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I don't know if this is the right sub forum or if this is supposed to go to artwork. Anyway, I made a small rewrite of rtorrent main screen:
added features:
- added colors
- torrent display shortened to 2 lines, better visibility
- added peer count to main screen
- better formatting on screen resize
- other small tweaks to torrent infos
- an IP filter patch (upstream ticket)
- example rtorrent.rc
Please test and post your suggestions (too many colors? bugs in display? other stuff?).
Last edited by karabaja4 (2011-03-02 02:17:25)
Good work, but you should submit it upstream. Only Arch users will see it here.
Looks nice karabaja .
Got Leenucks? :: Arch: Power in simplicity :: Get Counted! Registered Linux User #392717 :: Blog thingy
Great job karabaja. +1 on submitting upstream.
looks great, if you could add a string filter with / it will be superawesome!
ᶘ ᵒᴥᵒᶅ
Good work, but you should submit it upstream. Only Arch users will see it here.
Will do. Since I never done that before via Trac, does it involve just opening a ticket with patch attached?
looks great, if you could add a string filter with / it will be superawesome!
Please be more specific, I didn't understand your request
Since I never done that before via Trac, does it involve just opening a ticket with patch attached?
Yeah - or if that doesn't work out, send it to the ML.
Please be more specific, I didn't understand your request
i meant a way to find specific torrents by name, especially useful with a lot (50/100+) of torrents running. a name-based filter invoked by for instance "/", where you can type some letters and only the torrents matching that string are listed
ᶘ ᵒᴥᵒᶅ
That's probably a bit out of scope...
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That's probably a bit out of scope...
Agreed, I don't understand the code structure that well... it probably could be done but with some time spent studying the code. Maybe in a future
litemotiv - submit the feature request upstream as well. The rtorrent dev and/or a hacker from another distro might like the idea.
+1 for upstream
It's funny, I was just thinking the other day that rtorrent's display is a pain to read, and then this shows up. Patches cleanly on top of rtorrent-extended (if you discard the included color patches).
Heh, I did the same thing. rtorrent-extended-mod. Awesome!
Nice one! I am using it right now.
Would it be possible to make the colors editable? Preferably from the .rtorrent.rc?
Something like
color_active = 0xffffff
color_error = 0xff0000
that would be awesome
→ im.ole
Would it be possible to make the colors editable? Preferably from the .rtorrent.rc?)
Can do, but it's going to take me a few days since I'm out of town
Paaskehare wrote:Would it be possible to make the colors editable? Preferably from the .rtorrent.rc?)
Can do, but it's going to take me a few days since I'm out of town
That's alright, it's just a minor thing, but sure would be nice to have ^^
→ im.ole
I will add this patch to rtorrent-extended soon. wait for color customizing version. nice patch karabaja4
now added... have fun
Please check if it conflicts with canvas_color patch, it patches the same files as mine...
upstream plz kthxbye
< Daenyth> and he works prolifically
4 8 15 16 23 42
I come up with a new compliment: karabaja4, you're like a salmon, boldly going upstream :-)
wow, nice work.