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I always run `tmux -2` to force 256 colors, keep $TERM=rxvt-unicode and I have t_Co=256 in vim, don't know if this would be helpful. Maybe the problem is the colorscheme? I don't have that one so I couldn't test.
As I said it is not specific to vim. Check out the output. I've also seen some wrongly displayed things in slrn. Some sequences are triggering this.
Are you sure you are using $TERM=rxvt-unicode? When I set it I get this while trying to start tmux:
open terminal failed: missing or unsuitable terminal: rxvt-unicode
livibetter wrote:I always run `tmux -2` to force 256 colors, keep $TERM=rxvt-unicode and I have t_Co=256 in vim, don't know if this would be helpful. Maybe the problem is the colorscheme? I don't have that one so I couldn't test.
As I said it is not specific to vim. Check out the output. I've also seen some wrongly displayed things in slrn. Some sequences are triggering this.
Are you sure you are using $TERM=rxvt-unicode? When I set it I get this while trying to start tmux:
open terminal failed: missing or unsuitable terminal: rxvt-unicode
Sorry, I should also mention I am using Gentoo. What I meant was to keep your $TERM.
This issue is fixed in CVS HEAD, I was running 1.1.
Maybe it was bash escape or something because I use basically the same things as you (rxvt-unicode-256, [similar] colorscheme, tmux 1.1) except that I use zsh. It'd be interesting to see if using other shells would yield the same results for you, not that it matters anymore, and possibly not even the problem. Who knows. I tried changing as much as I could think of in my .zshrc, .tmux.conf, inputrc, .Xdefaults, etc, but could not reproduce. Ah, well, I'm glad it's fixed, I'll remember to check out the cvs revisions if I ever encounter any problems.
Could be.
I'm happy it's fixed as I've now had motivation to finally create my config :)
Could be.
I'm happy it's fixed as I've now had motivation to finally create my config
Nice status bar!
Nice status bar!
I wonder whose it is :) I just modified it a little. But you already know that. Thanks to you and thayer...
Yes, I found it! Though I really do not understand what I'm supposed to do. new-window -t creates a new window in the first session, and so does link-window.
If I can not find a decent solution to this I'll have to bring back screen again... sadly, since tmux seems very good in other ways (especially the splitting)...
That FAQ text says, in a not very clear way, instead of "tmux attach" try "tmux new-session -t 0" (assuming your original session doesn't have a custom name). Compare the output of tmux list-sessions before and after you do this, and you'll get the gist of how it works.
Note: I didn't get to this point all by myself, a guy pointed me in the right direction on the IRC channel
Default key bindings are so that Ctrl-b 1 selects window 1, Ctrl-b 2
selects window 2 and so on. But I could not find any bindings for pane
selection by its number. It is possible to do a binding as follows:
Ctrl-b z 1 -- select pane 1
Ctrl-b z 2 -- select pane 2 and so on?
Thank you in advance.
UPD: oh sorry, it was obvious that to select pane by number you need to press Ctrl-b q 1. now I see it. but how to change this binding to another key?
Last edited by balta2ar (2010-03-23 12:48:09)
I've just started using tmux and it's awesome.
However, I never used screen so I'm a complete newbie in terminal multiplexers and I 've got a couple of questions:
1. It is possible to map combinations of keys with Shift or the Windows key like 'C-a Shift+Up'?
2. How do I completely quit/exit tmux without having to close all the single windows with 'C-a &'?
3. What is the purpose of the detach ('C-a d') command? I can't get it.
rent0n@deviantART | rent0n@bitbucket | | LRU #337812
aspire: Acer Aspire 5920 Arch Linux x86_64 | beetle: Gericom Beetle G733 Arch Linux i686
I finally got the meaning of detaching and reattaching tmux.
Still no luck on using combinations of key with Shift or Win and really can't understand how to completely quit the program without having to close every single window. Anyone?
However, here is my very simple .tmux.conf:
# Set C-a instead of C-b
set-option -g prefix C-a
unbind-key C-b
bind-key C-a send-prefix
# Vim-like keybinds
set-option -g status-keys vi
set-window-option -g mode-keys vi
# Mouse selects panes
set-option -g mouse-select-pane on
# Splitting windows into panes with h and v
bind-key v split-window -v
bind-key h split-window -h
# Left and Right to swith between panes
bind-key Left up-pane
bind-key Right down-pane
# Ctrl + Up, Down, Left and Right to swap panes
unbind-key C-Up
bind-key C-Up swap-pane -U
unbind-key C-Down
bind-key C-Down swap-pane -D
unbind-key C-left
bind-key C-Left swap-pane -U
unbind-key C-Right
bind-key C-Right swap-pane -D
# Rotate panes with Enter and Ctrl + Enter
bind-key Enter rotate-window -D
#bind-key C-Enter rotate-window -U
# Kill window with X
bind-key X confirm-before kill-window
# Status bar
set-option -g status-bg black
set-option -g status-fg white
set-option -g status-right '%d/%m/%y %H:%M'
set-option -g status-left '#H'
# Panes borders
set-option -g pane-active-border-fg black
set-option -g pane-active-border-bg black
rent0n@deviantART | rent0n@bitbucket | | LRU #337812
aspire: Acer Aspire 5920 Arch Linux x86_64 | beetle: Gericom Beetle G733 Arch Linux i686
To quit tmux completely you need to kill the server. tmux kill-server should do that nicely. Be warned though, it terminates all processes running in windows in that server.
!! --
milomouse's .tumx.conf and what's in the last 'box' in my post here covers all the ramble.
UPDATE 2: the default are working brilliantly. + and - keys
(DASH and EQUAL actually '-' '=' no shift needed - sorry) for splits.
(running latest tmux-git from AUR) With the 'o' key so close to '-' and '=' it's all nice to get used to I'd say.
UPDATE 1: appears that I'm now getting things going better with milomouse's .tmux.conf.
I'm able to cycle around windows with the 'o' key. So, perhaps I just missed something the other day (likely)
or running the latest git version (AUR) has helped. The 'o' key for cycling panes I believe is the default. … .tmux.conf
I only changed the top lines to both be C-a
- - - - - - INITIAL POST with extras at bottom - - - - - - -
OBJECTIVE: get down-pane working again with latest version
Currently running the latest tmux-git which I think has some changes past tmux 1.2
all great yet I can't figure out the helpful stuff I got on IRC when I asked how to replace down-pane
I used to use:
unbind o
bind C-s down-pane
now deprecated it appears.
The tip I got in IRC is:
Just replace any occurrence of down-pane in your .tmux.conf with
select-pane -t :.+, and any of up-pane with select-pane -t :.-
SO I put this in .tmux.conf
select-pane -t :.+
select-pane -t :.-
Then I commented it out finding that with the above the plus and minus keys seem to do by default:
create new pane horizontal and create new pane vertical.
Well, I'll be working to figure this out. I'm definitely not getting it due to only spending a bit of time on it.
I'm finding that the old -h and -v are doing new panes though plus and minus keys are.
So, hoping to perhaps set -h and -v to work again as horz and vert new panes.
Though mostly I'm puzzling over how the new tmux 1.2 and onward I believe do down-pane and up-pane.
Anyone know about 'select-pane' and it's new workings?
What to put in .tmux.conf to get say the 's' key to rotate around panes for example.
Amazing new feature in tmux - thinking it's important to stay up on it with the development and mods.
tmux changelog: … ux/CHANGES
This looks interesting for screen commands converting, though I love the latest defaults and milomouse's conf:
This link's about version 1.2 I think, though the date is way back. … .tmux.conf
AT THIS MOMENT: trying all the keys preceded of course by modifier, such as '.' and ',' rename and move window!
Nothing like a slow-down to speed things up! Also, looks like the arrow keys can do some moving around panes !!!! um, duh me!
WOW: I won't be using the 's' key to cycle through panes as by default 's' shows a list of the sessions which are of course selectable.
Glad to be getting back into some tmux learning. Have missed a lot! Great day. TMUX really makes a greatest pleasure.
BIG ONE OF THE DAY - and last crazed update here:
As you likely know, though new to me. Hold down your modifier eg. Control-a
and keep it down and the arrow keys resize the pane as long as you
keep hitting whatever logical arrow key fast enough.Then, when hitting the modifier and releasing it the arrow keys can
nicely move in any direction selecting other panes.
Along with the 'o' for cycling and '-' and '=' for splitting. … .tmux.conf
I only changed the top lines to both be C-a
I am SO amazed at what I have now understood. Yep, gotta love a problem for gettting further along.
with milomouse's .tmux.conf and due to my lack of skill, to get the arrow key magic and a few other thing I have this::
set -g base-index 1 #starts window numbering from 1 instead of 0
### splitting and cycling # I guess it's only the unbinding that then seems to allow the arrow keys to work - still have to study this
set-option -g mouse-select-pane off
unbind %
bind = split-window -h
unbind '"'
bind - split-window -v
# bind 0 upp ## had to comment this out, got error - no idea yet what it does/is
# command prefix ## and o course right at the top I put this to get C-a as modifier
set -g prefix C-a
bind C-a send-prefix
All of it using lates -git version from AUR. I believe 1.2 via pacman might do it as well however.
Last edited by yvonney (2010-04-13 03:07:34)
Hi there,
I discovered tmux 10 minutes ago, and I see a great potential in it
However I'd like to switch windows firefox-style: Alt+1 : 1st one, Alt+2 : 2nd, and so on...
unbind M-1
unbind M-2
unbind M-3
unbind M-4
bind-key -n M-1 select-window -t :0
bind-key -n M-2 select-window -t :1
bind-key -n M-3 select-window -t :2
I thought something like that should do the job, but it doesn't.
EDIT: omg, that was so lame. It was working, but Konsole was overtaking Alt+1,2,3... as it's own shortcuts. Well, it's 3:40AM here, that would be my excuse
Last edited by vi3dr0 (2010-04-13 01:43:19)
Thinkpad T61p : T7700 | 4GB RAM | nVidia FX 570M | Intel 4965
Arch64 @ Openbox
With tmux from git (or cvs, but don't know for version 1.2), you can select pane with the command : 'select-pane -[UDLR]'
with -U for up, -D for down, -L for left and -R for right.
For vim users, I've made a vim script which send portion of a buffer to a running tmux session. I think it may be useful to some people.
Basically, you open an interpreter (for example) in a tmux window/pane and within vim, you press <C-c><C-c> and it sends the current 'paragraph' (see ':h paragraph' and ':h text-objects' in vim) to the selected tmux window/pane (the script asks for the tmux window/pane the first time you press the keybinding (tab completion available)).
You can find the script here
This version of the script works with version 1.2 of tmux and it has as limitation that it can only send text to the pane #0.
If you use tmux-git, you can fetch an update version of the script which allow the selection of the pane you want to send text to
Last edited by jiyuu (2010-04-13 12:29:02)
@ jiyuu
thanks!!! I've got that functionality and love it. So cool. the arrow keys!
I do have some weird bits in my config still. will get to that soon. um, maybe.
[OBJECTIVE: start tmux and many windows open - TIPS NEEDED I think]
tonight I'm finally going past the basics with tmux and I'm here looking around.
First up is how to start an instance of tmux and have:
All open into different WINDOWS at once of course.
easy right?! all I need to do is read all the post here again. right? hehehe
gotta love the learning!
I run: xmonad/urxvtc/zsh
with TONS of things I need to know yet.
UPDATE: read thru all the post. Will now think and be searching for how to start tmux
and have things start in seperate windows. I will try IRC only after I have some idea I hope.
Also, I have found that the project is moving very fast and HEAD -git has stuff and fixes that
are sometimes important depending on ones usage.
IRC can be very helpful as the dev and gurus are often there.
I have had much help on #tmux IRC channel.
And, reading the changlog is breath-taking. hehehe
I mean really, tmux has totally changed my life's productivity, truly.
RANGER is now doing that too!
Found this for a start - not sure at all if these cover the tmux 1.2 and later coolness: … 0712190402 #cool interview
/usr/share/tmux #very cool examples.
I've been advised that:
create a session with `new-session'. that command also spawns the first application.
say mutt. after that you use `new-window' multiple times to spawn the other programs.
seem like it's pretty much all here:
imagine my surprise!
UPDATE 2: yep, the examples (/usr/share/tmux and on sourceforge) show how to load multiples into seperate windows.
Last edited by yvonney (2010-04-20 07:27:55)
Simple question here:
How do I use the scrollback buffer in tmux? That is, how do I scroll back in commands' outputs?
I used to use Shift+PagUp/PagDown or Shift+Up/Down but none of these keybindings work inside tmux...
rent0n@deviantART | rent0n@bitbucket | | LRU #337812
aspire: Acer Aspire 5920 Arch Linux x86_64 | beetle: Gericom Beetle G733 Arch Linux i686
Anyone know what I'm doing wrong with the devs example file.
Changed it a bit though must be missing something basic.
If I take a line and just run it like so stuff happens. tmux new -d -s0 -nirssi 'exec irssi'
yet, with this in my conf file upon starting tmux I don't get a result.
Thinking to save some time by asking though I haven't done my best yet.
I put this in .tmux.conf and restarted machine.
brought up a term (urxvtc in zsh) then started tmux
nothing happened of course as I'm missing it.
# First session.
new -d -s0 -nirssi 'exec irssi'
# setw -t0:0 monitor-activity on
setw -t0:0 aggressive-resize on
# set -t0 status-bg green
neww -d -nnewsbeuter 'exec newsbeuter'
setw -t0:1 aggressive-resize on
neww -d -nranger 'exec ranger'
setw -t0:2 aggressive-resize on
neww -d -nncmpcpp 'exec ncmpcpp'
setw -t0:3 aggressive-resize on
neww -d -nmutt 'exec mutt'
setw -t0:4 aggressive-resize on
neww -d
You don't need to put 'exec' before your command.
Simple question here:
How do I use the scrollback buffer in tmux? That is, how do I scroll back in commands' outputs?
I used to use Shift+PagUp/PagDown or Shift+Up/Down but none of these keybindings work inside tmux...Thanks!
Up and down work for me (without any specific entry in .tmux.conf).
man tmux also has:
Scroll down C-down or C-e
Scroll up C-up or C-y
@jiyuu changed though i'm not getting what's supposed/intended to happen.
I restart machine. I open urcvtc term. I type tmux. it starts first session as #1 (I have: set -g base-index 1)
then what? Or?
# First session.
new -d -s1 -nirssi 'exec irssi'
# setw -t1:0 monitor-activity on
setw -t1:0 aggressive-resize on
# set -t1 status-bg green
neww -d -nnewsbeuter 'exec newsbeuter'
setw -t1:1 aggressive-resize on
neww -d -nranger 'exec ranger'
setw -t1:2 aggressive-resize on
neww -d -nncmpcpp 'exec ncmpcpp'
setw -t1:3 aggressive-resize on
neww -d -nmutt 'exec mutt'
setw -t1:4 aggressive-resize on
neww -d
Ahhhh... I changed to s1 and t1
now I get an error though I hit 'return' and I get what I expect.
~/.tmux.conf: 65: window not found: 1:0
So: I open term, type tmux, THEN I type C-a (my mod key) then 's' which tells me I have
2 sessions with one attached. I then hit return on either I think and it starts up correctly, as I want.
So... easy fix I think. fantastic! Just need fix. OR maybe it's recalling the session 0 due to wrong s1 setting.
will restart.
Last edited by yvonney (2010-04-20 08:29:45)
OK, so with the right above #first session and with set -g base-index 1
I type tmux after restart and tmux starts with session 1
Though it's session 0 that has the aurostart stuff.
(0) 1: 5 windows [80x23]
(1) 1: 1 windows [238x71] (attached)
So, I have the @ first session at the bottom of my conf and the set -g base-index 1 in the middle.
I wonder if that's why it starts with session 1 though doesn't choose the setting for #first session unless I list
the session and choose session 1 manually.
If I try to select session 1 again (which seem to be the one that's running) I get:.tmux.conf: 65: window not found: 1:0
I will have to check line 65 and also rearrange the set -g base-index 1 to be below the # first session stuff.
maybe that will help.
happy about this!
UPDATE: line 65 is:
setw -t1:0 aggressive-resize on
SO! must it be that I am saying 0 and should increment everything UP one number. will try that. must be it I think.
I will NOT write back and add yet another post IF it's as i think/hope. thanks !
Here's the devs (NicM) example before I changed it. I am now thinking the first line is the START command maybe
that triggers a script. Perhaps that's part of my problem. I'm now ready to read the manual parts!
His example is from last year, version 1.11
NOTE: I'm WRONG: it's NOT version 1.11 it's revision 1.11 or his example. See URL … f?view=log
# First session.
new -d -s0 -nirssi 'exec ssh -t natalya exec sh ~/bin/tmux-start'
setw -t0:0 monitor-activity on
setw -t0:0 aggressive-resize on
set -t0 status-bg green
neww -d -ntodo 'exec emacs ~/TODO'
setw -t0:1 aggressive-resize on
neww -d -ntodo2 'exec emacs ~/TODO2'
setw -t0:2 aggressive-resize on
neww -d -nncmpc 'exec ncmpc -f ~/.ncmpc.conf'
setw -t0:3 aggressive-resize on
neww -d -nmutt 'exec mutt'
setw -t0:4 aggressive-resize on
neww -d
neww -d
neww -d
NOPE: so far, even with base index set to '0' I get two sessions 0 and 1 and (though now without the error) I need to list and select
what is now session 0 that has everything running in it. All very good though! Just a little bit to learn to have only one session start and actually start with all the programs. Though I have a feeling NicM, the dev, his 'tmux-start' does some magic. I thinnk the other example the 'Thayer' one has a tip to sort this. The part about starting a certain session in .xinitrc.
see /usr/share/tmux examples as mentioned above.
This seems to work all round: thanks to Thayer's and the dev NicM's examples.
in the devs # First session. example it appears the name of the session is '0'
Thayers example calls it mysession so I took Thayer's .xinitrc line from the top of his example
and as the spaces, or not, don't seem to matter just put this.
urxvt -e zsh -c "tmux attach -d -t 0" &
where the '0' is the session name here corresponding to:
new -d -s0
at the beginning of the above # First session example.
whew! good and fortunate start. So: thanks to here and there!
It all started on IRC where I got the tip to check examples and the 1st pointer to what's needed.
AMAZING to boot up and have everything running in TMUX !!!!!!!
Primary, though good for getting my pace up by not having to think to start everything too repetitively.
NOTE: I think maybe the good thing about starting windows from '0' is quite/maybe obviously
that you have one extra window. Easy to get used to. Also, in the devs example there's a way to
link to other instances as I've used up all 10 windows already. Of course there's so much I don't yet know.
Last edited by yvonney (2010-04-20 23:43:21)
rent0n wrote:Simple question here:
How do I use the scrollback buffer in tmux? That is, how do I scroll back in commands' outputs?
I used to use Shift+PagUp/PagDown or Shift+Up/Down but none of these keybindings work inside tmux...Thanks!
Up and down work for me (without any specific entry in .tmux.conf).
man tmux also has:Scroll down C-down or C-e Scroll up C-up or C-y
I didn't get it.
Let's say I enter 'cat very_long_file.txt', then I want to scroll back to see the first part of the file.
Down/Up only show me previous/next bash commands entered (as expected);
C-a Down/Up switch to upper/lower panel;
C-a C-Down/C-Up resize current panel.
So what key combination do I have to enter to scroll back/forward? Maybe I need to enter a 'scroll mode' before?
It is probably very simple but I don't get it and can't find anything on the man.
rent0n@deviantART | rent0n@bitbucket | | LRU #337812
aspire: Acer Aspire 5920 Arch Linux x86_64 | beetle: Gericom Beetle G733 Arch Linux i686
So what key combination do I have to enter to scroll back/forward? Maybe I need to enter a 'scroll mode' before?
Yes. you've to enter the 'copy mode' which is triggered by default by pressing <Prefix-key> + [
See section 'Windows and Panes' in the man page.
i would like to map F11 and F12 to do previous-window and next-window, how do i do that?
on a side note, i want to disable F11 in LXDE (lxterminal) to toggle full-screen?
Last edited by fcuk112 (2010-04-20 12:36:08)
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