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I love the "pacman is sad"!
yeah. & after 50+ updates, he becomes angry
Last edited by vik_k (2010-05-08 14:10:12)
"First learn computer science and all the theory. Next develop a programming style. Then forget all that and just hack." ~ George Carrette
lifeafter2am wrote:I love the "pacman is sad"!
yeah. & after 50+ updates, he becomes angry
Thats totally awesome! Care to share that script?
#binarii @
Matrix Server:
Allan -> ArchBang is not supported because it is stupid.
hbweb500 wrote:Compiz standalone, with docky. GTK is eC0. I'm currently trying to get docky to play well with some applications that it just doesn't want to index, Mathematica for one...
would you share your wallpaper ?
Wallpaper: … 399972.png
hbweb500, I am using Compiz-standalone here too. It is quite nice, although there is a problem: Docky doesn't have a "notification area". It is really annoying... I tried using Avant-Window-Navigator but for some reason it doesn't finish loading the window managing applet.
Yeah, a notification area would be nice, but I haven't been missing it. My main issue with docky is that they removed the Gnome-Do integration, which I really liked, and also that it doesn't show some of my running programs. If I run Mathematica, it doesn't appear on the dock. I have been looking for a flat file that I can edit just to add a launcher, but I can't find one.
Stunning desktop. May I ask what graphics card do you have,because my previous experiences with docky have been that it is extremely laggy compared to AWN 0.4 (But then, it could my crappy Nvidia card.)
Thanks. I have an Nvidia GTX260. I haven't really noticed any lag.
hbweb500, I am using Compiz-standalone here too. It is quite nice, although there is a problem: Docky doesn't have a "notification area". It is really annoying... I tried using Avant-Window-Navigator but for some reason it doesn't finish loading the window managing applet.
Yeah, a notification area would be nice, but I haven't been missing it. My main issue with docky is that they removed the Gnome-Do integration, which I really liked, and also that it doesn't show some of my running programs. If I run Mathematica, it doesn't appear on the dock. I have been looking for a flat file that I can edit just to add a launcher, but I can't find one.
I've just fixed the task manager issue!
Take a look at avant-window-navigator, it might fit better than docky for you. It has a way to create customized launchers.
vik_k wrote:lifeafter2am wrote:I love the "pacman is sad"!
yeah. & after 50+ updates, he becomes angry
Thats totally awesome! Care to share that script?
it's not a script, it's just an if-elseif-else block based on pacman -Qu's output in awesome's config file.
vicious.register(updatewidget, vicious.widgets.pkg,
function (widget, args)
if args[1] == 0 then
return 'pacman is <span color="#88a175">happy</span>'
elseif args[1] <= 50 then
return 'pacman is <span color="#d2691e">sad</span> (' .. args[1] .. ')'
return 'pacman is now <span color="red">angry</span> (' .. args[1] .. ')'
end, 3607, 'Arch')
Last edited by vik_k (2010-05-08 16:32:26)
"First learn computer science and all the theory. Next develop a programming style. Then forget all that and just hack." ~ George Carrette
Arch x86_64 - GitHub
Some Humanity-Icons, own qtcurve-config (based on Aqua2)
Here my month just wallpaper and color change.
Uploaded with
Uploaded with
not much has changed , working on a AWESOME desktop so i am teaching myself the ropes.
Registered Linux user :#500622
"être fort pour être utile" (be strong to be useful) —Georges Hébert
"There is only Good people and Bad people, we should not be judged by Race, religion or sex but we should be judged by our deeds or actions." - Lindsey Irving
Xenokite aka Lycan
Here, compiz-fusion installed with emerald, awn (cairo-dock kept crashing, and docky was a gnome slave
) and urxvt.
Installation is about 50MB. Works without ck-launch-session. AIGLX works nicely, unlike a sluggish transset+xcompmgr.
btw: can someone drop me his .awn file (if it's sufficient to work) of digital clock and stacks applet maybe, so I don't have to reinstall awn to bzr version and add an extra package with tons of applets.
I'm digging that emerald theme you've got going on there, where did you get it? I'm considering moving from openbox to compz-standalone or perhaps compiz+gnome
Sorry all for the delay, I've been busy lately.
You can get all the configs here:
@dcc24: compiz-standalone, rest is on the link
@travkin: thats smplayer, gpicview, thunar.
@teh: .conkyrc2 on the link (you need openlogos font, somewhere around the forum there was a modified version)
screenrc, please?
Here my month just wallpaper and color change.
::::CLEAN:::: … with
::::DIRTY:::: … with
not much has changed , working on a AWESOME desktop so i am teaching myself the ropes.
hey Xenokite, There is an anime or manga related to that wallpaper?
Edit: please, wallpaper?
Last edited by n0dix (2010-05-09 15:06:54)
Much the same as last month, except now pretty much fully tweaked and finished.
MUSIC=ncmpc controlling mpd on my server
MAIL=mutt with imap calling gmail
LAUNCHER=dmenu + various dmenu scripts
Dotfiles in sig
I do wish my second monitor could do 1280x1024 :S
Last edited by gazj (2010-05-09 15:52:52)
Your mutt is beautiful, is the sidebar patch your own, care to share?
Found it in AUR of course, was just being lazy. Thanks again
Last edited by gazj (2010-05-09 17:04:45)
Nice! wm? browser? vimprobable?
rent0n@deviantART | rent0n@bitbucket | | LRU #337812
aspire: Acer Aspire 5920 Arch Linux x86_64 | beetle: Gericom Beetle G733 Arch Linux i686
desktop-20100508.png and its original accompanying thumb image
[2012-02-13T08:27-0600] Update: Fixing dead links
Last edited by woddfellow2 (2012-02-13 14:27:09)
1-Crawl 2-Cnfg 3-ATF 4-Exit ?
Reasons wrote:GY!BE
would you share your ncmpcpp config and colors?
playlist_display_mode = "classic"
browser_display_mode = "classic"
search_engine_display_mode = "classic"
progressbar_color = "green"
song_list_format = "{$3%a$9} {$8%t$9} $R {$1%b$9}"
song_columns_list_format = "(30)[green]{a} (37)[white]{t} (33)[black]{b}"
header_visibility = "no"
statusbar_visibility = "yes"
fancy_scrolling = "yes"
ignore_leading_the = "no"
lyrics_database = "2"
colors_enabled = "yes"
statusbar_color = "green"
progressbar_color = "green"
playlist_disable_highlight_delay = "1"
visualizer_fifo_path = "/tmp/mpd.fifo"
visualizer_type = "spectrum"
visualizer_color = "green"
user_interface = "alternative"
progressbar_look = "=>"
alternative_header_first_line_format = "$8--$3 %t $8--$9"
alternative_header_second_line_format = "$8(%b)$9"
alternative_ui_separator_color = "white"
volume_color = "white"
state_line_color = "default"
state_flags_color = "default"
main_window_color = "white"
color1 = "green"
color2 = "white"
main_window_highlight_color = "green"
*color0: #1B1D1E
*color8: #505354
*color1: #F92672
*color9: #FF669D
*color2: #A6E22E
*color10: #BEED5F
*color3: #FD971F
*color11: #E6DB74
*color4: #66D9EF
*color12: #66D9EF
*color5: #9E6FFE
*color13: #9E6FFE
*color6: #5E7175
*color14: #A3BABF
*color7: #CCCCC6
*color15: #F8F8F2
Reasons wrote:Nice! wm? browser? vimprobable?
Xmonad and vimprobable. It really is coming along, just waiting for the downloads to all trigger properly and it'll be awesome.
Just a basic Gnome setup. Getting tired of tweaking all the time...
Last edited by Mountainjew (2010-05-09 23:45:18)