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Could we have a forum for general discussion about applications? Topics for this forum would include:
*) configurations (e.g."[vsftpd] Need help with multi-user setup", "[foo] Post your configs")
*) requests (e.g. "Does anyone know of an application similar to x but which can do y and z?")
*) polls and queries (e.g. "[poll] Which foo do you prefer and why?", "Is anyone else using tmux?" <-- real example )
*) discussion about upstream (e.g. "[foo] Does anyone know when foo will support bar?")
As it is right now it seems that these topics are mostly posted in "GNU/Linux" and "Workstation User". I know that topic categorization isn't very strict here (generally a good thing) but sometimes I just don't know where to post some threads. "Workstation User" seems to be geared more towards resolving overall system issues and "GNU/Linux" by name would only be a subset of the intended scope.
If there already is a forum intended for this, perhaps it should be made a bit clearer.
If this is a stupid idea, remind me not to post when I'm tired.
My Arch Linux Stuff • Forum Etiquette • Community Ethos - Arch is not for everyone
> If this is a stupid idea, remind me not to post when I'm tired.
I think it's a decent idea, you should post more when you're tired :-)
I use RSS to keep up w/ what's going on on the forum so I don't really care about a new forum category. To me there exists just a pool named "Arch Forum". No - not a pool: a fountain of wisdom. That's better. I'm going to take my medication (coffee) now.
I think is a great idea, and necessary too.
I think it's a solid idea, and definitely one worth implementing.
I think it's a great idea, if for any reason, just to clean up gnu/linux and workstation a bit. just make sure that the sub-forum is announced/promoted so people know what to do with it once it's up
Hofstadter's Law:
It always takes longer than you expect, even when you take into account Hofstadter's Law.