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#1 2010-04-13 11:09:14

Registered: 2008-12-13
Posts: 84

[SOLVED] Can't upgrade anything!

having returned from a week away, i now have a couple of hundred mbs of packages to upgrade.
unfortunately, it would appear that NONE of the packages in the new tar.xz format will work, providing me with an error saying

File kernel26- is corrupted. Do you want to delete it?

this appears for virtually every package. there was an error once involving libarchive, which i upgraded on its own (and that oddly worked) and the error went away. there was also previously an error with libssl, also, which i fixed by adding new symlinks. i now have a semi-upgraded and confused system. help!


EDIT: I am using the most up-to-date mirror that there is

Last edited by benji.ijneb (2010-04-18 17:13:36)


#2 2010-04-13 11:47:26

From: if only I knew
Registered: 2008-12-22
Posts: 1,775

Re: [SOLVED] Can't upgrade anything!

Happens once in a while to me - keep downloading and sooner or later you'll get rid of it.

That's my experience fwiw.

never trust a toad...
::Grateful ArchDonor::
::Grateful Wikipedia Donor::


#3 2010-04-13 11:48:27

From: the pub
Registered: 2009-04-14
Posts: 1,772

Re: [SOLVED] Can't upgrade anything!

Did you "pacman -Syy" after changes mirrors?  This is almost certainly a mirror problem.

All men have stood for freedom...
For freedom is the man that will turn the world upside down.
Gerrard Winstanley.


#4 2010-04-13 13:14:57

Registered: 2009-05-06
Posts: 25,440

Re: [SOLVED] Can't upgrade anything!

> there was an error once involving libarchive, which i upgraded on its own (and that oddly worked)
Maybe libarchive is still in .pkg.tar.gz format? New pacman & co. handle the .pkg.tar.xz files w/o a problem.


#5 2010-04-13 18:52:20

Registered: 2008-12-13
Posts: 84

Re: [SOLVED] Can't upgrade anything!

thanks loads. after waiting a bit, many of the packages are now installing.
but there are now two new errors, both of which are related to LZMA compression.
some packages (eg kernel26) give me this once they have downloaded, but before they install/upgrade:

error: error while reading package /var/cache/pacman/pkg/kernel26- Lzma library error: Corrupted input dataTruncated input file (needed 5896704 bytes, only 0 available)
error: failed to commit transaction (libarchive error)

some, once the install has completed, give me this:

upgrading xorg-server [##################] 100% error: could not extract usr/bin/xvfb-run (Lzma library error: Corrupted input data) error: problem occurred while upgrading xorg-server (36/50)

thanks for your help so far!


#6 2010-04-14 22:52:29

Registered: 2008-12-13
Posts: 84

Re: [SOLVED] Can't upgrade anything!

bump. any help with this?


#7 2010-04-14 23:07:40

Registered: 2009-05-06
Posts: 25,440

Re: [SOLVED] Can't upgrade anything!

Show us your /etc/pacman.conf and the output of 'pacman -Q pacman'.


#8 2010-04-14 23:31:12

Registered: 2008-12-13
Posts: 84

Re: [SOLVED] Can't upgrade anything!

[benji@benji ~]$ pacman -Q pacman
pacman 3.3.3-5


# /etc/pacman.conf
# See the pacman.conf(5) manpage for option and repository directives

# The following paths are commented out with their default values listed.
# If you wish to use different paths, uncomment and update the paths.
#RootDir     = /
#DBPath      = /var/lib/pacman/
#CacheDir    = /var/cache/pacman/pkg/
#LogFile     = /var/log/pacman.log
HoldPkg     = pacman glibc
# If upgrades are available for these packages they will be asked for first
SyncFirst   = pacman
#XferCommand = /usr/bin/wget --passive-ftp -c -O %o %u
#XferCommand = /usr/bin/curl %u > %o
#CleanMethod = KeepInstalled

# Pacman won't upgrade packages listed in IgnorePkg and members of IgnoreGroup
#IgnorePkg   = nvidia nvidia-utils
#IgnoreGroup =

#NoUpgrade   =
#NoExtract   =

# Misc options (all disabled by default)

#   - can be defined here or included from another file
#   - pacman will search repositories in the order defined here
#   - local/custom mirrors can be added here or in separate files
#   - repositories listed first will take precedence when packages
#     have identical names, regardless of version number
#   - URLs will have $repo replaced by the name of the current repo
# Repository entries are of the format:
#       [repo-name]
#       Server = ServerName
#       Include = IncludePath
# The header [repo-name] is crucial - it must be present and
# uncommented to enable the repo.

# Testing is disabled by default.  To enable, uncomment the following
# two lines.  You can add preferred servers immediately after the header,
# and they will be used before the default mirrors.
#Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist

# Add your preferred servers here, they will be used first
Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist

# Add your preferred servers here, they will be used first
Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist

# Add your preferred servers here, they will be used first
Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist

Server =

#Server =

# An example of a custom package repository.  See the pacman manpage for
# tips on creating your own repositories.
#Server = file:///home/custompkgs

#Server =

any help? thanks


#9 2010-04-15 00:13:47

Registered: 2009-05-06
Posts: 25,440

Re: [SOLVED] Can't upgrade anything!

You've got the latest pacman and your settings look fine, so probably you've got just bad luck. Try to follow toad's advice and download from another mirror or wait sometime and try again.


#10 2010-04-15 00:15:59

Forum Fellow
From: Between Thailand and Singapore
Registered: 2009-03-17
Posts: 7,358

Re: [SOLVED] Can't upgrade anything!

Try deleting those files from pacman's cache and then redownloading them.

Allan-Volunteer on the (topic being discussed) mailn lists. You never get the people who matters attention on the forums.
jasonwryan-Installing Arch is a measure of your literacy. Maintaining Arch is a measure of your diligence. Contributing to Arch is a measure of your competence.
Griemak-Bleeding edge, not bleeding flat. Edge denotes falls will occur from time to time. Bring your own parachute.


#11 2010-04-15 13:06:05

Registered: 2008-12-13
Posts: 84

Re: [SOLVED] Can't upgrade anything!

I've waited a bit and things seem to be going somewhat better. going to reinstall pacman, xz-utils and libarchive all together now.


#12 2010-04-15 14:54:12

Registered: 2008-12-13
Posts: 84

Re: [SOLVED] Can't upgrade anything!

ah. my optomism was unfounded. i now have all my apps sporadicly cashing, complaining about libarchive and other stuff. every so often the entire system freezes up, including the keyboard but not the cursor, and i have to do a hard reboot. this has gone from bad to worse!

I think it would be best to do a fresh reinstall. I know this probably isn't the right place to do this, but how would i go about moving my /home onto a new partition, and then including it in the new install? that would be a great help, and hopefully from here i can build my system again quickly.

i suppose this is what you get if you live on the bleeding edge...


#13 2010-04-15 15:05:30

Registered: 2009-05-06
Posts: 25,440

Re: [SOLVED] Can't upgrade anything!

> i suppose this is what you get if you live on the bleeding edge...
You shouldn't upgrade just one or two apps 'pacman -S foo bar baz', use 'pacman -Syu' and you should be fine. … g_Packages



#14 2010-04-15 15:10:26

Registered: 2008-12-13
Posts: 84

Re: [SOLVED] Can't upgrade anything!

thatnks, but that thread doesn't really give me the detail that I need. really, i just want to know how to:
a) copy /home onto a new partition
b) install arch erasing all partitions BUT that one
c) use that partition as my new /home (can this be configured in the install?)



#15 2010-04-15 17:05:48

Registered: 2009-08-28
Posts: 3,059

Re: [SOLVED] Can't upgrade anything!

Just backup the files from your /home (to a USB, CD, etc), reinstall Arch with a /home partition (the auto prepare option does create a /home partition), then copy the files back into your new /home. … Hard_Drive


#16 2010-04-15 18:28:39

Registered: 2008-12-13
Posts: 84

Re: [SOLVED] Can't upgrade anything!

would it not be possible to, via the liveCD of something like Ubuntu, create a new partition and put the contents of my /home onto it, then just use that partition as a mountpoint in the arch install and not format it? that would be far easier (i have no way atm to back up all of the contents of that drive...)



#17 2010-04-17 15:07:38

Registered: 2008-12-13
Posts: 84

Re: [SOLVED] Can't upgrade anything!

I know that i shouldn't be posting this here, but I *really* need help

having reinstalled arch again from scratch, i have the *exact* same issues - pacman, crashing... everything.
ubuntus 8.10 through 10.04 all coplain of the same issue when installing - there's an input/output error, they can't copy files onto the disk, and then the disk fails.
openSUSE 11.2 complains of a similar problem on "copying root filesystem", saying that it can't copy certain files etc, and it fails too.

and, to top it all off, it would appear that the system is now having problems even running a liveCD! all the liveCDs that i have used have had similar problems with sporadic application crashing.

I'm on a relatively new HP G60, which up until now has had no problems. help! thanks!


#18 2010-04-17 15:11:20

Forum Fellow
Registered: 2006-11-26
Posts: 5,819

Re: [SOLVED] Can't upgrade anything!

You're experiencing a hardware problem, and there's not a single OS that can fix that for you. I/O errors point to e.g. your HD or your RAM. I'd test them if I were you. If even Live CDs are crashing, my money would be on your RAM.

Universal Boot CD is a good Live CD to test your RAM (MemTest86/Memtest86+) and it has tons of other diagnostic tools as well.

Got Leenucks? :: Arch: Power in simplicity :: Get Counted! Registered Linux User #392717 :: Blog thingy


#19 2010-04-17 15:21:52

Registered: 2008-12-13
Posts: 84

Re: [SOLVED] Can't upgrade anything!

thanks for the quick response. i'm all out of blank cds to burn ulitmate boot cd, but ubuntu has memtest+86 on it, so i'm running that as we speak.


#20 2010-04-18 09:28:36

Registered: 2008-12-13
Posts: 84

Re: [SOLVED] Can't upgrade anything!

yeah, it looks like that's the problem!
i'm not sure how to find out which slot the 5120 errors are on, though...?


#21 2010-04-18 11:08:25

Forum Fellow
Registered: 2006-11-26
Posts: 5,819

Re: [SOLVED] Can't upgrade anything!

Take out all RAM sticks but one and test the remaining one in every slot. Make sure the one you're using is not faulty, it could be a faulty slot but one of the RAM sticks could be faulty as well.

Got Leenucks? :: Arch: Power in simplicity :: Get Counted! Registered Linux User #392717 :: Blog thingy


#22 2010-04-18 17:12:36

Registered: 2008-12-13
Posts: 84

Re: [SOLVED] Can't upgrade anything!

great. thanks for your help, everyone. saved me from a lot of fretting! gonna mark this as solved now, i think. unless new ram doesn't fix it, in which case i'll be seeing you all soon smile


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