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Saves themes, icon settings, panel tweaks, conky and other configs as A-Name.theme.tar
User can then revert to an old settup or confidently explore new ideas, test new looks and themes with the ability to revert.
Users can save cool settups and switch between them
Users can share many settups
User could have a script/menu/keycommand that altered the whole look of the PC, say from "Work - clear theme" to "Home, dark and cool theme"
Using the Screenshot info grabber or similar, capture and save various settings.
Find a way to load these settings back as desired.
Likely to begin with this will be run CLI
Desired scenarios.
Ideally for Openbox to begin with (as I use it and we are all tweakers) but extended to all environments if possible, the system would save say: Openbox theme, GTK theme, conky config, tint2 config, desktop image (wallpaper) Icon set (and maybe colors if using an adjustable icon set like 'anycoloryoulike' to a file named by the user say "dark-theme-8August.theme.tar"
The user could save various settups and reload them at will.
I might be able to integrate something like this into screenFetch. I'll let you know how my tests go.
Last edited by kittykatt (2010-04-08 13:37:59)
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I once did something like that. I'll see whether I find the related files.
It basically consisted of a specially crafted .xinitrc where you could specify the window manager and theme name and then I had one case for each window manager and in there I started whichever things i needed or wanted (like panels and conky and whatnot) and it got the config files from a theme directory which was something like ~/.local/share/deskthemes/${themename}/ and there was also a wallpaper for every theme and some "theme description files" that specified whether that theme even had a conky or a panel or whathaveyou. depending on those information it of course did/didn't start those things.
Whenever I wanted to try out a new window manager I had to write a new section in the xinitrc, but as far as themes were concerned, I only had to make a new folder in ~/.local/share/deskthemes/ with all the needed stuff and I was ready to go.
hope that helps and I'll look for it over the weekend.
Why not git?
for tint2 you can check this