Can you please tell me exactly the steps/addons/config files needed to have a Firefox like this?
I really like this, much more than the past times! Thanks!
rent0n@deviantART | rent0n@bitbucket | | LRU #337812
aspire: Acer Aspire 5920 Arch Linux x86_64 | beetle: Gericom Beetle G733 Arch Linux i686
normal2 wrote:kittykatt wrote:That would be conky.
normal2, it is this conky here
and I was just about to ask
thanks alot!
Here's my screen-shot of the month! new color scheme, lots of terminal apps: mocp, calcurse, htop, transparent aterm;s and chromium.
The Original Wallpaper
Hofstadter's Law:
It always takes longer than you expect, even when you take into account Hofstadter's Law.
Hi Roline,
I know I've already asked for that but a long time has passed...:rolleyes:
Can you please tell me exactly the steps/addons/config files needed to have a Firefox like this?
I really like this, much more than the past times! Thanks!
Sure thing, here you go.
Last edited by Roline (2010-08-07 07:32:57)
Bitbucket - DeviantART - Userstyles
*Currently Not Using Arch
normal2 wrote:kittykatt wrote:That would be conky.
normal2, it is this conky here
I remember when you pointed that conky out to me in #randomz. Thanks for doing so.
Yes, it is that one, with a few modifications by myself.
Also, tawan, you should start using screenFetch in your screenshots. >.> <.<
Last edited by kittykatt (2010-04-04 18:00:49)
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rent0n wrote:Hi Roline,
I know I've already asked for that but a long time has passed...:rolleyes:
Can you please tell me exactly the steps/addons/config files needed to have a Firefox like this?
I really like this, much more than the past times! Thanks!Add-on dependencies:
Old Location Bar
Tab Mix Plus (could be done without this one. But then the siteicon shows up in the tabbar, besides it has a lot of great features!)---
Set the Firefox theme to its default theme. After that you customize the toolbars and you drag and drop your way around. I draged the buttons and the location bar to the menu bar. For the icons I used show text.Now go to the add-ons/extensions tab. Set the prefernces from the Old Location Bar(Style Options). Set this like you want but make sure you check "make the corner's smoother", "Don't display security info" and "Remove Favicon/Security Box". If you don't check them the location bar will show up as a big white box w/o the #303030 background.
Now the Tab Mix(TMP) Plus add-on has a lot of features. So I made a pref file*1. You can import this file in the TMP Preferences (right under).
And now the most important thing, the great Stylish add-on.
Go to Add-ons/Stylishtab and write a new style. Import the css*2 and enjoy your new firefox!There might be some small bugs etc, just play with it.
*1 ~/here/your/folder/TMPpref
tabmixplus extensions.tabmix.linkTarget=false extensions.tabmix.enablefiletype=true extensions.tabmix.speLink=0 extensions.tabmix.singleWindow=false extensions.tabmix.loadOnNewTab=0 extensions.tabmix.newTabUrl= extensions.tabmix.openNewTabNext=false extensions.tabmix.openTabNext=false extensions.tabmix.openTabNextInverse=true extensions.tabmix.openDuplicateNext=true extensions.tabmix.opentabfor.bookmarks=false extensions.tabmix.opentabfor.urlbar=false browser.tabs.loadFolderAndReplace=true extensions.tabmix.opentabfor.history=false extensions.tabmix.middlecurrent=false browser.tabs.loadInBackground=true extensions.tabmix.loadUrlInBackground=false browser.tabs.loadDivertedInBackground=false extensions.tabmix.loadSearchInBackground=false extensions.tabmix.loadNewInBackground=false browser.tabs.loadBookmarksInBackground=false extensions.tabmix.loadDuplicateInBackground=false extensions.tabmix.loadBookmarksGroupInBackground=false extensions.tabmix.inversefocusLinks=false extensions.tabmix.inversefocusOther=false extensions.tabmix.tabs.warnOnClose=true browser.tabs.warnOnClose=true extensions.tabmix.protectedtabs.warnOnClose=true browser.tabs.closeWindowWithLastTab=true extensions.tabmix.keepLastTab=false extensions.tabmix.replaceLastTabWith=0 extensions.tabmix.newTabUrl_afterLastTab= extensions.tabmix.focusTab=2 extensions.tabmix.mergeAllWindows=true extensions.tabmix.mergePopups=false extensions.tabmix.placePopupNextToOpener=true extensions.tabmix.closeOnSelect=true extensions.tabmix.warnOnclose=true extensions.tabmix.undoClose=true browser.sessionstore.max_tabs_undo=10 extensions.tabmix.undoClosePosition=true extensions.tabmix.undoCloseButton.menuonly=false browser.ctrlTab.previews=false extensions.tabmix.lasttab.tabPreviews=true extensions.tabmix.lasttab.showTabList=false extensions.tabmix.lasttab.respondToMouseInTabList=true extensions.tabmix.disableF8Key=true extensions.tabmix.slideDelay=10 extensions.tabmix.reloadEvery.onReloadButton=false extensions.tabmix.newTabButton=false extensions.tabmix.newTabButton.position=2 extensions.tabmix.hideTabBarButton=true extensions.tabmix.hideAllTabsButton=true browser.allTabs.previews=false extensions.tabmix.tabBarSpace=false extensions.tabmix.hideTabbar=0 extensions.tabmix.tabBarPosition=0 extensions.tabmix.tabBarMode=0 extensions.tabmix.tabBarMaxRow=3 extensions.tabmix.clickToScroll.scrollDelay=150 extensions.tabmix.currentTab=false extensions.tabmix.unreadTab=true extensions.tabmix.otherTab=false extensions.tabmix.extraIcons=false extensions.tabmix.progressMeter=true extensions.tabmix.noprogress=false extensions.tabmix.tabXMode.enable=false extensions.tabmix.tabXLeft=true extensions.tabmix.tabXMode=1 extensions.tabmix.tabXDelay=50 browser.tabs.tabClipWidth=140 browser.tabs.tabMinWidth=120 browser.tabs.tabMaxWidth=120 extensions.tabmix.flexTabs=false extensions.tabmix.titlefrombookmark=false extensions.tabmix.mouseOverSelect=false extensions.tabmix.mouseOverSelectDelay=250 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extensions.tabmix.styles.unreadTab=italic:false,bold:false,underline:false,text:true,textColor:'rgba(51,102,255,1)',bg:false,bgColor:'rgba(204,0,0,1)' extensions.tabmix.styles.otherTab=italic:false,bold:false,underline:false,text:true,textColor:'rgba(0,0,0,1)',bg:false,bgColor:'rgba(236,233,216,1)' extensions.tabmix.styles.progressMeter=bg:true,bgColor:'rgba(170,170,255,1)'
*2 Minimal Tab/url Bar
@namespace url(; .tabbrowser-tabs *|tab { font-size: 10px !important; height: 12px !important; min-width: 8px !important; } #content spacer,.tabs-bottom { display: none !important; } #content *{ margin: 0 !important; padding:0 0 0 0px !important; } tab>.tab-image-middle,tab,tabs { max-height: 17px !important; } .tabbrowser-tab { -moz-appearance: none !important; -moz-border-radius: 0px !important; padding-left: 8px !important; padding-right: 8px !important; } .tabbrowser-tab[selected="true"] { background: #68696b !important; color: #e0e0e0 !important; } .tab-text { text-align: center !important; } #urlbar { background: #303030 !important; text-align: right !important; color: #8f8f8f !important; } #forward-button { background: #303030 !important; color: #8f8f8f !important; } #back-button { background: #303030 !important; color: #8f8f8f !important; } #reload-button { background: #303030 !important; color: #8f8f8f !important; } #urlbar-icons > #star-button:not([starred="true"]) { display: none !important; } #feed-button { display: none !important; } #urlbar-icons > #go-button { display: none !important; } .tabbrowser-tabs .tab-icon { display: none !important; } #back-forward-dropmarker { display: none !important; } .tabs-newtab-button { display: none !important; } .scrollbutton-up, .scrollbutton-down { display: none !important; } /* scrollbar { visibility:collapse !important; } */
For a about blank in the ECEDEE color:
@namespace url(; @-moz-document url("about:blank") { body{background-color:#ECEDEE !important} }
Thank you my friend.
It's a bit more complex than I thought but I'm already into it!
rent0n@deviantART | rent0n@bitbucket | | LRU #337812
aspire: Acer Aspire 5920 Arch Linux x86_64 | beetle: Gericom Beetle G733 Arch Linux i686
n0dix wrote:Hello @bobdob, can i have that wallpaper?
Sure. Not sure where it was originally from tho.
This came from me. Still have this picture as my wallpaper
The original source is from:
A centipede is an inchworm that has switched to the metric system.
Inspired by sxe's desktop
And yes, us geeks can have hot gf's
Last edited by Mountainjew (2010-04-17 05:16:09)
Show-off I really like the clock thingie you've got going on in the bottom right. Is that conky with a really cool shaded/reflecting font?
Mountainjew wrote:Show-off
I really like the clock thingie you've got going on in the bottom right. Is that conky with a really cool shaded/reflecting font?
The clock is a superkaramba widget, called 3D Desktop Clock
robrene wrote:tvale wrote:Wow, very very nice! I've been looking at some tiling window managers lately, what are you using? Also, what is the bar at the top with the simple icons and system information? That looks really cool.
For the rest, I'd like to know what fonts are in your webbrowser and terminal. They look a lot better than what I have.
Window manager is XMonad. The bar at the top is dzen2 with information feeded by conky.
All this is in the official repositories.The fixed width font is Envy Code R and the other is Droid Sans. Both in AUR.
Hey Tiago, I need your help with some doubts, can you help me?
Experimenting with Compiz Standalone WM.
Really? Do you have any idea where it stores the name of the current theme? I've been looking for that information for awhile. >.<
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