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Hi guys,
did anyone get the Brother printers MFC-6490CW or MFC-5490CN to work with arch ?
(both have very similar drivers and file/folder structure inside their rpms therefore I'm mentioning those two)
I downloaded the rpms and converted them to tar.gz files, extracted them, modified the scripts to comply with Arch folder and filename structures
but unfortunately neither the printing nor the scanner part work
I'm currently on my Gentoo system where printing & scanning works but if someone could come up with detailed steps how to make it work I could re-install arch via Arch Boot in no time and
try to reproduce
I'd like to migrate to Arch so please help make to make this work
Many thanks in advance
Hardcore Linux user since 2004
Both printers/MFC's have drivers in the AUR. I also noticed that there is a 'common' package, probably for all Brother printers in the AUR.
thanks zenlord !
I just found the following 2 PKGBUILD files:
for the 5490CN printer - nice !
and of course thanks to krzd for his contributions
Hardcore Linux user since 2004
If I understood correctly I only need to set up the build directory then copy over the the PKGBUILD, the files mentioned under "Sources"
and run makepkg -s
as a user in that directory ?
seems that I now only need a PKGBUILD script for the scanner
let's see if I can find one, too
seems like I found what I was looking for:
brscan3 0.2.9_1-3
Arch & its community is simply amazing
thanks to deluminathor !
Last edited by kernelOfTruth (2010-05-11 17:35:44)
Hardcore Linux user since 2004
it installed fine & scans
unfortunately it wouldn't print at all (no test page) and no error messages at all
any hint what to do ?
perhaps specifically krzd (Adam Hani Schakaki) can give a hint what to do after installing that package and executing the cupswrapper script under /usr/share/brother/Printer/{model}/cupswrapper ?
in the past I already had installed the driver manually by copying over files step by step but it also wouldn't print
so help is highly appreciated
Last edited by kernelOfTruth (2010-05-12 00:49:38)
Hardcore Linux user since 2004
So, do you see the printer in you list of CUPS-printers? And CUPS returns no errors?
Another possibility is that you extract the PPD-file for your printer and install it manually through the CUPS webinterface. I know I succeeded in doing so for our MFC8880DN.
BTW: read the wiki wrt AUR helpers - they'll make your life a whole lot easier if you plan on installing packages from the AUR.
yes, I tried to install it via the cupswrapper script and the other time also through the ppd-file in /usr/share/cups/model
I also followed the preparation steps listed on the Brother printing site where applicable / possible
unfortunately still to no avail
in fact I'm using yaourt but didn't know about the others so far
thanks !
I'm currently back at my Gentoo system (I'm dependent on being able to print right now) but will wait for suggestions that allow me to print from the arch system & then decide whether to migrate
Last edited by kernelOfTruth (2010-05-12 11:04:38)
Hardcore Linux user since 2004
So, do you see the printer in you list of CUPS-printers? And CUPS returns no errors?
I'm wondering this too. Try adding the printer through the CUPS interface. I was not able to print on my MFC 885CW until I added it manually for whatever reason.
thanks for the advice theapodan !
unfortunately this also didn't help
I've meanwhile packaged (tar-bzipped) the system - so it'll take some time I can reproduce the additional steps since I first will have to tar-bzip/save my Gentoo system & re-extract the Arch system to have access to it
Please keep the tips coming in !
Last edited by kernelOfTruth (2010-05-13 10:22:55)
Hardcore Linux user since 2004
ok guys,
I got it working today:
the steps are (mainly) based on the following sources … art-0.html
0.) unload usblp & make sure it doesn't load (blacklisting didn't help in the past it was loaded anyway)
find . | grep usblp
mkdir bak
mv 2.6.33-ARCH/kernel/drivers/usb/class/usblp.ko bak/
after that do
rmmod usblp
none /proc/bus/usb usbfs auto,busgid=108,busmode=0775,devgid=108,devmode=0664 0 0
mount /proc/bus/usb
1.) tail -f /var/log/messages.log
(separate window to monitor whether printer was recognized and changes that occur)
2.) pacman -Sy deb2targz
3.) deb2targz *.deb
4.) tar xzpf *cupswrapper*.tar.gz && tar xzpf *lpr*.tar.gz
5.) set up aliases in bashrc
nano -w /root/.bashrc
(or in /etc/bash/bashrc)
alias grep="grep --color=auto"
alias rgrep="grep -r --color=auto"
source /root/.bashrc (or source /etc/bash/bashrc)
6.) pacman -S tcsh
rgrep "printcap.local" .
rgrep "/bin/csh" . <-- shouldn't be needed on newer drivers (changing from /bin/csh to /usr/bin/csh)
rgrep "/etc/init.d/" .
the only occurence of printcap.local should be in inf/setupPrintcapij
the only occurence of /etc/init.d should be in cupswrapper/cupswrapper*
sed -i 's|/etc/init.d|/etc/rc.d|' usr/local/Brother/cupswrapper/cupswrapperMFC420CN-1.0.0
in case you're e.g. having a MFC-6490CW
sed -i 's|/etc/init.d|/etc/rc.d|' usr/local/Brother/Printer/mfc6490cw/cupswrapper/cupswrappermfc6490cw
sudo su
cp -rv usr/ /
(you need to fix permissions on a lot of those folders so best would be
su -
chmod -R +rx /usr/local/Brother && exit
(in case you already installed brscan previously do instead)
su -
chmod -R +rx /usr/local/Brother/Printer/ && exit
if it won't print you might need to fix those
fix permissions of /usr/bin/brprintconf*
chmod +rx /usr/bin/brprintconf*
optional 2)
in case of e.g. the HL5240 or the HL2070N
you might need to also fix /usr/lib/libbrcomplp* files
ls -l /usr/lib/
-rwxr-x--- 1 root root 45104 May 26 13:11 /usr/lib/
chmod +rx /usr/lib/
ls -l /usr/lib/
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 45104 May 26 13:11 /usr/lib/
7.) execute cupswrapper in /usr/local/Brother/Printer/cupswrapper/
8.) if you've installed brscanX (2 or 3) previously the permissions won'
t be the right it will be root:scanner instead of root:lp
ls -l /dev/bus/usb/002/007
crw-rw-r-- 1 root scanner 189, 134 May 26 12:38 /dev/bus/usb/002/007
so you need to "fix" them:
shows the exact node - e.g.
Bus 002 Device 007: ID 04f9:01f3 Brother Industries, Ltd
su -
chown root:lp /dev/bus/usb/002/007 && exit
and check whether it was changed
it should show something like:
ls -l /dev/bus/usb/002/007
crw-rw-r-- 1 root lp 189, 134 May 26 12:38 /dev/bus/usb/002/007
interestingly the scanner also works with root:lp permissions
9.) currently I won't bother fixing the udev-rules from root:scanner to root:lp so feel free to do this on your own
Last edited by kernelOfTruth (2010-05-26 11:19:48)
Hardcore Linux user since 2004