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I need to make a specific i686-mingw32 cross compiler because the i486 version in the repos will not compile the code. Can the packager or someone tell me how they built the toolchain and any special instructions to get one of my own going?
These PKGBUILD's, if someone is willing to help me, can go in AUR after I test them
Here are my local PKGBUILDs which include instructions at the top of each PKGBUILD: … w32.tar.gz . They use raw gcc sources, not mingw ones, so may not particularly work... but you should get an idea of the build order.
The simplest and, in my opinion, the best method for installing a MinGW32 cross-compiler environment is via the mingw-cross-env project at
Simply unpack the tar-ball wherever you want your tool-chain and run make with the appropriate arguments to build the entire environment without any tedious patching or configuration. The list of available libraries and tools that can be added (with dependencies computed and built automatically) is growing with every release. When a new release comes out, just unpack the file over the top and run make again to update all your installed packages to the newest version.
I have to say that it has transformed the whole cross-compilation process for me.
Oh, and I don't have anything to do with the project, I'm just a happy user!
I appreciate both of you guys help I am very interested in the mingw-cross-env project. I am building gtk on it as we speak.
Hello everyone
I'm trying to cross-compile a gtk code from Linux to Windows.
I've tried to compile mingw-gtk from AUR but it seems that it doesn't work on arch 64.
I've also tried the script located at, but no success. Does anyone manage to run mingw-cross-env script on Archlinux 64?
Thanks in advance !